blob: cf08f2859ffb547696638b1508d899290652f9ba [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "crypto/scoped_nss_types.h"
namespace crypto {
// PK11_SetPasswordFunc is a global setting. An implementation of
// CryptoModuleBlockingPasswordDelegate should be passed using wincx() as the
// user data argument (|wincx|) to relevant NSS functions, which the global
// password handler will call to do the actual work. This delegate should only
// be used in NSS calls on worker threads due to the blocking nature.
class CryptoModuleBlockingPasswordDelegate {
virtual ~CryptoModuleBlockingPasswordDelegate() {}
// Return a value suitable for passing to the |wincx| argument of relevant NSS
// functions. This should be used instead of passing the object pointer
// directly to avoid accidentally casting a pointer to a subclass to void* and
// then casting back to a pointer of the base class
void* wincx() { return this; }
// Requests a password to unlock |slot_name|. The interface is synchronous
// because NSS cannot issue an asynchronous request. |retry| is true if this
// is a request for the retry and we previously returned the wrong password.
// The implementation should set |*cancelled| to true if the user cancelled
// instead of entering a password, otherwise it should return the password the
// user entered.
virtual std::string RequestPassword(const std::string& slot_name, bool retry,
bool* cancelled) = 0;
// Extends CryptoModuleBlockingPasswordDelegate with the ability to return a
// slot in which to act. (Eg, which slot to store a generated key in.)
class NSSCryptoModuleDelegate : public CryptoModuleBlockingPasswordDelegate {
~NSSCryptoModuleDelegate() override {}
// Get the slot to store the generated key.
virtual ScopedPK11Slot RequestSlot() = 0;
} // namespace crypto