blob: acb9ffa60252de077b4f0427eff81950c014a363 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <CoreGraphics/CoreGraphics.h>
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#include "ios/chrome/browser/ui/util/rtl_geometry.h"
// All kxxxColor constants are RGB values stored in a Hex integer. These will be
// converted into UIColors using the UIColorFromRGB() function, from
// uikit_ui_util.h
// Toolbar styling.
extern const CGFloat kToolbarBackgroundColor;
extern const CGFloat kIncognitoToolbarBackgroundColor;
// The brightness of the toolbar's background color (visible on NTPs when the
// background view is hidden).
extern const CGFloat kNTPBackgroundColorBrightnessIncognito;
// Stackview constraints.
extern const CGFloat kTopButtonsBottomMargin;
extern const CGFloat kBottomButtonsBottomMargin;
extern const CGFloat kAdaptiveToolbarMargin;
extern const CGFloat kAdaptiveToolbarStackViewSpacing;
// Progress Bar Height.
extern const CGFloat kProgressBarHeight;
// Toolbar Buttons.
extern const CGFloat kAdaptiveToolbarButtonHeight;
extern const CGFloat kAdaptiveToolbarButtonWidth;
extern const CGFloat kOmniboxButtonWidth;
extern const CGFloat kCancelButtonHorizontalInset;
extern const CGFloat kToolbarDimmedButtonAlpha;
// Background color of the blur view.
extern const CGFloat kBlurBackgroundGrayscaleComponent;
extern const CGFloat kBlurBackgroundAlpha;
// Alpha for the tint color of the buttons.
extern const CGFloat kToolbarButtonTintColorAlpha;
// Alpha for the tint color of the buttons when in the highlighted state.
extern const CGFloat kToolbarButtonTintColorAlphaHighlighted;
extern const CGFloat kIncognitoToolbarButtonTintColorAlphaHighlighted;
// Alpha for the spotlight view's background, when the toolbar is dimmed or not.
extern const CGFloat kToolbarSpotlightAlpha;
extern const CGFloat kDimmedToolbarSpotlightAlpha;
// Adaptive toolbar position constants.
extern const CGFloat kExpandedLocationBarHorizontalMargin;
extern const CGFloat kContractedLocationBarHorizontalMargin;
// Adaptive Location bar constants.
extern const CGFloat kAdaptiveLocationBarBackgroundAlpha;
extern const CGFloat kAdaptiveLocationBarBackgroundAlphaIncognito;
extern const CGFloat kAdaptiveLocationBarVerticalMargin;
extern const CGFloat kAdaptiveLocationBarVerticalMarginFullscreen;
// Additional margin, which should grow only when the preferred content size is
// non-default.
extern const CGFloat kLocationBarVerticalMarginDynamicType;
// Extra margin for the location bar vertical margin.
extern const CGFloat kAdaptiveLocationBarExtraVerticalMargin;
// Top margin of the top toolbar when the adaptive toolbar is unsplit.
extern const CGFloat kTopToolbarUnsplitMargin;
// Height of the adaptive toolbars with default font size.
extern const CGFloat kAdaptiveToolbarHeight;
// Height of the part of the toolbar not scaling up when the user changes the
// preferred font size.
extern const CGFloat kNonDynamicToolbarHeight;
// Height of the toolbar when in fullscreen.
extern const CGFloat kToolbarHeightFullscreen;
// Height of the part of the toolbar not scaling up when the user changes the
// preferred font size.
extern const CGFloat kNonDynamicToolbarHeightFullscreen;
// Accessibility identifier of the tools menu button.
extern NSString* const kToolbarToolsMenuButtonIdentifier;
// Accessibility identifier of the stack button.
extern NSString* const kToolbarStackButtonIdentifier;
// Accessibility identifier of the share button.
extern NSString* const kToolbarShareButtonIdentifier;
// Accessibility identifier of the omnibox button.
extern NSString* const kToolbarOmniboxButtonIdentifier;
// Accessibility identifier of the cancel omnibox edit button.
extern NSString* const kToolbarCancelOmniboxEditButtonIdentifier;
// Font size for the TabGrid button containing the tab count.
extern const NSInteger kTabGridButtonFontSize;
// Tint color for location bar and omnibox.
extern const CGFloat kLocationBarTintBlue;
// Font sizes used in omnibox and location bar.
extern const CGFloat kLocationBarFontSize;