blob: 1f35ec5899b5f198125f42ee91a888e78977f83a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef WebFrameScheduler_h
#define WebFrameScheduler_h
#include "platform/wtf/RefPtr.h"
#include "public/platform/TaskType.h"
#include <memory>
namespace blink {
class WebTaskRunner;
class WebViewScheduler;
class WebFrameScheduler {
virtual ~WebFrameScheduler() {}
// Observer type that regulates conditions to invoke callbacks.
enum class ObserverType { kLoader };
// Represents throttling state.
enum class ThrottlingState {
// Represents the type of frame: main (top-level) vs not.
enum class FrameType {
class ActiveConnectionHandle {
ActiveConnectionHandle() {}
virtual ~ActiveConnectionHandle() {}
// Observer interface to receive scheduling policy change events.
class Observer {
// Notified when throttling state is changed.
virtual void OnThrottlingStateChanged(ThrottlingState) = 0;
// Adds an Observer instance to be notified on scheduling policy changed.
// When an Observer is added, the initial state will be notified synchronously
// through the Observer interface.
virtual void AddThrottlingObserver(ObserverType, Observer*) = 0;
// Removes an Observer instance.
virtual void RemoveThrottlingObserver(ObserverType, Observer*) = 0;
// The scheduler may throttle tasks associated with offscreen frames.
virtual void SetFrameVisible(bool) = 0;
virtual bool IsFrameVisible() const = 0;
// Tells the scheduler that the page this frame belongs to is not visible.
// The scheduler may throttle tasks associated with pages that are not
// visible.
virtual void SetPageVisible(bool) = 0;
virtual bool IsPageVisible() const = 0;
// Set whether this frame is suspended. Only unthrottledTaskRunner tasks are
// allowed to run on a suspended frame.
virtual void SetPaused(bool) = 0;
// Notifies observers of transitioning to and from STOPPED state in
// background.
virtual void SetPageStopped(bool) {}
// Set whether this frame is cross origin w.r.t. the top level frame. Cross
// origin frames may use a different scheduling policy from same origin
// frames.
virtual void SetCrossOrigin(bool) = 0;
virtual bool IsCrossOrigin() const = 0;
// Returns the frame type, which currently determines whether this frame is
// the top level frame, i.e. a main frame.
virtual FrameType GetFrameType() const = 0;
// The tasks runners below are listed in increasing QoS order.
// - throttleable task queue. Designed for custom user-provided javascript
// tasks. Lowest guarantees. Can be paused, blocked during user gesture,
// throttled when backgrounded or stopped completely after some time in
// background.
// - deferrable task queue. These tasks can be deferred for a small period
// (several seconds) when high-priority work is anticipated. These tasks
// can be paused.
// - pausable task queue. Default queue for high-priority javascript tasks.
// They can be paused according to the spec during javascript alert
// dialogs, printing windows and devtools debugging. Otherwise scheduler
// does not tamper with their execution.
// - unpausable task queue. Should be used for control tasks which should
// run when the context is paused. Usage should be extremely rare.
// Please consult scheduler-dev@ before using it. Running javascript
// on it is strictly verboten and can lead to hard-to-diagnose errors.
// These queues below are separate due to special handling for their
// priorities.
// - loading task queue. Similar to deferrable task queue. Throttling might
// be considered in the future.
// - loading control task queue. Loading task queue with increased priority
// to run small loading tasks which schedule other loading tasks.
// Note: old-style timer task runner corresponds to throttleable task runner
// and unthrottled task runner corresponds to pausable task runner.
// Returns a WebTaskRunner that is suitable with the given task type.
virtual RefPtr<WebTaskRunner> GetTaskRunner(TaskType) = 0;
// Returns the parent WebViewScheduler.
virtual WebViewScheduler* GetWebViewScheduler() = 0;
// Tells the scheduler a resource load has started. The scheduler may make
// policy decisions based on this.
virtual void DidStartLoading(unsigned long identifier) = 0;
// Tells the scheduler a resource load has stopped. The scheduler may make
// policy decisions based on this.
virtual void DidStopLoading(unsigned long identifier) = 0;
// Tells the scheduler that a history navigation is expected soon, virtual
// time may be paused. Must be called from the main thread.
virtual void WillNavigateBackForwardSoon() = 0;
// Tells the scheduler that a provisional load has started, virtual time may
// be paused. Must be called from the main thread.
virtual void DidStartProvisionalLoad(bool is_main_frame) = 0;
// Tells the scheduler that a provisional load has failed, virtual time may be
// unpaused. Must be called from the main thread.
virtual void DidFailProvisionalLoad() = 0;
// Tells the scheduler that a provisional load has committed, virtual time ma
// be unpaused. In addition the scheduler may reset the task cost estimators
// and the UserModel. Must be called from the main thread.
virtual void DidCommitProvisionalLoad(bool is_web_history_inert_commit,
bool is_reload,
bool is_main_frame) = 0;
// Tells the scheduler if we are parsing a document on another thread. This
// tells the scheduler not to advance virtual time if it's using the
virtual void SetDocumentParsingInBackground(
bool background_parsing_enabled) = 0;
// Tells the scheduler that the first meaningful paint has occured for this
// frame.
virtual void OnFirstMeaningfulPaint() = 0;
// Notifies scheduler that this frame has established an active real time
// connection (websocket, webrtc, etc). When connection is closed this handle
// must be destroyed.
virtual std::unique_ptr<ActiveConnectionHandle>
OnActiveConnectionCreated() = 0;
// Returns true if this frame is should not throttled (e.g. because of audio
// or an active connection).
virtual bool IsExemptFromThrottling() const = 0;
} // namespace blink
#endif // WebFrameScheduler_h