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<!doctype html>
<title>Window.moveTo(): basic behavior for popup windows</title>
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if (window.testRunner) {
test(function () {
// Tests behavior when attempting to place a window outside the screen bounds.
let w ='about:blank', '', 'resizable=1,menubar=0,status=1');
w.moveTo(screen.width + 1000, screen.height + 1000);
// TODO( This test should assert expected behavior
// instead of comparing setCustomTextOutput() baselines, but the baseline
// approach more clearly documents stable vs. experimental behavior.
// Actual placement values differ per platform; only test the basic conainment.
'Window right edge exceeds screen right edge? (stable should be false): ' +
((w.screenX + w.outerWidth) > (screen.availLeft + screen.availWidth)) + '\n' +
'Window bottom edge exceeds screen bottom edge? (stable should be false): ' +
((w.screenY + w.outerHeight) > (screen.availTop + screen.availHeight)));