blob: d55b1076ee14dc8084e947631f79271a0d583fd4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "net/cert/x509_certificate.h"
namespace content {
// The SSLHostStateDelegate encapulates the host-specific state for SSL errors.
// For example, SSLHostStateDelegate remembers whether the user has whitelisted
// a particular broken cert for use with particular host. We separate this
// state from the SSLManager because this state is shared across many navigation
// controllers.
// SSLHostStateDelegate may be implemented by the embedder to provide a storage
// strategy for certificate decisions or it may be left unimplemented to use a
// default strategy of not remembering decisions at all.
class SSLHostStateDelegate {
// The judgements that can be reached by a user for invalid certificates.
enum CertJudgment {
// The types of nonsecure subresources that this class keeps track of.
enum InsecureContentType {
// A MIXED subresource was loaded over HTTP on an HTTPS page.
// A CERT_ERRORS subresource was loaded over HTTPS with certificate
// errors on an HTTPS page.
// Records that |cert| is permitted to be used for |host| in the future, for
// a specified |error| type.
virtual void AllowCert(const std::string&,
const net::X509Certificate& cert,
int error) = 0;
// Clear allow preferences matched by |host_filter|. If the filter is null,
// clear all preferences.
virtual void Clear(
base::RepeatingCallback<bool(const std::string&)> host_filter) = 0;
// Queries whether |cert| is allowed for |host| and |error|. Returns true in
virtual CertJudgment QueryPolicy(const std::string& host,
const net::X509Certificate& cert,
int error) = 0;
// Records that a host has run insecure content of the given |content_type|.
virtual void HostRanInsecureContent(const std::string& host,
int child_id,
InsecureContentType content_type) = 0;
// Returns whether the specified host ran insecure content of the given
// |content_type|.
virtual bool DidHostRunInsecureContent(const std::string& host,
int child_id,
InsecureContentType content_type) = 0;
// Revokes all SSL certificate error allow exceptions made by the user for
// |host|.
virtual void RevokeUserAllowExceptions(const std::string& host) = 0;
// Returns whether the user has allowed a certificate error exception for
// |host|. This does not mean that *all* certificate errors are allowed, just
// that there exists an exception. To see if a particular certificate and
// error combination exception is allowed, use QueryPolicy().
virtual bool HasAllowException(const std::string& host) = 0;
virtual ~SSLHostStateDelegate() {}
} // namespace content