blob: c3aeadb50a3ac6eaaea253eb5a5a1fd51ee49f32 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/singleton.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/public/common/message_port_types.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_message.h"
namespace content {
class MessagePortDelegate;
class CONTENT_EXPORT MessagePortService {
typedef std::vector<std::pair<content::MessagePortMessage,
// Returns the MessagePortService singleton.
static MessagePortService* GetInstance();
// These methods correspond to the message port related IPCs.
void Create(int route_id,
MessagePortDelegate* delegate,
int* message_port_id);
void Destroy(int message_port_id);
void Entangle(int local_message_port_id, int remote_message_port_id);
void PostMessage(
int sender_message_port_id,
const MessagePortMessage& message,
const std::vector<TransferredMessagePort>& sent_message_ports);
void QueueMessages(int message_port_id);
void SendQueuedMessages(int message_port_id,
const QueuedMessages& queued_messages);
void ReleaseMessages(int message_port_id);
// Updates the information needed to reach a message port when it's sent to a
// (possibly different) process.
void UpdateMessagePort(int message_port_id,
MessagePortDelegate* delegate,
int routing_id);
// Returns the current information by which a message port can be reached.
// Either |delegate| or |routing_id| can be null, in which case that bit of
// information is not returned.
void GetMessagePortInfo(int message_port_id,
MessagePortDelegate** delegate,
int* routing_id);
// The message port is being transferred to a new renderer process, but the
// code doing that isn't able to immediately update the message port with a
// new filter and routing_id. This queues up all messages sent to this port
// until later ReleaseMessages is called for this port (this will happen
// automatically as soon as a WebMessagePortChannelImpl instance is created
// for this port in the renderer. The browser side code is still responsible
// for updating the port with a new filter before that happens. If ultimately
// transfering the port to a new process fails, ClosePort should be called to
// clean up the port.
void HoldMessages(int message_port_id);
// Closes and cleans up the message port.
void ClosePort(int message_port_id);
void OnMessagePortDelegateClosing(MessagePortDelegate* filter);
// Attempts to send the queued messages for a message port.
void SendQueuedMessagesIfPossible(int message_port_id);
friend struct base::DefaultSingletonTraits<MessagePortService>;
void PostMessageTo(
int message_port_id,
const MessagePortMessage& message,
const std::vector<TransferredMessagePort>& sent_message_ports);
// Handles the details of removing a message port id. Before calling this,
// verify that the message port id exists.
void Erase(int message_port_id);
struct MessagePort;
typedef std::map<int, MessagePort> MessagePorts;
MessagePorts message_ports_;
// We need globally unique identifiers for each message port.
int next_message_port_id_;
} // namespace content