blob: ef5ecc70f5fa5756bb978eb4700216d028031991 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "components/bookmarks/browser/bookmark_model_observer.h"
#include "components/bookmarks/browser/bookmark_node.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace syncer {
class UniquePosition;
namespace sync_bookmarks {
class SyncedBookmarkTracker;
// Class for listening to local changes in the bookmark model and updating
// metadata in SyncedBookmarkTracker, such that ultimately the processor exposes
// those local changes to the sync engine.
class BookmarkModelObserverImpl : public bookmarks::BookmarkModelObserver {
// |bookmark_tracker_| must not be null and must outlive this object.
const base::RepeatingClosure& nudge_for_commit_closure,
SyncedBookmarkTracker* bookmark_tracker);
~BookmarkModelObserverImpl() override;
// BookmarkModelObserver:
void BookmarkModelLoaded(bookmarks::BookmarkModel* model,
bool ids_reassigned) override;
void BookmarkModelBeingDeleted(bookmarks::BookmarkModel* model) override;
void BookmarkNodeMoved(bookmarks::BookmarkModel* model,
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* old_parent,
int old_index,
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* new_parent,
int new_index) override;
void BookmarkNodeAdded(bookmarks::BookmarkModel* model,
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* parent,
int index) override;
void OnWillRemoveBookmarks(bookmarks::BookmarkModel* model,
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* parent,
int old_index,
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* node) override;
void BookmarkNodeRemoved(bookmarks::BookmarkModel* model,
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* parent,
int old_index,
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* node,
const std::set<GURL>& removed_urls) override;
void BookmarkAllUserNodesRemoved(bookmarks::BookmarkModel* model,
const std::set<GURL>& removed_urls) override;
void BookmarkNodeChanged(bookmarks::BookmarkModel* model,
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* node) override;
void BookmarkMetaInfoChanged(bookmarks::BookmarkModel* model,
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* node) override;
void BookmarkNodeFaviconChanged(bookmarks::BookmarkModel* model,
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* node) override;
void BookmarkNodeChildrenReordered(
bookmarks::BookmarkModel* model,
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* node) override;
syncer::UniquePosition ComputePosition(const bookmarks::BookmarkNode& parent,
int index,
const std::string& sync_id);
// Processes the deletion of a bookmake node and updates the
// |bookmark_tracker_| accordingly. If |node| is a bookmark, it gets marked
// as deleted and that it requires a commit. If it's a folder, it recurses
// over all children before processing the folder itself.
void ProcessDelete(const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* parent,
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* node);
// Points to the tracker owned by the processor. It keeps the mapping between
// bookmark nodes and corresponding sync server entities.
SyncedBookmarkTracker* const bookmark_tracker_;
// The callback used to inform the sync engine that there are local changes to
// be committed.
const base::RepeatingClosure nudge_for_commit_closure_;
} // namespace sync_bookmarks