blob: 4059e4685acbaaebe5fb86267dced1f98dbf1497 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "components/mirroring/service/interface.h"
#include "content/public/browser/desktop_media_id.h"
namespace mirroring {
// CastMirroringServiceHost starts/stops a mirroring session through Mirroring
// Service, and provides the resources to the Mirroring Service as requested.
// TODO(xjz): Implements the mojo interface and adds the implementation to
// connect to Mirroring Service.
class CastMirroringServiceHost final : public ResourceProvider {
explicit CastMirroringServiceHost(content::DesktopMediaID source_media_id);
~CastMirroringServiceHost() override;
// Connect to Mirroring Service to start a mirroring session.
// TODO(xjz): Add mojom::CastMessageChannelRequest argument for inbound
// message handling.
void Start(int32_t session_id,
const CastSinkInfo& sink_info,
CastMessageChannel* outbound_channel,
SessionObserver* observer);
// TODO(xjz): Add interfaces to get the streaming events/stats and mirroring
// logs.
// ResourceProvider implementation.
void GetVideoCaptureHost(
media::mojom::VideoCaptureHostRequest request) override;
void GetNetworkContext(
network::mojom::NetworkContextRequest request) override;
void CreateAudioStream(AudioStreamCreatorClient* client,
const media::AudioParameters& params,
uint32_t total_segments) override;
void ConnectToRemotingSource(
media::mojom::RemoterPtr remoter,
media::mojom::RemotingSourceRequest request) override;
// Describes the media source for this mirroring session.
const content::DesktopMediaID source_media_id_;
} // namespace mirroring