blob: 0853430d828a561748bb0bfa006030eebae20f06 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "ppapi/c/private/ppb_pdf.h"
#include "ppapi/cpp/rect.h"
struct PP_BrowserFont_Trusted_Description;
namespace pp {
class InstanceHandle;
class Var;
class PDF {
// C++ version of PP_PrivateAccessibilityTextStyleInfo.
// Needs to stay in sync with the C version.
struct PrivateAccessibilityTextStyleInfo {
std::string font_name;
int font_weight;
PP_TextRenderingMode render_mode;
float font_size;
// Colors are ARGB.
uint32_t fill_color;
uint32_t stroke_color;
bool is_italic;
bool is_bold;
// C++ version of PP_PrivateAccessibilityTextRunInfo.
// Needs to stay in sync with the C version.
struct PrivateAccessibilityTextRunInfo {
uint32_t len;
struct PP_FloatRect bounds;
PP_PrivateDirection direction;
PrivateAccessibilityTextStyleInfo style;
// C++ version of PP_PrivateAccessibilityLinkInfo.
// Needs to stay in sync with the C version.
struct PrivateAccessibilityLinkInfo {
std::string url;
// Index of this link in the collection of links in the page.
uint32_t index_in_page;
// Index of the starting text run of this link in the collection of all
// text runs in the page.
uint32_t text_run_index;
uint32_t text_run_count;
FloatRect bounds;
// C++ version of PP_PrivateAccessibilityImageInfo.
// Needs to stay in sync with the C version.
struct PrivateAccessibilityImageInfo {
std::string alt_text;
uint32_t text_run_index;
FloatRect bounds;
// C++ version of PP_PrivateAccessibilityHighlightInfo.
// Needs to stay in sync with the C version.
struct PrivateAccessibilityHighlightInfo {
std::string note_text;
// Index of this highlight in the collection of highlights in the page.
uint32_t index_in_page;
// Index of the starting text run of this highlight in the collection of all
// text runs in the page.
uint32_t text_run_index;
uint32_t text_run_count;
FloatRect bounds;
// Color of the highlight in ARGB. Alpha is stored in the first 8 MSBs. RGB
// follows after it with each using 8 bytes.
uint32_t color;
// C++ version of PP_PrivateAccessibilityTextFieldInfo.
// Needs to stay in sync with the C version.
struct PrivateAccessibilityTextFieldInfo {
std::string name;
std::string value;
bool is_read_only;
bool is_required;
bool is_password;
// Index of this text field in the collection of text fields in the page.
uint32_t index_in_page;
// We anchor the text field to a text run index, this denotes the text run
// before which the text field should be inserted in the accessibility tree.
uint32_t text_run_index;
FloatRect bounds;
// C++ version of PP_PrivateAccessibilityChoiceFieldOptionInfo.
// Needs to stay in sync with the C version.
struct PrivateAccessibilityChoiceFieldOptionInfo {
std::string name;
bool is_selected;
FloatRect bounds;
// C++ version of PP_PrivateAccessibilityChoiceFieldInfo.
// Needs to stay in sync with the C version.
struct PrivateAccessibilityChoiceFieldInfo {
std::string name;
std::vector<PrivateAccessibilityChoiceFieldOptionInfo> options;
PP_PrivateChoiceFieldType type;
// Represents if the choice field is non-editable.
bool is_read_only;
// Represents if the choice field is multi-selectable.
bool is_multi_select;
// Represents if the choice field includes an editable text box.
bool has_editable_text_box;
// Index of this choice field in the collection of choice fields in the
// page.
uint32_t index_in_page;
// We anchor the choice field to a text run index, this denotes the text run
// before which the choice field should be inserted in the accessibility
// tree.
uint32_t text_run_index;
FloatRect bounds;
// C++ version of PP_PrivateAccessibilityButtonInfo.
// Needs to stay in sync with the C version.
struct PrivateAccessibilityButtonInfo {
std::string name;
std::string value;
// Represents the button type.
PP_PrivateButtonType type;
// Represents if the button is non-editable.
bool is_read_only;
// Represents if the radio button or check box is checked or not.
bool is_checked;
// Represents count of controls in the control group. A group of interactive
// form annotations is collectively called a form control group. Here, an
// interactive form annotation, should be either a radio button or a
// checkbox. Value of |control_count| is >= 1.
uint32_t control_count;
// Represents index of the control in the control group. A group of
// interactive form annotations is collectively called a form control group.
// Here, an interactive form annotation, should be either a radio button or
// a checkbox. Value of |control_index| should always be less than
// |control_count|.
uint32_t control_index;
// Index of this button in the collection of buttons in the page.
uint32_t index_in_page;
// We anchor the button to a text run index, this denotes the text run
// before which the button should be inserted in the accessibility tree.
uint32_t text_run_index;
FloatRect bounds;
// C++ version of PP_PrivateAccessibilityFormFieldInfo.
// Needs to stay in sync with the C version.
struct PrivateAccessibilityFormFieldInfo {
std::vector<PrivateAccessibilityTextFieldInfo> text_fields;
std::vector<PrivateAccessibilityChoiceFieldInfo> choice_fields;
std::vector<PrivateAccessibilityButtonInfo> buttons;
// C++ version of PP_PrivateAccessibilityPageObjects.
// Needs to stay in sync with the C version.
struct PrivateAccessibilityPageObjects {
std::vector<PrivateAccessibilityLinkInfo> links;
std::vector<PrivateAccessibilityImageInfo> images;
std::vector<PrivateAccessibilityHighlightInfo> highlights;
PrivateAccessibilityFormFieldInfo form_fields;
// Returns true if the required interface is available.
static bool IsAvailable();
static PP_Resource GetFontFileWithFallback(
const InstanceHandle& instance,
const PP_BrowserFont_Trusted_Description* description,
PP_PrivateFontCharset charset);
static bool GetFontTableForPrivateFontFile(PP_Resource font_file,
uint32_t table,
void* output,
uint32_t* output_length);
static void SearchString(const InstanceHandle& instance,
const unsigned short* string,
const unsigned short* term,
bool case_sensitive,
PP_PrivateFindResult** results,
uint32_t* count);
static void DidStartLoading(const InstanceHandle& instance);
static void DidStopLoading(const InstanceHandle& instance);
static void SetContentRestriction(const InstanceHandle& instance,
int restrictions);
static void UserMetricsRecordAction(const InstanceHandle& instance,
const Var& action);
static void HasUnsupportedFeature(const InstanceHandle& instance);
static void ShowAlertDialog(const InstanceHandle& instance,
const char* message);
static bool ShowConfirmDialog(const InstanceHandle& instance,
const char* message);
static pp::Var ShowPromptDialog(const InstanceHandle& instance,
const char* message,
const char* default_answer);
static void SaveAs(const InstanceHandle& instance);
static void Print(const InstanceHandle& instance);
static bool IsFeatureEnabled(const InstanceHandle& instance,
PP_PDFFeature feature);
static void SetSelectedText(const InstanceHandle& instance,
const char* selected_text);
static void SetLinkUnderCursor(const InstanceHandle& instance,
const char* url);
static void GetV8ExternalSnapshotData(const InstanceHandle& instance,
const char** snapshot_data_out,
int* snapshot_size_out);
static void SetAccessibilityViewportInfo(
const InstanceHandle& instance,
const PP_PrivateAccessibilityViewportInfo* viewport_info);
static void SetAccessibilityDocInfo(
const InstanceHandle& instance,
const PP_PrivateAccessibilityDocInfo* doc_info);
static void SetAccessibilityPageInfo(
const InstanceHandle& instance,
const PP_PrivateAccessibilityPageInfo* page_info,
const std::vector<PrivateAccessibilityTextRunInfo>& text_runs,
const std::vector<PP_PrivateAccessibilityCharInfo>& chars,
const PrivateAccessibilityPageObjects& page_objects);
static void SetCrashData(const InstanceHandle& instance,
const char* pdf_url,
const char* top_level_url);
static void SelectionChanged(const InstanceHandle& instance,
const PP_FloatPoint& left,
int32_t left_height,
const PP_FloatPoint& right,
int32_t right_height);
static void SetPluginCanSave(const InstanceHandle& instance, bool can_save);
} // namespace pp