blob: 2c321065aef8813c18036e242f6e176557028e6f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/span.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "media/base/media_export.h"
#include "media/base/media_log.h"
#include "media/base/mime_util.h"
#include "media/base/stream_parser.h"
namespace media {
class AudioDecoderConfig;
class VideoDecoderConfig;
// These entries represent mime types which can be created with a "relaxed"
// parser, which is one which does not verify expected codecs, and instead
// discovered all available ones.
enum class RelaxedParserSupportedType {
class MEDIA_EXPORT StreamParserFactory {
// Types of parsers supported for non-strict parsing.
// Checks to see if the specified |type| and |codecs| list are supported.
// Returns one of the following SupportsType values:
// kNotSupported indicates definitive lack of support.
// kSupported indicates the mime type is supported, any non-empty codecs
// requirement is met for the mime type, and all of the passed codecs are
// supported for the mime type.
// kMaybeSupported indicates the mime type is supported, but the mime type
// requires a codecs parameter that is missing.
static SupportsType IsTypeSupported(base::StringPiece type,
base::span<const std::string> codecs);
// Creates a new StreamParser object if the specified |type| and |codecs| list
// are supported. |media_log| can be used to report errors if there is
// something wrong with |type| or the codec IDs in |codecs|.
// Returns a new StreamParser object if |type| and all codecs listed in
// |codecs| are supported.
// Returns NULL otherwise.
// The |audio_config| and |video_config| overloads behave similarly, except
// the caller must provide a valid, supported decoder config; those overloads'
// usage indicates that we intend to buffer WebCodecs encoded audio or video
// chunks with this parser's ProcessChunks() method. Note that
// these overloads do not check support, unlike the |type| and |codecs|
// version. Support checking for WebCodecs-originated decoder configs could be
// async, and should be done by the caller if necessary as part of the decoder
// config creation rather than relying upon parser creation to do this
// potentially expensive step (this step is typically done in a synchronous
// API call by the web app, such as addSourceBuffer().) Like |type| and
// |codecs| versions, basic IsValidConfig() is done on configs emitted from
// the parser. Failing that catching an unsupported config, eventual pipeline
// error should occur for unsupported or invalid decoder configs during
// attempted decode.
static std::unique_ptr<StreamParser> Create(
base::StringPiece type,
base::span<const std::string> codecs,
MediaLog* media_log);
static std::unique_ptr<StreamParser> Create(
std::unique_ptr<AudioDecoderConfig> audio_config);
static std::unique_ptr<StreamParser> Create(
std::unique_ptr<VideoDecoderConfig> video_config);
// Creates a parser used for determining which codecs are present in a media
// file. This parser won't log to media log because failure to parse is not
// itself an error in hls media playback. This function may return null if
// the mime type isn't supported.
static std::unique_ptr<StreamParser> CreateRelaxedParser(
RelaxedParserSupportedType mime);
} // namespace media