blob: a538d2ef19f98d6e8701f2deb6568c9d8f266265 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/scoped_observer.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "components/history/core/browser/history_types.h"
#include "components/history/core/browser/top_sites_observer.h"
#include "components/ntp_tiles/ntp_tile.h"
#include "components/ntp_tiles/popular_sites.h"
#include "components/suggestions/proto/suggestions.pb.h"
#include "components/suggestions/suggestions_service.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace history {
class TopSites;
namespace user_prefs {
class PrefRegistrySyncable;
class PrefService;
namespace ntp_tiles {
class IconCacher;
// Shim interface for SupervisedUserService.
class MostVisitedSitesSupervisor {
struct Whitelist {
base::string16 title;
GURL entry_point;
base::FilePath large_icon_path;
class Observer {
virtual void OnBlockedSitesChanged() = 0;
~Observer() {}
virtual ~MostVisitedSitesSupervisor() {}
// Pass non-null to set observer, or null to remove observer.
// If setting observer, there must not yet be an observer set.
// If removing observer, there must already be one to remove.
// Does not take ownership. Observer must outlive this object.
virtual void SetObserver(Observer* new_observer) = 0;
// If true, |url| should not be shown on the NTP.
virtual bool IsBlocked(const GURL& url) = 0;
// Explicitly-specified sites to show on NTP.
virtual std::vector<Whitelist> whitelists() = 0;
// If true, be conservative about suggesting sites from outside sources.
virtual bool IsChildProfile() = 0;
// Tracks the list of most visited sites and their thumbnails.
class MostVisitedSites : public history::TopSitesObserver,
public MostVisitedSitesSupervisor::Observer {
// The observer to be notified when the list of most visited sites changes.
class Observer {
virtual void OnMostVisitedURLsAvailable(const NTPTilesVector& tiles) = 0;
virtual void OnIconMadeAvailable(const GURL& site_url) = 0;
virtual ~Observer() {}
// Construct a MostVisitedSites instance.
// |prefs| and |suggestions| are required and may not be null. |top_sites|,
// |popular_sites|, and |supervisor| are optional and if null the associated
// features will be disabled.
MostVisitedSites(PrefService* prefs,
scoped_refptr<history::TopSites> top_sites,
suggestions::SuggestionsService* suggestions,
std::unique_ptr<PopularSites> popular_sites,
std::unique_ptr<IconCacher> icon_cacher,
std::unique_ptr<MostVisitedSitesSupervisor> supervisor);
~MostVisitedSites() override;
// Sets the observer, and immediately fetches the current suggestions.
// Does not take ownership of |observer|, which must outlive this object and
// must not be null.
void SetMostVisitedURLsObserver(Observer* observer, int num_sites);
// Requests an asynchronous refresh of the suggestions. Notifies the observer
// once the request completes.
void Refresh();
void AddOrRemoveBlacklistedUrl(const GURL& url, bool add_url);
void ClearBlacklistedUrls();
// MostVisitedSitesSupervisor::Observer implementation.
void OnBlockedSitesChanged() override;
static void RegisterProfilePrefs(user_prefs::PrefRegistrySyncable* registry);
// Workhorse for SaveNewTiles. Implemented as a separate static and public
// method for ease of testing.
static NTPTilesVector MergeTiles(NTPTilesVector personal_tiles,
NTPTilesVector whitelist_tiles,
NTPTilesVector popular_tiles);
void BuildCurrentTiles();
// Initialize the query to Top Sites. Called if the SuggestionsService
// returned no data.
void InitiateTopSitesQuery();
// If there's a whitelist entry point for the URL, return the large icon path.
base::FilePath GetWhitelistLargeIconPath(const GURL& url);
// Callback for when data is available from TopSites.
void OnMostVisitedURLsAvailable(
const history::MostVisitedURLList& visited_list);
// Callback for when data is available from the SuggestionsService.
void OnSuggestionsProfileAvailable(
const suggestions::SuggestionsProfile& suggestions_profile);
// Takes the personal suggestions and creates whitelist entry point
// suggestions if necessary.
NTPTilesVector CreateWhitelistEntryPointTiles(
const NTPTilesVector& personal_tiles);
// Takes the personal and whitelist tiles and creates popular tiles if
// necessary.
NTPTilesVector CreatePopularSitesTiles(const NTPTilesVector& personal_tiles,
const NTPTilesVector& whitelist_tiles);
// Takes the personal tiles, creates and merges in whitelist and popular tiles
// if appropriate, and saves the new tiles.
void SaveNewTiles(NTPTilesVector personal_tiles);
// Notifies the observer about the availability of tiles.
// Also records impressions UMA if not done already.
void NotifyMostVisitedURLsObserver();
void OnPopularSitesDownloaded(bool success);
void OnIconMadeAvailable(const GURL& site_url, bool newly_available);
// history::TopSitesObserver implementation.
void TopSitesLoaded(history::TopSites* top_sites) override;
void TopSitesChanged(history::TopSites* top_sites,
ChangeReason change_reason) override;
PrefService* prefs_;
scoped_refptr<history::TopSites> top_sites_;
suggestions::SuggestionsService* suggestions_service_;
std::unique_ptr<PopularSites> const popular_sites_;
std::unique_ptr<IconCacher> const icon_cacher_;
std::unique_ptr<MostVisitedSitesSupervisor> supervisor_;
Observer* observer_;
// The maximum number of most visited sites to return.
int num_sites_;
ScopedObserver<history::TopSites, history::TopSitesObserver>
// The main source of personal tiles - either TOP_SITES or SUGGESTIONS_SEVICE.
NTPTileSource mv_source_;
NTPTilesVector current_tiles_;
// For callbacks may be run after destruction, used exclusively for TopSites
// (since it's used to detect whether there's a query in flight).
base::WeakPtrFactory<MostVisitedSites> top_sites_weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace ntp_tiles