blob: f1080fc2704cbd94a8a4510e71936e030e83d866 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <ostream>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/network_service.mojom.h"
class GURL;
namespace url {
class Origin;
namespace content {
// An class that builds GURL->bool predicates to filter browsing data.
// These filters can be of two modes - a whitelist or a blacklist. The filter
// entries can be origins or registrable domains.
// This class defines interface to build filters for various kinds of browsing
// data. |BuildGeneralFilter()| is useful for most browsing data storage
// backends, but some backends, such as website settings and cookies, use
// other formats of filter.
class CONTENT_EXPORT BrowsingDataFilterBuilder {
enum Mode {
// This means that only the origins given will be deleted.
// Everyone EXCEPT the origins given will be deleted.
// Constructs a filter with the given |mode| - whitelist or blacklist.
static std::unique_ptr<BrowsingDataFilterBuilder> Create(Mode mode);
virtual ~BrowsingDataFilterBuilder() = default;
// Adds an origin to the filter. Note that this makes it impossible to
// create cookie, channel ID, or plugin filters, as those datatypes are
// scoped more broadly than an origin.
virtual void AddOrigin(const url::Origin& origin) = 0;
// Adds a registrable domain (e.g., an internal hostname
// (e.g. localhost), or an IP address (e.g. Other domains, such
// as third and lower level domains (e.g. are not accepted.
// Formally, it must hold that GetDomainAndRegistry(|registrable_domain|, _)
// is |registrable_domain| itself or an empty string for this method
// to accept it.
virtual void AddRegisterableDomain(const std::string& registrable_domain) = 0;
// Returns true if we're an empty blacklist, where we delete everything.
virtual bool IsEmptyBlacklist() = 0;
// Builds a filter that matches URLs that are in the whitelist,
// or aren't in the blacklist.
virtual base::RepeatingCallback<bool(const GURL&)> BuildGeneralFilter() = 0;
// Builds a filter that can be used with the network service. This uses a Mojo
// struct rather than a predicate function (as used by the rest of the filters
// built by this class) because we need to be able to pass the filter to the
// network service via IPC. Returns nullptr if |IsEmptyBlacklist()| is true.
virtual network::mojom::ClearDataFilterPtr BuildNetworkServiceFilter() = 0;
// Builds a CookieDeletionInfo object that matches cookies whose sources are
// in the whitelist, or aren't in the blacklist.
virtual network::mojom::CookieDeletionFilterPtr
BuildCookieDeletionFilter() = 0;
// Builds a filter that matches the |site| of a plugin.
virtual base::RepeatingCallback<bool(const std::string& site)>
BuildPluginFilter() = 0;
// A convenience method to produce an empty blacklist, a filter that matches
// everything.
static base::RepeatingCallback<bool(const GURL&)> BuildNoopFilter();
// The mode of the filter.
virtual Mode GetMode() = 0;
// Create a new filter builder with the same set of origins, set of domains,
// and mode.
virtual std::unique_ptr<BrowsingDataFilterBuilder> Copy() = 0;
// Comparison.
virtual bool operator==(const BrowsingDataFilterBuilder& other) = 0;
} // namespace content