blob: 57a20df84738fc1ee0baecaa2ac86cc56deb1457 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "content/browser/appcache/mock_appcache_service.h"
namespace content {
// Helper class to read cache info from and write cache info to disk.
class AppCacheCacheTestHelper : public AppCacheStorage::Delegate {
// Helpers to collect cache entry information in a single location.
struct CacheEntry {
CacheEntry(int types,
std::string expect_if_modified_since,
std::string expect_if_none_match,
bool headers_allowed,
std::unique_ptr<net::HttpResponseInfo> response_info,
const std::string& body);
int types; // The combination of AppCacheEntry::Type values for this entry.
std::string expect_if_modified_since;
std::string expect_if_none_match;
bool headers_allowed = true;
std::unique_ptr<net::HttpResponseInfo> response_info;
std::string body;
using CacheEntries = std::map<GURL, std::unique_ptr<CacheEntry>>;
static void AddCacheEntry(
CacheEntries* cache_entries,
const GURL& url,
int types,
std::string expect_if_modified_since,
std::string expect_if_none_match,
bool headers_allowed,
std::unique_ptr<net::HttpResponseInfo> response_info,
const std::string& body);
AppCacheCacheTestHelper(const MockAppCacheService* service,
const GURL& manifest_url,
AppCache* const cache,
CacheEntries cache_entries,
base::OnceCallback<void(int)> post_write_callback);
~AppCacheCacheTestHelper() override;
AppCache* write_cache() { return cache_; }
const CacheEntries& cache_entries() { return cache_entries_; }
const CacheEntries& read_cache_entries() { return read_cache_entries_; }
void PrepareForRead(AppCache* cache, base::OnceClosure post_read_callback);
void Read();
void Write();
void OnResponseInfoLoaded(AppCacheResponseInfo* response_info,
int64_t response_id) override;
enum class State {
void AsyncRead(int result);
void AsyncWrite(int result);
const MockAppCacheService* const service_;
const GURL manifest_url_;
AppCache* const cache_;
CacheEntries cache_entries_;
State state_;
// Used for writing cache info and data.
CacheEntries::const_iterator write_it_;
std::unique_ptr<AppCacheResponseWriter> response_writer_;
base::OnceCallback<void(int)> post_write_callback_;
// Used for reading cache info and data.
AppCache* read_cache_;
AppCache::EntryMap::const_iterator read_it_;
int64_t read_entry_response_id_;
scoped_refptr<AppCacheResponseInfo> read_info_response_info_;
scoped_refptr<net::IOBuffer> read_data_buffer_;
std::string read_data_loaded_data_;
std::unique_ptr<AppCacheResponseReader> read_data_response_reader_;
CacheEntries read_cache_entries_;
base::OnceClosure post_read_callback_;
} // namespace content