blob: ebccb375f198e90838d11ec68c4bd541203bdb64 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_enums.mojom.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_node_data.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/platform/ax_unique_id.h"
#include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
#include "ui/views/accessibility/ax_virtual_view.h"
#include "ui/views/views_export.h"
namespace views {
class View;
// An object that manages the accessibility interface for a View.
// The default accessibility properties of a View is determined by calling
// |View::GetAccessibleNodeData()|, which is overridden by many |View|
// subclasses. |ViewAccessibility| lets you override these for a particular
// view.
// In most cases, subclasses of |ViewAccessibility| own the |AXPlatformNode|
// that implements the native accessibility APIs on a specific platform.
class VIEWS_EXPORT ViewAccessibility {
static std::unique_ptr<ViewAccessibility> Create(View* view);
virtual ~ViewAccessibility();
// Modifies |node_data| to reflect the current accessible state of the
// associated View, taking any custom overrides into account
// (see OverrideRole, etc. below).
virtual void GetAccessibleNodeData(ui::AXNodeData* node_data) const;
// These override accessibility information, including properties returned
// from View::GetAccessibleNodeData().
// Note that string attributes are only used if non-empty, so you can't
// override a string with the empty string.
// Sets one of our virtual descendants as having the accessibility focus. This
// means that if this view has the system focus, it will set the accessibility
// focus to the provided descendant virtual view instead. Set this to nullptr
// if none of our virtual descendants should have the accessibility focus. It
// is illegal to set this to any virtual view that is currently not one of our
// descendants and this is enforced by a DCHECK.
void OverrideFocus(AXVirtualView* virtual_view);
void OverrideRole(const ax::mojom::Role role);
void OverrideName(const std::string& name);
void OverrideName(const base::string16& name);
void OverrideDescription(const std::string& description);
void OverrideDescription(const base::string16& description);
void OverrideIsLeaf(bool value);
void OverrideIsIgnored(bool value);
void OverrideBounds(const gfx::RectF& bounds);
// Override indexes used by some screen readers when describing elements in a
// menu, list, etc. If not specified, a view's index in its parent and its
// parent's number of children provide the values for these.
// Note: |pos_in_set| is 1-indexed.
void OverridePosInSet(int pos_in_set, int set_size);
virtual gfx::NativeViewAccessible GetNativeObject();
virtual void NotifyAccessibilityEvent(ax::mojom::Event event_type) {}
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
virtual void AnnounceText(base::string16& text) {}
virtual const ui::AXUniqueId& GetUniqueId() const;
View* view() const { return view_; }
AXVirtualView* FocusedVirtualChild() const { return focused_virtual_child_; }
bool IsLeaf() const { return is_leaf_; }
bool IsIgnored() const { return is_ignored_; }
// Methods for managing virtual views.
// Adds |virtual_view| as a child of this View, optionally at |index|.
// We take ownership of our virtual children.
void AddVirtualChildView(std::unique_ptr<AXVirtualView> virtual_view);
void AddVirtualChildViewAt(std::unique_ptr<AXVirtualView> virtual_view,
int index);
// Removes |virtual_view| from this View. The virtual view's parent will
// change to nullptr. Hands ownership back to the caller.
std::unique_ptr<AXVirtualView> RemoveVirtualChildView(
AXVirtualView* virtual_view);
// Removes all the virtual children from this View.
// The virtual views are deleted.
void RemoveAllVirtualChildViews();
int virtual_child_count() const {
return static_cast<int>(virtual_children_.size());
AXVirtualView* virtual_child_at(int index) {
return const_cast<AXVirtualView*>(
const_cast<const ViewAccessibility*>(this)->virtual_child_at(index));
const AXVirtualView* virtual_child_at(int index) const {
DCHECK_GE(index, 0);
DCHECK_LT(index, virtual_child_count());
return virtual_children_[index].get();
// Returns true if |virtual_view| is contained within the hierarchy of this
// View, even as an indirect descendant.
bool Contains(const AXVirtualView* virtual_view) const;
// Returns the index of |virtual_view|, or -1 if |virtual_view| is not a child
// of this View.
int GetIndexOf(const AXVirtualView* virtual_view) const;
// Returns the native accessibility object associated with the AXVirtualView
// descendant that is currently focused. If no virtual descendants are
// present, or no virtual descendant has been marked as focused, returns the
// native accessibility object associated with this view.
gfx::NativeViewAccessible GetFocusedDescendant();
explicit ViewAccessibility(View* view);
// Weak. Owns this.
View* const view_;
// If there are any virtual children, they override any real children.
// We own our virtual children.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<AXVirtualView>> virtual_children_;
// The virtual child that is currently focused.
// This is nullptr if no virtual child is focused.
// See also OverrideFocus() and GetFocusedDescendant().
AXVirtualView* focused_virtual_child_;
const ui::AXUniqueId unique_id_;
// Contains data set explicitly via OverrideRole, OverrideName, etc. that
// overrides anything provided by GetAccessibleNodeData().
ui::AXNodeData custom_data_;
// If set to true, anything that is a descendant of this view will be hidden
// from accessibility.
bool is_leaf_;
// When true the view is ignored when generating the AX node hierarchy, but
// its children are included. For example, if you created a custom table with
// the digits 1 - 9 arranged in a 3 x 3 grid, marking the table and rows
// "ignored" would mean that the digits 1 - 9 would appear as if they were
// immediate children of the root. Likewise "internal" container views can be
// ignored, like a Widget's RootView, ClientView, etc.
// Similar to setting the role of an ARIA widget to "none" or
// "presentational".
bool is_ignored_;
} // namespace views