blob: 6f7dfda93c61654eb6086928bb2cbdfa3b6292f9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
package content.fuzzing.proto;
message Session {
repeated Command commands = 1;
// Based on blink::mojom::AppCacheBackend and blink::mojom::AppCacheHost
// interfaces.
// See third_party/blink/public/mojom/appcache/appcache.mojom
message Command {
oneof command {
RegisterHost register_host = 1;
UnregisterHost unregister_host = 2;
SelectCache select_cache = 3;
SetSpawningHostId set_spawning_host_id = 4;
SelectCacheForWorker select_cache_for_worker = 5;
MarkAsForeignEntry mark_as_foreign_entry = 6;
GetStatus get_status = 7;
StartUpdate start_update = 8;
SwapCache swap_cache = 9;
GetResourceList get_resource_list = 10;
DoRequest do_request = 11;
RunUntilIdle run_until_idle = 12;
// We only need a few hosts to encapsulate all the logic
enum HostId {
HOST_N2 = -2;
HOST_N1 = -1;
HOST_0 = 0;
HOST_1 = 1;
HOST_2 = 2;
// Caches are created more quickly so we want more of them
enum CacheId {
CACHE_N1 = -1;
CACHE_0 = 0;
CACHE_1 = 1;
CACHE_2 = 2;
CACHE_3 = 3;
CACHE_4 = 4;
CACHE_5 = 5;
CACHE_6 = 6;
CACHE_7 = 7;
CACHE_8 = 8;
CACHE_9 = 9;
message RegisterHost {
required HostId host_id = 1;
message UnregisterHost {
required HostId host_id = 1;
message SelectCache {
required HostId host_id = 1;
required HostId from_id = 2;
required Url document_url = 3;
required Url opt_manifest_url = 4;
enum HttpCode {
RESPONSE_100 = 100;
RESPONSE_200 = 200;
RESPONSE_206 = 206;
RESPONSE_301 = 301;
RESPONSE_302 = 302;
RESPONSE_303 = 303;
RESPONSE_304 = 304;
RESPONSE_307 = 307;
RESPONSE_308 = 308;
RESPONSE_401 = 401;
RESPONSE_403 = 403;
RESPONSE_404 = 404;
RESPONSE_500 = 500;
RESPONSE_501 = 501;
message DoRequest {
required HttpCode http_code = 1;
required bool do_not_cache = 2;
required ManifestResponse manifest_response = 3;
required Url url = 4;
message ManifestResponse {
repeated Url urls = 1;
// Make sure to test logic when fetching more than the max concurrent allowed.
enum UrlTestCaseIndex {
EMPTY = 0;
PATH_1 = 1;
PATH_2 = 2;
PATH_3 = 3;
PATH_4 = 4;
PATH_5 = 5;
// In order to efficiently fuzz the appcache logic, we don't want
// to worry about all the possible url parsing. For this reason,
// we generate either an empty GURL or one of up to 5 paths,
// http://localhost/[1-5]. We can update this if in the future
// more coverage can be achieved.
// We represent this with a UrlTestCaseIndex enum. The 0 value is
// a special case representing an empty string or GURL().
// If not empty, we just append the int value of the UrlTestCaseIndex
// enum to "http://localhost/". Using an enum in this way makes
// mutations more efficient.
message Url {
required UrlTestCaseIndex url_test_case_idx = 1;
message RunUntilIdle {}
message SetSpawningHostId {
required HostId host_id = 1;
required HostId spawning_host_id = 2;
message SelectCacheForWorker {
required HostId host_id = 1;
required CacheId cache_document_was_loaded_from = 2;
message MarkAsForeignEntry {
required HostId host_id = 1;
required Url document_url = 2;
required CacheId cache_document_was_loaded_from = 3;
message GetStatus {
required HostId host_id = 1;
message StartUpdate {
required HostId host_id = 1;
message SwapCache {
required HostId host_id = 1;
message GetResourceList {
required HostId host_id = 1;