blob: c99c2dd9c6dadc183dfb69a4c54cc6b1d12715c0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "components/test_runner/test_runner_export.h"
namespace blink {
class WebAudioDevice;
class WebFrameClient;
class WebMediaStreamCenter;
class WebMediaStreamCenterClient;
class WebMIDIAccessor;
class WebMIDIAccessorClient;
class WebRTCPeerConnectionHandler;
class WebRTCPeerConnectionHandlerClient;
class WebThemeEngine;
class WebURL;
class WebView;
namespace test_runner {
class TestInterfaces;
class WebFrameTestClient;
class WebFrameTestProxyBase;
class WebTestDelegate;
class WebViewTestProxyBase;
class WebWidgetTestProxyBase;
class WebTestRunner;
class WebViewTestClient;
class WebWidgetTestClient;
class TEST_RUNNER_EXPORT WebTestInterfaces {
void SetMainView(blink::WebView* web_view);
void SetDelegate(WebTestDelegate* delegate);
void ResetAll();
void SetTestIsRunning(bool running);
void ConfigureForTestWithURL(const blink::WebURL& test_url,
bool generate_pixels);
WebTestRunner* TestRunner();
blink::WebThemeEngine* ThemeEngine();
blink::WebMediaStreamCenter* CreateMediaStreamCenter(
blink::WebMediaStreamCenterClient* client);
blink::WebRTCPeerConnectionHandler* CreateWebRTCPeerConnectionHandler(
blink::WebRTCPeerConnectionHandlerClient* client);
blink::WebMIDIAccessor* CreateMIDIAccessor(
blink::WebMIDIAccessorClient* client);
blink::WebAudioDevice* CreateAudioDevice(double sample_rate);
TestInterfaces* GetTestInterfaces();
// Creates a WebFrameClient implementation providing test behavior (i.e.
// forwarding javascript console output to the test harness). The caller
// should guarantee that the returned object won't be used beyond the lifetime
// of WebTestInterfaces and/or the lifetime of |web_view_test_proxy_base|.
std::unique_ptr<WebFrameTestClient> CreateWebFrameTestClient(
WebViewTestProxyBase* web_view_test_proxy_base,
WebFrameTestProxyBase* web_frame_test_proxy_base);
// Creates a WebViewClient implementation providing test behavior (i.e.
// providing a mocked speech recognizer). The caller should guarantee that
// the returned pointer won't be used beyond the lifetime of WebTestInterfaces
// and/or the lifetime of |web_view_test_proxy_base|.
std::unique_ptr<WebViewTestClient> CreateWebViewTestClient(
WebViewTestProxyBase* web_view_test_proxy_base);
// Creates a WebWidgetClient implementation providing test behavior (i.e.
// providing a mocked screen orientation). The caller should guarantee that
// the returned pointer won't be used beyond the lifetime of WebTestInterfaces
// and/or the lifetime of |web_widget_test_proxy_base|.
std::unique_ptr<WebWidgetTestClient> CreateWebWidgetTestClient(
WebWidgetTestProxyBase* web_widget_test_proxy_base);
// Gets a list of currently opened windows created by the current test.
std::vector<blink::WebView*> GetWindowList();
std::unique_ptr<TestInterfaces> interfaces_;
} // namespace test_runner