blob: 0d2625803b5fc58a171885096d7cff8da266408f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/common/service_worker/service_worker_types.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/origin_trials/trial_token_validator.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/service_worker/service_worker_status_code.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/mojom/web_feature/web_feature.mojom.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
#include "url/origin.h"
namespace base {
class Location;
namespace leveldb {
class DB;
class Env;
class Status;
class WriteBatch;
} // namespace leveldb
namespace content {
// Class to persist serviceworker registration data in a database.
// Should NOT be used on the IO thread since this does blocking
// file io. The ServiceWorkerStorage class owns this class and
// is responsible for only calling it serially on background
// non-IO threads (ala SequencedWorkerPool).
class CONTENT_EXPORT ServiceWorkerDatabase {
// We do leveldb stuff in |path| or in memory if |path| is empty.
explicit ServiceWorkerDatabase(const base::FilePath& path);
// Used in UMA. A new value must be appended only.
enum Status {
static const char* StatusToString(Status status);
struct CONTENT_EXPORT RegistrationData {
// These values are immutable for the life of a registration.
int64_t registration_id;
GURL scope;
// Versions are first stored once they successfully install and become
// the waiting version. Then transition to the active version. The stored
// version may be in the ACTIVATED state or in the INSTALLED state.
GURL script;
blink::mojom::ScriptType script_type;
blink::mojom::ServiceWorkerUpdateViaCache update_via_cache;
int64_t version_id;
bool is_active;
bool has_fetch_handler;
base::Time last_update_check;
base::Time script_response_time;
blink::mojom::NavigationPreloadState navigation_preload_state;
std::set<blink::mojom::WebFeature> used_features;
// Not populated until ServiceWorkerStorage::StoreRegistration is called.
int64_t resources_total_size_bytes;
RegistrationData(const RegistrationData& other);
struct ResourceRecord {
int64_t resource_id;
GURL url;
// Signed so we can store -1 to specify an unknown or error state. When
// stored to the database, this value should always be >= 0.
int64_t size_bytes;
ResourceRecord() : resource_id(-1), size_bytes(0) {}
ResourceRecord(int64_t id, GURL url, int64_t size_bytes)
: resource_id(id), url(url), size_bytes(size_bytes) {}
// Reads next available ids from the database. Returns OK if they are
// successfully read. Fills the arguments with an initial value and returns
// OK if they are not found in the database. Otherwise, returns an error.
Status GetNextAvailableIds(int64_t* next_avail_registration_id,
int64_t* next_avail_version_id,
int64_t* next_avail_resource_id);
// Reads origins that have one or more than one registration from the
// database. Returns OK if they are successfully read or not found.
// Otherwise, returns an error.
Status GetOriginsWithRegistrations(std::set<GURL>* origins);
// Reads registrations for |origin| from the database. Returns OK if they are
// successfully read or not found. Otherwise, returns an error.
Status GetRegistrationsForOrigin(
const GURL& origin,
std::vector<RegistrationData>* registrations,
std::vector<std::vector<ResourceRecord>>* opt_resources_list);
// Reads all registrations from the database. Returns OK if successfully read
// or not found. Otherwise, returns an error.
Status GetAllRegistrations(std::vector<RegistrationData>* registrations);
// Saving, retrieving, and updating registration data.
// (will bump next_avail_xxxx_ids as needed)
// (resource ids will be added/removed from the uncommitted/purgeable
// lists as needed)
// Reads a registration for |registration_id| and resource records associated
// with it from the database. Returns OK if they are successfully read.
// Otherwise, returns an error.
Status ReadRegistration(int64_t registration_id,
const GURL& origin,
RegistrationData* registration,
std::vector<ResourceRecord>* resources);
// Looks up the origin for the registration with |registration_id|. Returns OK
// if a registration was found and read successfully. Otherwise, returns an
// error.
Status ReadRegistrationOrigin(int64_t registration_id, GURL* origin);
// Writes |registration| and |resources| into the database and does following
// things:
// - If an old version of the registration exists, deletes it and sets
// |deleted_version| to the old version registration data object
// |newly_purgeable_resources| to its resources. Otherwise, sets
// |deleted_version->version_id| to -1.
// - Bumps the next registration id and the next version id if needed.
// - Removes |resources| from the uncommitted list if exist.
// Returns OK they are successfully written. Otherwise, returns an error.
Status WriteRegistration(const RegistrationData& registration,
const std::vector<ResourceRecord>& resources,
RegistrationData* deleted_version,
std::vector<int64_t>* newly_purgeable_resources);
// Updates a registration for |registration_id| to an active state. Returns OK
// if it's successfully updated. Otherwise, returns an error.
Status UpdateVersionToActive(int64_t registration_id, const GURL& origin);
// Updates last check time of a registration for |registration_id| by |time|.
// Returns OK if it's successfully updated. Otherwise, returns an error.
Status UpdateLastCheckTime(int64_t registration_id,
const GURL& origin,
const base::Time& time);
// Updates the navigation preload state for the specified registration.
// Returns OK if it's successfully updated. Otherwise, returns an error.
Status UpdateNavigationPreloadEnabled(int64_t registration_id,
const GURL& origin,
bool enable);
Status UpdateNavigationPreloadHeader(int64_t registration_id,
const GURL& origin,
const std::string& value);
// Deletes a registration for |registration_id| and moves resource records
// associated with it into the purgeable list. If deletion occurred, sets
// |version_id| to the id of the version that was deleted and
// |newly_purgeable_resources| to its resources; otherwise, sets |version_id|
// to -1. Returns OK if it's successfully deleted or not found in the
// database. Otherwise, returns an error.
Status DeleteRegistration(int64_t registration_id,
const GURL& origin,
RegistrationData* deleted_version,
std::vector<int64_t>* newly_purgeable_resources);
// Reads user data for |registration_id| and |user_data_names| from the
// database and writes them to |user_data_values|. Returns OK only if all keys
// are found; otherwise NOT_FOUND, and |user_data_values| will be empty.
Status ReadUserData(int64_t registration_id,
const std::vector<std::string>& user_data_names,
std::vector<std::string>* user_data_values);
// Reads user data for |registration_id| and |user_data_name_prefix| from the
// database and writes them to |user_data_values|. Returns OK if they are
// successfully read or not found.
Status ReadUserDataByKeyPrefix(int64_t registration_id,
const std::string& user_data_name_prefix,
std::vector<std::string>* user_data_values);
// Reads user keys and associated data for |registration_id| and
// |user_data_name_prefix| from the database and writes them to
// |user_data_map|. The map keys are stripped of |user_data_name_prefix|.
// Returns OK if they are successfully read or not found.
Status ReadUserKeysAndDataByKeyPrefix(
int64_t registration_id,
const std::string& user_data_name_prefix,
base::flat_map<std::string, std::string>* user_data_map);
// Writes |name_value_pairs| into the database. Returns NOT_FOUND if the
// registration specified by |registration_id| does not exist in the database.
Status WriteUserData(
int64_t registration_id,
const GURL& origin,
const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>>& name_value_pairs);
// Deletes user data for |registration_id| and |user_data_names| from the
// database. Returns OK if all are successfully deleted or not found in the
// database.
Status DeleteUserData(int64_t registration_id,
const std::vector<std::string>& user_data_names);
// Deletes user data for |registration_id| and |user_data_name_prefixes| from
// the database. Returns OK if all are successfully deleted or not found in
// the database.
Status DeleteUserDataByKeyPrefixes(
int64_t registration_id,
const std::vector<std::string>& user_data_name_prefixes);
// Removes traces of deleted data on disk.
Status RewriteDB();
// Reads user data for all registrations that have data with |user_data_name|
// from the database. Returns OK if they are successfully read or not found.
Status ReadUserDataForAllRegistrations(
const std::string& user_data_name,
std::vector<std::pair<int64_t, std::string>>* user_data);
// Reads user data for all registrations that have data with
// |user_data_name_prefix| from the database. Returns OK if they are
// successfully read or not found.
Status ReadUserDataForAllRegistrationsByKeyPrefix(
const std::string& user_data_name_prefix,
std::vector<std::pair<int64_t, std::string>>* user_data);
// Deletes user data for all registrations that have data with
// |user_data_name_prefix| from the database. Returns OK if all are
// successfully deleted or not found in the database.
Status DeleteUserDataForAllRegistrationsByKeyPrefix(
const std::string& user_data_name_prefix);
// Resources should belong to one of following resource lists: uncommitted,
// committed and purgeable.
// As new resources are put into the diskcache, they go into the uncommitted
// list. When a registration is saved that refers to those ids, they're moved
// to the committed list. When a resource no longer has any registrations or
// caches referring to it, it's added to the purgeable list. Periodically,
// the purgeable list can be purged from the diskcache. At system startup, all
// uncommitted ids are moved to the purgeable list.
// Reads resource ids from the uncommitted list. Returns OK on success.
// Otherwise clears |ids| and returns an error.
Status GetUncommittedResourceIds(std::set<int64_t>* ids);
// Writes resource ids into the uncommitted list. Returns OK on success.
// Otherwise writes nothing and returns an error.
Status WriteUncommittedResourceIds(const std::set<int64_t>& ids);
// Reads resource ids from the purgeable list. Returns OK on success.
// Otherwise clears |ids| and returns an error.
Status GetPurgeableResourceIds(std::set<int64_t>* ids);
// Deletes resource ids from the purgeable list. Returns OK on success.
// Otherwise deletes nothing and returns an error.
Status ClearPurgeableResourceIds(const std::set<int64_t>& ids);
// Writes resource ids into the purgeable list and removes them from the
// uncommitted list. Returns OK on success. Otherwise writes nothing and
// returns an error.
Status PurgeUncommittedResourceIds(const std::set<int64_t>& ids);
// Deletes all data for |origins|, namely, unique origin, registrations and
// resource records. Resources are moved to the purgeable list. Returns OK if
// they are successfully deleted or not found in the database. Otherwise,
// returns an error.
Status DeleteAllDataForOrigins(
const std::set<GURL>& origins,
std::vector<int64_t>* newly_purgeable_resources);
// Completely deletes the contents of the database.
// Be careful using this function.
Status DestroyDatabase();
// Opens the database at the |path_|. This is lazily called when the first
// database API is called. Returns OK if the database is successfully opened.
// Returns NOT_FOUND if the database does not exist and |create_if_missing| is
// false. Otherwise, returns an error.
Status LazyOpen(bool create_if_missing);
// Helper for LazyOpen(). |status| must be the return value from LazyOpen()
// and this must be called just after LazyOpen() is called. Returns true if
// the database is new or nonexistent, that is, it has never been used.
bool IsNewOrNonexistentDatabase(Status status);
// Reads the next available id for |id_key|. Returns OK if it's successfully
// read. Fills |next_avail_id| with an initial value and returns OK if it's
// not found in the database. Otherwise, returns an error.
Status ReadNextAvailableId(const char* id_key, int64_t* next_avail_id);
// Reads registration data for |registration_id| from the database. Returns OK
// if successfully reads. Otherwise, returns an error.
Status ReadRegistrationData(int64_t registration_id,
const GURL& origin,
RegistrationData* registration);
// Parses |serialized| as a RegistrationData object and pushes it into |out|.
ServiceWorkerDatabase::Status ParseRegistrationData(
const std::string& serialized,
RegistrationData* out);
// Populates |batch| with operations to write |registration|. It does not
// actually write to db yet.
void WriteRegistrationDataInBatch(const RegistrationData& registration,
leveldb::WriteBatch* batch);
// Reads resource records for |registration| from the database. Returns OK if
// it's successfully read or not found in the database. Otherwise, returns an
// error.
Status ReadResourceRecords(const RegistrationData& registration,
std::vector<ResourceRecord>* resources);
// Parses |serialized| as a ResourceRecord object and pushes it into |out|.
ServiceWorkerDatabase::Status ParseResourceRecord(
const std::string& serialized,
ResourceRecord* out);
void WriteResourceRecordInBatch(const ResourceRecord& resource,
int64_t version_id,
leveldb::WriteBatch* batch);
// Deletes resource records for |version_id| from the database. Returns OK if
// they are successfully deleted or not found in the database. Otherwise,
// returns an error.
Status DeleteResourceRecords(int64_t version_id,
std::vector<int64_t>* newly_purgeable_resources,
leveldb::WriteBatch* batch);
// Reads resource ids for |id_key_prefix| from the database. Returns OK if
// it's successfully read or not found in the database. Otherwise, returns an
// error.
Status ReadResourceIds(const char* id_key_prefix, std::set<int64_t>* ids);
// Write resource ids for |id_key_prefix| into the database. Returns OK on
// success. Otherwise, returns writes nothing and returns an error.
Status WriteResourceIdsInBatch(const char* id_key_prefix,
const std::set<int64_t>& ids,
leveldb::WriteBatch* batch);
// Deletes resource ids for |id_key_prefix| from the database. Returns OK if
// it's successfully deleted or not found in the database. Otherwise, returns
// an error.
Status DeleteResourceIdsInBatch(const char* id_key_prefix,
const std::set<int64_t>& ids,
leveldb::WriteBatch* batch);
// Deletes all user data for |registration_id| from the database. Returns OK
// if they are successfully deleted or not found in the database.
Status DeleteUserDataForRegistration(int64_t registration_id,
leveldb::WriteBatch* batch);
// Reads the current schema version from the database. If the database hasn't
// been written anything yet, sets |db_version| to 0 and returns OK.
Status ReadDatabaseVersion(int64_t* db_version);
// Writes a batch into the database.
// NOTE: You must call this when you want to put something into the database
// because this initializes the database if needed.
Status WriteBatch(leveldb::WriteBatch* batch);
// Bumps the next available id if |used_id| is greater than or equal to the
// cached one.
void BumpNextRegistrationIdIfNeeded(int64_t used_id,
leveldb::WriteBatch* batch);
void BumpNextResourceIdIfNeeded(int64_t used_id, leveldb::WriteBatch* batch);
void BumpNextVersionIdIfNeeded(int64_t used_id, leveldb::WriteBatch* batch);
bool IsOpen();
void Disable(const base::Location& from_here, Status status);
void HandleOpenResult(const base::Location& from_here, Status status);
void HandleReadResult(const base::Location& from_here, Status status);
void HandleWriteResult(const base::Location& from_here, Status status);
const base::FilePath path_;
std::unique_ptr<leveldb::Env> env_;
std::unique_ptr<leveldb::DB> db_;
int64_t next_avail_registration_id_;
int64_t next_avail_resource_id_;
int64_t next_avail_version_id_;
enum State {
State state_;
bool IsDatabaseInMemory() const;
base::SequenceChecker sequence_checker_;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ServiceWorkerDatabaseTest, OpenDatabase);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ServiceWorkerDatabaseTest, OpenDatabase_InMemory);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ServiceWorkerDatabaseTest, GetNextAvailableIds);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ServiceWorkerDatabaseTest, DestroyDatabase);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ServiceWorkerDatabaseTest, InvalidWebFeature);
} // namespace content