blob: c0ed0fca2eb6bef1e830a6d496b83b150cdcc0e1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "media/audio/audio_util.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
// Number of samples in each audio array.
static const size_t kNumberOfSamples = 4;
namespace media {
TEST(AudioUtilTest, AdjustVolume_u8) {
// Test AdjustVolume() on 8 bit samples.
uint8 samples_u8[kNumberOfSamples] = { 4, 0x40, 0x80, 0xff };
uint8 expected_u8[kNumberOfSamples] = { (4 - 128) / 2 + 128,
(0x40 - 128) / 2 + 128,
(0x80 - 128) / 2 + 128,
(0xff - 128) / 2 + 128 };
bool result_u8 = media::AdjustVolume(samples_u8, sizeof(samples_u8),
1, // channels.
EXPECT_EQ(true, result_u8);
int expected_test = memcmp(samples_u8, expected_u8, sizeof(expected_u8));
EXPECT_EQ(0, expected_test);
TEST(AudioUtilTest, AdjustVolume_s16) {
// Test AdjustVolume() on 16 bit samples.
int16 samples_s16[kNumberOfSamples] = { -4, 0x40, -32768, 123 };
int16 expected_s16[kNumberOfSamples] = { -1, 0x10, -8192, 30 };
bool result_s16 = media::AdjustVolume(samples_s16, sizeof(samples_s16),
2, // channels.
EXPECT_EQ(true, result_s16);
int expected_test = memcmp(samples_s16, expected_s16, sizeof(expected_s16));
EXPECT_EQ(0, expected_test);
TEST(AudioUtilTest, AdjustVolume_s16_zero) {
// Test AdjustVolume() on 16 bit samples.
int16 samples_s16[kNumberOfSamples] = { -4, 0x40, -32768, 123 };
int16 expected_s16[kNumberOfSamples] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
bool result_s16 = media::AdjustVolume(samples_s16, sizeof(samples_s16),
2, // channels.
EXPECT_EQ(true, result_s16);
int expected_test = memcmp(samples_s16, expected_s16, sizeof(expected_s16));
EXPECT_EQ(0, expected_test);
TEST(AudioUtilTest, AdjustVolume_s16_one) {
// Test AdjustVolume() on 16 bit samples.
int16 samples_s16[kNumberOfSamples] = { -4, 0x40, -32768, 123 };
int16 expected_s16[kNumberOfSamples] = { -4, 0x40, -32768, 123 };
bool result_s16 = media::AdjustVolume(samples_s16, sizeof(samples_s16),
2, // channels.
EXPECT_EQ(true, result_s16);
int expected_test = memcmp(samples_s16, expected_s16, sizeof(expected_s16));
EXPECT_EQ(0, expected_test);
TEST(AudioUtilTest, AdjustVolume_s32) {
// Test AdjustVolume() on 32 bit samples.
int32 samples_s32[kNumberOfSamples] = { -4, 0x40, -32768, 123 };
int32 expected_s32[kNumberOfSamples] = { -1, 0x10, -8192, 30 };
bool result_s32 = media::AdjustVolume(samples_s32, sizeof(samples_s32),
4, // channels.
EXPECT_EQ(true, result_s32);
int expected_test = memcmp(samples_s32, expected_s32, sizeof(expected_s32));
EXPECT_EQ(0, expected_test);
TEST(AudioUtilTest, FoldChannels_u8) {
// Test FoldChannels() on 8 bit samples.
uint8 samples_u8[6] = { 130, 100, 150, 70, 130, 170 };
uint8 expected_u8[2] = { static_cast<uint8>((130 - 128) * 0.707 +
(100 - 128) + 128),
static_cast<uint8>((130 - 128) * 0.707 +
(150 - 128) + 128) };
bool result_u8 = media::FoldChannels(samples_u8, sizeof(samples_u8),
6, // channels.
EXPECT_EQ(true, result_u8);
int expected_test = memcmp(samples_u8, expected_u8, sizeof(expected_u8));
EXPECT_EQ(0, expected_test);
TEST(AudioUtilTest, FoldChannels_s16) {
// Test FoldChannels() on 16 bit samples.
int16 samples_s16[6] = { 12, 1, 3, 7, 13, 17 };
int16 expected_s16[2] = { static_cast<int16>(12 * .707 + 1),
static_cast<int16>(12 * .707 + 3) };
bool result_s16 = media::FoldChannels(samples_s16, sizeof(samples_s16),
6, // channels.
EXPECT_EQ(true, result_s16);
int expected_test = memcmp(samples_s16, expected_s16, sizeof(expected_s16));
EXPECT_EQ(0, expected_test);
TEST(AudioUtilTest, FoldChannels_s32) {
// Test FoldChannels() on 32 bit samples.
int32 samples_s32[6] = { 12, 1, 3, 7, 13, 17 };
int32 expected_s32[2] = { static_cast<int16>(12 * .707 + 1),
static_cast<int16>(12 * .707 + 3) };
bool result_s32 = media::FoldChannels(samples_s32, sizeof(samples_s32),
6, // channels.
EXPECT_EQ(true, result_s32);
int expected_test = memcmp(samples_s32, expected_s32, sizeof(expected_s32));
EXPECT_EQ(0, expected_test);
// This mimics 1 second of audio at 48000 samples per second.
// Running the unittest will produce timing.
TEST(AudioUtilTest, DISABLED_FoldChannels_s16_benchmark) {
const int kBufferSize = 1024 * 6;
// Test AdjustVolume() on 16 bit samples.
for (int i = 0; i < 48000; ++i) {
int16 samples_s16[kBufferSize];
for (int j = 0; j < kBufferSize; ++j)
samples_s16[j] = j;
bool result_s16 = media::FoldChannels(samples_s16, sizeof(samples_s16),
6, // channels.
EXPECT_EQ(true, result_s16);
} // namespace media