blob: 17f4d9633f0e141f84c0dfe130de02982e79dead [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
declare_args() {
# Compile for Address Sanitizer to find memory bugs.
is_asan = false
# Compile for Leak Sanitizer to find leaks.
is_lsan = false
# Compile for Memory Sanitizer to find uninitialized reads.
is_msan = false
# Compile for Thread Sanitizer to find threading bugs.
is_tsan = false
# Compile for Undefined Behaviour Sanitizer to find various types of
# undefined behaviour (excludes vptr checks).
is_ubsan = false
# Halt the program if a problem is detected.
is_ubsan_no_recover = false
# Compile for Undefined Behaviour Sanitizer's null pointer checks.
is_ubsan_null = false
# Compile for Undefined Behaviour Sanitizer's vptr checks.
is_ubsan_vptr = false
# Track where uninitialized memory originates from. From fastest to slowest:
# 0 - no tracking, 1 - track only the initial allocation site, 2 - track the
# chain of stores leading from allocation site to use site.
msan_track_origins = 2
# Use dynamic libraries instrumented by one of the sanitizers instead of the
# standard system libraries. Set this flag to download prebuilt binaries from
# GCS.
use_prebuilt_instrumented_libraries = false
# Use dynamic libraries instrumented by one of the sanitizers instead of the
# standard system libraries. Set this flag to build the libraries from source.
use_locally_built_instrumented_libraries = false
# Enable building with SyzyAsan which can find certain types of memory
# errors. Only works on Windows. See
is_syzyasan = false
# Compile with Control Flow Integrity to protect virtual calls and casts.
# See
# TODO(pcc): Remove this flag if/when CFI is enabled in all official builds.
is_cfi = target_os == "linux" && !is_chromeos && target_cpu == "x64" &&
is_official_build && allow_posix_link_time_opt
# Enable checks for bad casts: derived cast and unrelated cast.
# TODO(krasin): remove this, when we're ready to add these checks by default.
use_cfi_cast = false
# Enable checks for indirect function calls via a function pointer.
# TODO(pcc): remove this when we're ready to add these checks by default.
use_cfi_icall = false
# By default, Control Flow Integrity will crash the program if it detects a
# violation. Set this to true to print detailed diagnostics instead.
use_cfi_diag = false
# Compile for fuzzing with LLVM LibFuzzer.
# See
use_libfuzzer = false
# Compile for fuzzing with AFL.
use_afl = false
# Enables core ubsan security features. Will later be removed once it matches
# is_ubsan.
is_ubsan_security = false
# Compile for fuzzing with Dr. Fuzz
# See
use_drfuzz = false
# Helper variable for testing builds with disabled libfuzzer.
# Not for client use.
disable_libfuzzer = false
# Value for -fsanitize-coverage flag. Setting this causes
# use_sanitizer_coverage to be enabled.
# Default value when unset and use_afl=true or use_libfuzzer=true:
# trace-pc-guard
# Default value when unset and use_sanitizer_coverage=true:
# trace-pc-guard,indirect-calls
sanitizer_coverage_flags = ""
# Keep symbol level when building with sanitizers. When sanitizers are
# enabled, the default is to compile with the minimum debug info level
# necessary, overriding any other symbol level arguments that may be set.
# Setting this to true prevents this.
sanitizer_keep_symbols = false
# Disable sanitizers for non-default toolchains.
if (current_toolchain != default_toolchain) {
is_asan = false
is_cfi = false
is_lsan = false
is_msan = false
is_syzyasan = false
is_tsan = false
is_ubsan = false
is_ubsan_null = false
is_ubsan_no_recover = false
is_ubsan_security = false
is_ubsan_vptr = false
msan_track_origins = 0
sanitizer_coverage_flags = ""
use_afl = false
use_cfi_diag = false
use_custom_libcxx = false
use_drfuzz = false
use_libfuzzer = false
use_prebuilt_instrumented_libraries = false
use_locally_built_instrumented_libraries = false
use_sanitizer_coverage = false
# Args that are in turn dependent on other args must be in a separate
# declare_args block. User overrides are only applied at the end of a
# declare_args block.
declare_args() {
# Use libc++ (buildtools/third_party/libc++ and
# buildtools/third_party/libc++abi) instead of stdlibc++ as standard library.
# This is intended to be used for instrumented builds.
use_custom_libcxx =
(is_asan && is_linux && !is_chromeos) || is_tsan || is_msan || is_ubsan ||
is_ubsan_security || use_libfuzzer || use_afl
# Enable -fsanitize-coverage.
use_sanitizer_coverage =
use_libfuzzer || use_afl || sanitizer_coverage_flags != ""
# Detect overflow/underflow for global objects.
# Mac:
asan_globals = !is_mac
if ((use_afl || use_libfuzzer) && sanitizer_coverage_flags == "") {
sanitizer_coverage_flags = "trace-pc-guard"
} else if (use_sanitizer_coverage && sanitizer_coverage_flags == "") {
sanitizer_coverage_flags = "trace-pc-guard,indirect-calls"
using_sanitizer =
is_asan || is_lsan || is_tsan || is_msan || is_ubsan || is_ubsan_null ||
is_ubsan_vptr || is_ubsan_security || use_sanitizer_coverage
assert(!using_sanitizer || is_clang,
"Sanitizers (is_*san) require setting is_clang = true in 'gn args'")
prebuilt_instrumented_libraries_available =
is_msan && (msan_track_origins == 0 || msan_track_origins == 2)
if (use_libfuzzer && is_linux) {
if (is_asan) {
# We do leak checking with libFuzzer on Linux. Set is_lsan for code that
# relies on LEAK_SANITIZER define to avoid false positives.
is_lsan = true
if (is_msan) {
use_prebuilt_instrumented_libraries = true
# MSan only links Chrome properly in release builds (brettw -- 9/1/2015). The
# same is possibly true for the other non-ASan sanitizers. But regardless of
# whether it links, one would normally never run a sanitizer in debug mode.
# Running in debug mode probably indicates you forgot to set the "is_debug =
# false" flag in the build args. ASan seems to run fine in debug mode.
# If you find a use-case where you want to compile a sanitizer in debug mode
# and have verified it works, ask brettw and we can consider removing it from
# this condition. We may also be able to find another way to enable your case
# without having people accidentally get broken builds by compiling an
# unsupported or unadvisable configurations.
# For one-off testing, just comment this assertion out.
assert(!is_debug || !(is_msan || is_ubsan || is_ubsan_null || is_ubsan_vptr),
"Sanitizers should generally be used in release (set is_debug=false).")
assert(!is_msan || (is_linux && current_cpu == "x64"),
"MSan currently only works on 64-bit Linux and ChromeOS builds.")
# ASAN build on Windows is not working in debug mode. Intercepting memory
# allocation functions is hard on Windows and not yet implemented in LLVM.
assert(!is_win || !is_debug || !is_asan,
"ASan on Windows doesn't work in debug (set is_debug=false).")