blob: 0cd5c512232a7d89ab51b36b9c3ed84b8a92cb9a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "media/filters/hls_rendition_impl.h"
#include "base/test/gmock_callback_support.h"
#include "base/test/task_environment.h"
#include "media/base/test_helpers.h"
#include "media/filters/hls_test_helpers.h"
namespace media {
namespace {
constexpr char kInitialFetchPlaylist[] =
const std::string kSecondFetchLivePlaylist =
} // namespace
using testing::_;
using testing::Return;
MATCHER_P(MediaSegmentHasUrl, urlstr, "MediaSegment has provided URL") {
return arg.GetUri() == GURL(urlstr);
class HlsRenditionImplUnittest : public testing::Test {
std::unique_ptr<MockManifestDemuxerEngineHost> mock_mdeh_;
std::unique_ptr<MockHlsRenditionHost> mock_hrh_;
base::test::TaskEnvironment task_environment_{
std::unique_ptr<HlsRenditionImpl> MakeVodRendition(
base::StringPiece content) {
constexpr hls::types::DecimalInteger version = 3;
auto uri = GURL("https://example.m3u8");
auto parsed = hls::MediaPlaylist::Parse(content, uri, version, nullptr);
if (!parsed.has_value()) {
LOG(ERROR) << MediaSerialize(std::move(parsed).error());
return nullptr;
auto playlist = std::move(parsed).value();
auto duration = playlist->GetComputedDuration();
return std::make_unique<HlsRenditionImpl>(mock_mdeh_.get(), mock_hrh_.get(),
"test", std::move(playlist),
duration, uri);
std::unique_ptr<HlsRenditionImpl> MakeLiveRendition(
GURL uri,
base::StringPiece content) {
constexpr hls::types::DecimalInteger version = 3;
auto parsed = hls::MediaPlaylist::Parse(content, uri, version, nullptr);
if (!parsed.has_value()) {
LOG(ERROR) << MediaSerialize(std::move(parsed).error());
return nullptr;
return std::make_unique<HlsRenditionImpl>(mock_mdeh_.get(), mock_hrh_.get(),
"test", std::move(parsed).value(),
std::nullopt, uri);
MOCK_METHOD(void, CheckStateComplete, (base::TimeDelta delay), ());
ManifestDemuxer::DelayCallback BindCheckState(base::TimeDelta time) {
EXPECT_CALL(*this, CheckStateComplete(time));
return base::BindOnce(&HlsRenditionImplUnittest::CheckStateComplete,
ManifestDemuxer::DelayCallback BindCheckStateNoExpect() {
return base::BindOnce(&HlsRenditionImplUnittest::CheckStateComplete,
void RequireAppend(size_t data_length, bool return_value = true) {
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_mdeh_, AppendAndParseData(_, _, _, _, _, data_length))
void RespondWithRange(base::TimeDelta start, base::TimeDelta end) {
Ranges<base::TimeDelta> ranges;
if (start != end) {
ranges.Add(start, end);
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_mdeh_, GetBufferedRanges("test"))
void RespondWithRangeTwice(base::TimeDelta A,
base::TimeDelta B,
base::TimeDelta X,
base::TimeDelta Y) {
Ranges<base::TimeDelta> ab;
if (A != B) {
ab.Add(A, B);
Ranges<base::TimeDelta> xy;
if (X != Y) {
xy.Add(X, Y);
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_mdeh_, GetBufferedRanges("test"))
void SupplyAndExpectJunkData(base::TimeDelta initial_response_start,
base::TimeDelta initial_response_end,
base::TimeDelta fetch_expected_time) {
std::string junk_content = "abcdefg, I dont like to sing rhyming songs";
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_hrh_, ReadMediaSegment(_, _, _, _))
.WillOnce([content = std::move(junk_content), host = mock_hrh_.get()](
const hls::MediaSegment&, bool, bool,
HlsDataSourceProvider::ReadCb cb) {
auto stream = StringHlsDataSourceStreamFactory::CreateStream(content);
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_mdeh_, AppendAndParseData("test", _, _, _, _, 42))
Ranges<base::TimeDelta> initial_range;
Ranges<base::TimeDelta> appended_range;
if (initial_response_end != initial_response_start) {
initial_range.Add(initial_response_start, initial_response_end);
appended_range.Add(fetch_expected_time - base::Seconds(1),
fetch_expected_time + base::Seconds(1));
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_mdeh_, GetBufferedRanges("test"))
void RespondToUrl(std::string uri, std::string content) {
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_hrh_, ReadMediaSegment(MediaSegmentHasUrl(uri), _, _, _))
.WillOnce([content = std::move(content), host = mock_hrh_.get()](
const hls::MediaSegment&, bool, bool,
HlsDataSourceProvider::ReadCb cb) {
auto stream = StringHlsDataSourceStreamFactory::CreateStream(content);
: mock_mdeh_(std::make_unique<MockManifestDemuxerEngineHost>()),
mock_hrh_(std::make_unique<MockHlsRenditionHost>()) {
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_mdeh_, RemoveRole("test"));
TEST_F(HlsRenditionImplUnittest, TestCheckStateFromNoData) {
auto rendition = MakeVodRendition(kInitialFetchPlaylist);
ASSERT_NE(rendition, nullptr);
SupplyAndExpectJunkData(base::Seconds(0), base::Seconds(0), base::Seconds(1));
rendition->CheckState(base::Seconds(0), 1.0,
TEST_F(HlsRenditionImplUnittest, TestCheckStateWithLargeBufferCached) {
auto rendition = MakeVodRendition(kInitialFetchPlaylist);
ASSERT_NE(rendition, nullptr);
// Prime the download speed cache.
SupplyAndExpectJunkData(base::Seconds(0), base::Seconds(0), base::Seconds(1));
rendition->CheckState(base::Seconds(0), 1.0,
// This time respond with a large range of loaded data.
// Time until underflow is going to be 12 seconds here - the fetch time
// average is zero, since this is a unittest, and we subtract 5 seconds flag
// giving a delay of 7 seconds.
RespondWithRange(base::Seconds(0), base::Seconds(12));
rendition->CheckState(base::Seconds(0), 1.0,
TEST_F(HlsRenditionImplUnittest, TestCheckStateWithTooLateBuffer) {
auto rendition = MakeVodRendition(kInitialFetchPlaylist);
ASSERT_NE(rendition, nullptr);
RespondWithRange(base::Seconds(10), base::Seconds(12));
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_mdeh_, OnError(_));
rendition->CheckState(base::Seconds(0), 1.0, BindCheckStateNoExpect());
TEST_F(HlsRenditionImplUnittest, TestStop) {
auto rendition = MakeVodRendition(kInitialFetchPlaylist);
ASSERT_NE(rendition, nullptr);
// Should always be kNoTimestamp after `Stop()` and no network requests.
rendition->CheckState(base::Seconds(0), 1.0, BindCheckState(kNoTimestamp));
TEST_F(HlsRenditionImplUnittest, TestNonRealTimePlaybackRate) {
auto rendition =
MakeLiveRendition(GURL(""), kInitialFetchPlaylist);
ASSERT_NE(rendition, nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(rendition->GetDuration(), std::nullopt);
// Any rate not 0.0 or 1.0 should error.
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_mdeh_, OnError(_));
rendition->CheckState(base::Seconds(0), 2.0, BindCheckStateNoExpect());
TEST_F(HlsRenditionImplUnittest, TestCreateRenditionPaused) {
auto rendition =
MakeLiveRendition(GURL(""), kInitialFetchPlaylist);
ASSERT_NE(rendition, nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(rendition->GetDuration(), std::nullopt);
// CheckState causes the rentidion to:
// Check buffered ranges first
RespondWithRangeTwice(base::Seconds(0), base::Seconds(0), base::Seconds(0),
// The first segment will be queried
RespondToUrl("", "tscontent");
// Then appended.
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_mdeh_, AppendAndParseData(_, _, _, _, _, 9))
// CheckState should in this case respond with a delay of zero seconds.
rendition->CheckState(base::Seconds(0), 0.0,
TEST_F(HlsRenditionImplUnittest, TestPausedRenditionHasSomeData) {
auto rendition =
MakeLiveRendition(GURL(""), kInitialFetchPlaylist);
ASSERT_NE(rendition, nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(rendition->GetDuration(), std::nullopt);
// CheckState causes the rentidion to:
// Check buffered ranges first. In this case, we've loaded a bunch of content
// already, and our loaded ranges are [0 - 8)
RespondWithRangeTwice(base::Seconds(0), base::Seconds(8), base::Seconds(0),
// The next unqueried segment will be queried
RespondToUrl("", "tscontent");
// Then appended.
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_mdeh_, AppendAndParseData(_, _, _, _, _, 9))
// CheckState should in this case respond with a delay of zero seconds.
rendition->CheckState(base::Seconds(0), 0.0,
TEST_F(HlsRenditionImplUnittest, TestPausedRenditionHasEnoughBufferedData) {
auto rendition =
MakeLiveRendition(GURL(""), kInitialFetchPlaylist);
ASSERT_NE(rendition, nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(rendition->GetDuration(), std::nullopt);
// CheckState causes the rentidion to:
// Check buffered ranges first. In this case, we've loaded a bunch of content
// already, and our loaded ranges are [0 - 12)
Ranges<base::TimeDelta> loaded_ranges;
loaded_ranges.Add(base::Seconds(0), base::Seconds(12));
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_mdeh_, GetBufferedRanges(_))
// Old data will try to be removed. Since media time is 0, there is nothing
// to do. Then there will be an attempt to fetch a new manifest, which won't
// have any work to do either, instead just posting the delay_cb back.
// CheckState should in this case respond with a delay of 12 - 10 / 2 seconds.
rendition->CheckState(base::Seconds(0), 0.0,
TEST_F(HlsRenditionImplUnittest, TestRenditionHasEnoughDataFetchNewManifest) {
auto rendition =
MakeLiveRendition(GURL(""), kInitialFetchPlaylist);
ASSERT_NE(rendition, nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(rendition->GetDuration(), std::nullopt);
// CheckState causes the rentidion to:
// Check buffered ranges first. In this case, we've loaded a bunch of content
// already, and our loaded ranges are [0 - 12)
Ranges<base::TimeDelta> loaded_ranges;
loaded_ranges.Add(base::Seconds(0), base::Seconds(12));
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_mdeh_, GetBufferedRanges(_))
// Old data will try to be removed. Since media time is 0, there is nothing
// to do. Then there will be an attempt to fetch a new manifest, which will
// get an update.
UpdateRenditionManifestUri("test", GURL(""), _))
[](std::string role, GURL uri, base::OnceCallback<void(bool)> cb) {
// CheckState should in this case respond with a delay of 12 - 10/2 seconds.
rendition->CheckState(base::Seconds(0), 0.0,
TEST_F(HlsRenditionImplUnittest, TestRenditionHasEnoughDataDeleteOldContent) {
auto rendition =
MakeLiveRendition(GURL(""), kInitialFetchPlaylist);
ASSERT_NE(rendition, nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(rendition->GetDuration(), std::nullopt);
// CheckState causes the rentidion to:
// Check buffered ranges first. In this case, we've loaded a bunch of content
// already, and our loaded ranges are [0 - 32)
Ranges<base::TimeDelta> loaded_ranges;
loaded_ranges.Add(base::Seconds(0), base::Seconds(32));
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_mdeh_, GetBufferedRanges(_))
// Old data will try to be removed. Since media time is 15, there are 5
// seconds of old data to delete. There will be no new fetch and parse for
// manifest updates.
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_mdeh_, Remove(_, base::Seconds(0), base::Seconds(13)));
// CheckState should in this case respond with a delay of 17 - 10 / 2 seconds.
rendition->CheckState(base::Seconds(15), 0.0,
TEST_F(HlsRenditionImplUnittest, TestStopLive) {
auto rendition =
MakeLiveRendition(GURL(""), kInitialFetchPlaylist);
ASSERT_NE(rendition, nullptr);
// Should always be kNoTimestamp after `Stop()` and no network requests.
rendition->CheckState(base::Seconds(0), 1.0, BindCheckState(kNoTimestamp));
TEST_F(HlsRenditionImplUnittest, TestPauseAndUnpause) {
auto rendition =
MakeLiveRendition(GURL(""), kInitialFetchPlaylist);
ASSERT_NE(rendition, nullptr);
ASSERT_EQ(rendition->GetDuration(), std::nullopt);
ON_CALL(*mock_mdeh_, OnError(_)).WillByDefault([](PipelineStatus st) {
LOG(ERROR) << MediaSerialize(st);
// CheckState will start with a paused player. It will query BufferedRanges
// for the CheckState function, then try to fetch. This will pop the first
// segment and try to load it. This will then get appended, and ranges will
// be checked again. It will report 2 seconds of content, which contains
// the media time (0.0), and so a response to check state again in 0 seconds
// will happen.
RespondToUrl("", "tscontent");
RequireAppend(9); // len("tscontent")
RespondWithRangeTwice(base::Seconds(0), base::Seconds(0), base::Seconds(0),
rendition->CheckState(base::Seconds(0), 0.0,
// After the init process finishes, lets pretend there are 32 seconds of data
// in the buffer. A user presses play after 9 second of the video being
// paused. Rate goes to 1, and the delta between now and the pause timestamp
// is 9 seconds, which is well within the duration of the manifest. The
// rendition impl will request a seek to 9 seconds, and return no timestamp.
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_mdeh_, RequestSeek(base::Seconds(9)));
rendition->CheckState(base::Seconds(0), 1.0, BindCheckState(kNoTimestamp));
// After the pipeline does it's seeking shenanigans, another check state
// event will be called at 9 seconds, rate 1.0. Because there are 23 seconds
// now left in the buffer, the response will be a requested pause of 18
// seconds, and old buffers (from 0 - 7 seconds) will be cleared.
RespondWithRange(base::Seconds(0), base::Seconds(32));
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_mdeh_, Remove(_, base::Seconds(0), base::Seconds(7)));
rendition->CheckState(base::Seconds(9), 1.0,
// At 10 seconds the user will pause again, which will trigger another
// state check. This will update the pause timestamp to 9 seconds, and because
// we aren't in the initialization step, will return kNoTimestamp. Any other
// state checks with a rate of 0 should also return no timestamp.
rendition->CheckState(base::Seconds(10), 0.0, BindCheckState(kNoTimestamp));
rendition->CheckState(base::Seconds(10), 0.0, BindCheckState(kNoTimestamp));
rendition->CheckState(base::Seconds(10), 0.0, BindCheckState(kNoTimestamp));
// Now the user waits for 190 seconds. Media time hasn't moved, so a seek
// will be required. The segment queue will be reset, with a new head time
// of 10s (media_time) + 190s (paused duration). A seek will be requested,
// then a manifest fetch will happen, then a response to CheckState should
// come back with a 0 second delay.
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_mdeh_, RequestSeek(base::Seconds(202)));
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_hrh_, UpdateRenditionManifestUri("test", _, _))
rendition->CheckState(base::Seconds(10), 1.0,
// We have to actually do what the UpdateRenditionManifestUri method does now,
// which is to fetch the manifest and set it on the rendition.
auto parsed = hls::MediaPlaylist::Parse(
kSecondFetchLivePlaylist, GURL(""), 3, nullptr);
rendition->UpdatePlaylist(std::move(parsed).value(), std::nullopt);
// Once again, the pipeline finishes it's seeking, and a new media CheckState
// event happens, this time for 200 seconds. Now the media_time is way past
// the end of our buffered ranges, so we need data ASAP. We're live, segments
// is not exhausted (it's just been updated!) and so we fetch the next one.
// After appending and parsing, it's brought our loaded ranges up to 202, and
// the response to check state is to run it again in 0 seconds.
RespondWithRangeTwice(base::Seconds(0), base::Seconds(32), base::Seconds(0),
RespondToUrl("", "newcontent");
RequireAppend(10); // len("newcontent")
rendition->CheckState(base::Seconds(200), 1.0,
// this time, the ranges are only 2 seconds past media time, so more data is
// requested again, this time for the next segment. Lets pretend that next
// segment has 20 seconds of data in it, bringing new range end to 222. The
// response will still be 0 seconds.
RespondWithRangeTwice(base::Seconds(0), base::Seconds(202), base::Seconds(0),
RespondToUrl("", "blah");
RequireAppend(4); // len("blah")
rendition->CheckState(base::Seconds(200), 1.0,
// Now, finally, we've satisfied the buffer, so we can clear old segments,
// and the loop can pause for (22 - 10/2) or 17 seconds.
RespondWithRange(base::Seconds(0), base::Seconds(222));
EXPECT_CALL(*mock_mdeh_, Remove(_, base::Seconds(0), base::Seconds(198)));
rendition->CheckState(base::Seconds(200), 1.0,
} // namespace media