blob: f7621f3151c768de7069c6b8c83df77e57aa1272 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "components/offline_pages/core/client_id.h"
#include "components/offline_pages/core/offline_page_item.h"
#include "components/offline_pages/core/offline_page_metadata_store.h"
#include "components/offline_pages/core/offline_page_types.h"
#include "components/offline_pages/core/task.h"
class GURL;
namespace offline_pages {
class ClientPolicyController;
// Gets offline pages that match the list of client IDs.
class GetPagesTask : public Task {
// Structure defining and intermediate read result.
struct ReadResult {
ReadResult(const ReadResult& other);
bool success = false;
std::vector<OfflinePageItem> pages;
using DbWorkCallback = OfflinePageMetadataStore::RunCallback<ReadResult>;
// Creates |GetPagesTask| reading all pages from DB.
static std::unique_ptr<GetPagesTask> CreateTaskMatchingAllPages(
OfflinePageMetadataStore* store,
MultipleOfflinePageItemCallback callback);
// Creates |GetPagesTask| reading pages matching provided |client_ids| from
// DB.
static std::unique_ptr<GetPagesTask> CreateTaskMatchingClientIds(
OfflinePageMetadataStore* store,
MultipleOfflinePageItemCallback callback,
const std::vector<ClientId>& client_ids);
// Creates |GetPagesTask| reading pages belonging to provided |name_space|
// from DB.
static std::unique_ptr<GetPagesTask> CreateTaskMatchingNamespace(
OfflinePageMetadataStore* store,
MultipleOfflinePageItemCallback callback,
const std::string& name_space);
// Creates |GetPagesTask| reading pages removed on cache reset from DB.
static std::unique_ptr<GetPagesTask>
OfflinePageMetadataStore* store,
MultipleOfflinePageItemCallback callback,
ClientPolicyController* policy_controller);
// Creates |GetPagesTask| reading pages in namespaces supported by downloads
// from DB.
static std::unique_ptr<GetPagesTask>
OfflinePageMetadataStore* store,
MultipleOfflinePageItemCallback callback,
ClientPolicyController* policy_controller);
// Creates |GetPagesTask| reading pages matching provided |request_origin|
// from DB.
static std::unique_ptr<GetPagesTask> CreateTaskMatchingRequestOrigin(
OfflinePageMetadataStore* store,
MultipleOfflinePageItemCallback callback,
const std::string& request_origin);
// Creates |GetPagesTask| reading pages matching provided |url| from DB.
// The url will be matched against original URL and final URL. Fragments will
// be removed from all URLs prior to matching. Only a match on a single field
// is necessary.
static std::unique_ptr<GetPagesTask> CreateTaskMatchingUrl(
OfflinePageMetadataStore* store,
MultipleOfflinePageItemCallback callback,
const GURL& url);
// Creates |GetPagesTask| reading a single page matching provided |offline_id|
// from DB.
static std::unique_ptr<GetPagesTask> CreateTaskMatchingOfflineId(
OfflinePageMetadataStore* store,
SingleOfflinePageItemCallback callback,
int64_t offline_id);
// Creates |GetPagesTask| reading a single page matching provided |guid| from
// DB.
static std::unique_ptr<GetPagesTask> CreateTaskMatchingGuid(
OfflinePageMetadataStore* store,
SingleOfflinePageItemCallback callback,
const std::string& guid);
// Creates |GetPagesTask| reading a single page matching provided |file_size|
// and |digest| from DB.
static std::unique_ptr<GetPagesTask> CreateTaskMatchingSizeAndDigest(
OfflinePageMetadataStore* store,
SingleOfflinePageItemCallback callback,
int64_t file_size,
const std::string& digest);
// Creates |GetPagesTask| selecting persistent items having a non-zero
// remaining upgrade attempts.
// Order of items is determined by number of remaining attempts (descending)
// and creation time (descending).
static std::unique_ptr<GetPagesTask> CreateTaskSelectingItemsMarkedForUpgrade(
OfflinePageMetadataStore* store,
MultipleOfflinePageItemCallback callback);
~GetPagesTask() override;
// Task implementation:
void Run() override;
GetPagesTask(OfflinePageMetadataStore* store,
DbWorkCallback db_work_callback,
MultipleOfflinePageItemCallback callback);
void ReadRequests();
void CompleteWithResult(ReadResult result);
OfflinePageMetadataStore* store_;
DbWorkCallback db_work_callback_;
MultipleOfflinePageItemCallback callback_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<GetPagesTask> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace offline_pages