blob: 964f911eb6179c222b853d14e5671126607d643f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "remoting/host/host_status_observer.h"
#include "remoting/host/it2me/it2me_confirmation_dialog.h"
#include "remoting/host/it2me/it2me_confirmation_dialog_proxy.h"
#include "remoting/protocol/validating_authenticator.h"
#include "remoting/signaling/xmpp_signal_strategy.h"
namespace base {
class DictionaryValue;
namespace policy {
class PolicyService;
} // namespace policy
namespace remoting {
class ChromotingHost;
class ChromotingHostContext;
class DesktopEnvironmentFactory;
class HostEventLogger;
class HostStatusLogger;
class PolicyWatcher;
class RegisterSupportHostRequest;
class RsaKeyPair;
// These state values are duplicated in host_session.js. Remember to update
// both copies when making changes.
enum It2MeHostState {
// Internal implementation of the plugin's It2Me host function.
class It2MeHost : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<It2MeHost>,
public HostStatusObserver {
class Observer {
virtual void OnClientAuthenticated(const std::string& client_username) = 0;
virtual void OnStoreAccessCode(const std::string& access_code,
base::TimeDelta access_code_lifetime) = 0;
virtual void OnNatPolicyChanged(bool nat_traversal_enabled) = 0;
virtual void OnStateChanged(It2MeHostState state,
const std::string& error_message) = 0;
It2MeHost(std::unique_ptr<ChromotingHostContext> context,
std::unique_ptr<PolicyWatcher> policy_watcher,
std::unique_ptr<It2MeConfirmationDialog> confirmation_dialog,
base::WeakPtr<It2MeHost::Observer> observer,
std::unique_ptr<SignalStrategy> signal_strategy,
const std::string& username,
const std::string& directory_bot_jid);
// Methods called by the script object, from the plugin thread.
// Creates It2Me host structures and starts the host.
virtual void Connect();
// Disconnects and shuts down the host.
virtual void Disconnect();
// TODO (weitaosu): Remove RequestNatPolicy from It2MeHost.
// Request a NAT policy notification.
virtual void RequestNatPolicy();
// remoting::HostStatusObserver implementation.
void OnAccessDenied(const std::string& jid) override;
void OnClientConnected(const std::string& jid) override;
void OnClientDisconnected(const std::string& jid) override;
void SetStateForTesting(It2MeHostState state,
const std::string& error_message) {
SetState(state, error_message);
// Updates the current policies based on |policies|. Runs |done_callback| on
// the calling thread once the policies have been updated.
void SetPolicyForTesting(std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> policies,
const base::Closure& done_callback);
// Returns the callback used for validating the connection. Do not run the
// returned callback after this object has been destroyed.
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<It2MeHost>;
~It2MeHost() override;
ChromotingHostContext* host_context() { return host_context_.get(); }
base::WeakPtr<It2MeHost::Observer> observer() { return observer_; }
// Updates state of the host. Can be called only on the network thread.
void SetState(It2MeHostState state, const std::string& error_message);
// Returns true if the host is in a post-starting, non-error state.
bool IsRunning() const;
// Processes the result of the confirmation dialog.
void OnConfirmationResult(
const protocol::ValidatingAuthenticator::ResultCallback& result_callback,
It2MeConfirmationDialog::Result result);
// Called by Connect() to check for policies and start connection process.
void ReadPolicyAndConnect();
// Called by ReadPolicyAndConnect once policies have been read.
void FinishConnect();
// Called when the support host registration completes.
void OnReceivedSupportID(const std::string& support_id,
const base::TimeDelta& lifetime,
const std::string& error_message);
// Called when initial policies are read, and when they change.
void OnPolicyUpdate(std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> policies);
// Called when malformed policies are detected.
void OnPolicyError();
// Handlers for NAT traversal and domain policies.
void UpdateNatPolicy(bool nat_traversal_enabled);
void UpdateHostDomainPolicy(const std::string& host_domain);
void UpdateClientDomainPolicy(const std::string& client_domain);
void DisconnectOnNetworkThread();
// Uses details of the connection and current policies to determine if the
// connection should be accepted or rejected.
void ValidateConnectionDetails(
const std::string& remote_jid,
const protocol::ValidatingAuthenticator::ResultCallback& result_callback);
// Caller supplied fields.
std::unique_ptr<ChromotingHostContext> host_context_;
base::WeakPtr<It2MeHost::Observer> observer_;
std::unique_ptr<SignalStrategy> signal_strategy_;
std::string username_;
std::string directory_bot_jid_;
It2MeHostState state_ = kDisconnected;
scoped_refptr<RsaKeyPair> host_key_pair_;
std::unique_ptr<RegisterSupportHostRequest> register_request_;
std::unique_ptr<HostStatusLogger> host_status_logger_;
std::unique_ptr<DesktopEnvironmentFactory> desktop_environment_factory_;
std::unique_ptr<HostEventLogger> host_event_logger_;
std::unique_ptr<ChromotingHost> host_;
int failed_login_attempts_ = 0;
std::unique_ptr<PolicyWatcher> policy_watcher_;
std::unique_ptr<It2MeConfirmationDialog> confirmation_dialog_;
std::unique_ptr<It2MeConfirmationDialogProxy> confirmation_dialog_proxy_;
// Host the current nat traversal policy setting.
bool nat_traversal_enabled_ = false;
// The client and host domain policy setting.
std::string required_client_domain_;
std::string required_host_domain_;
// Indicates whether or not a policy has ever been read. This is to ensure
// that on startup, we do not accidentally start a connection before we have
// queried our policy restrictions.
bool policy_received_ = false;
// On startup, it is possible to have Connect() called before the policy read
// is completed. Rather than just failing, we thunk the connection call so
// it can be executed after at least one successful policy read. This
// variable contains the thunk if it is necessary.
base::Closure pending_connect_;
// Called after the client machine initiates the connection process and
// determines whether to reject the connection or allow it to continue.
protocol::ValidatingAuthenticator::ValidationCallback validation_callback_;
// Having a factory interface makes it possible for the test to provide a mock
// implementation of the It2MeHost.
class It2MeHostFactory {
virtual ~It2MeHostFactory();
// |policy_service| is used for creating the policy watcher for new
// instances of It2MeHost on ChromeOS. The caller must ensure that
// |policy_service| is valid throughout the lifetime of each created It2MeHost
// object. This is currently possible because |policy_service| is a global
// singleton available from the browser process.
virtual scoped_refptr<It2MeHost> CreateIt2MeHost(
std::unique_ptr<ChromotingHostContext> context,
policy::PolicyService* policy_service,
base::WeakPtr<It2MeHost::Observer> observer,
std::unique_ptr<SignalStrategy> signal_strategy,
const std::string& username,
const std::string& directory_bot_jid);
} // namespace remoting