blob: 2a55e272add9c2feb1d331401a0e84664044fafb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/autofill/save_card_ui.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/autofill_client.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/credit_card.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/sync_utils.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/browser/ui/save_card_bubble_controller.h"
#include "components/security_state/core/security_state.h"
#include "components/signin/core/browser/account_info.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_observer.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_user_data.h"
class PrefService;
namespace autofill {
enum class BubbleType;
// Implementation of per-tab class to control the save credit card bubble and
// Omnibox icon.
class SaveCardBubbleControllerImpl
: public SaveCardBubbleController,
public content::WebContentsObserver,
public content::WebContentsUserData<SaveCardBubbleControllerImpl> {
// An observer class used by browsertests that gets notified whenever
// particular actions occur.
class ObserverForTest {
virtual void OnBubbleShown() = 0;
virtual void OnBubbleClosed() = 0;
~SaveCardBubbleControllerImpl() override;
// Sets up the controller and offers to save the |card| locally.
// |save_card_prompt_callback| will be invoked once the user makes a decision
// with respect to the offer-to-save prompt. If |show_bubble| is true, pops up
// the offer-to-save bubble; otherwise, only the omnibox icon is displayed.
void OfferLocalSave(
const CreditCard& card,
bool show_bubble,
AutofillClient::LocalSaveCardPromptCallback save_card_prompt_callback);
// Sets up the controller and offers to upload the |card| to Google Payments.
// |save_card_prompt_callback| will be invoked once the user makes a decision
// with respect to the offer-to-save prompt. The contents of |legal_message|
// will be displayed in the bubble. A textfield confirming the cardholder name
// will appear in the bubble if |should_request_name_from_user| is true. A
// pair of dropdowns for entering the expiration date will appear in the
// bubble if |should_request_expiration_date_from_user| is true. If
// |show_bubble| is true, pops up the offer-to-save bubble; otherwise, only
// the omnibox icon is displayed.
void OfferUploadSave(
const CreditCard& card,
std::unique_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> legal_message,
bool should_request_name_from_user,
bool should_request_expiration_from_user,
bool show_bubble,
AutofillClient::UploadSaveCardPromptCallback save_card_prompt_callback);
// Sets up the controller for the sign in promo and shows the bubble.
// This bubble is only shown after a local save is accepted and if
// |ShouldShowSignInPromo()| returns true.
void ShowBubbleForSignInPromo();
// Exists for testing purposes only. (Otherwise shown through ReshowBubble())
// Sets up the controller for the Manage Cards view. This displays the card
// just saved and links the user to manage their other cards.
void ShowBubbleForManageCardsForTesting(const CreditCard& card);
void HideBubble();
void ReshowBubble();
// Returns true if Omnibox save credit card icon should be visible.
bool IsIconVisible() const;
// Returns nullptr if no bubble is currently shown.
SaveCardBubbleView* save_card_bubble_view() const;
// SaveCardBubbleController:
base::string16 GetWindowTitle() const override;
base::string16 GetExplanatoryMessage() const override;
const AccountInfo& GetAccountInfo() const override;
Profile* GetProfile() const override;
const CreditCard& GetCard() const override;
bool ShouldRequestNameFromUser() const override;
bool ShouldRequestExpirationDateFromUser() const override;
// Returns true only if at least one of the following cases is true:
// 1) The user is signed out.
// 2) The user is signed in through DICe, but did not turn on syncing.
// Consequently returns false in the following cases:
// 1) The user has paused syncing (Auth Error).
// 2) The user is not required to be syncing in order to upload cards
// to the server -- this should change.
// TODO( Don't show promo if user is a butter user.
bool ShouldShowSignInPromo() const override;
bool CanAnimate() const override;
void OnSyncPromoAccepted(const AccountInfo& account,
signin_metrics::AccessPoint access_point,
bool is_default_promo_account) override;
void OnSaveButton(const AutofillClient::UserProvidedCardDetails&
user_provided_card_details) override;
void OnCancelButton() override;
void OnLegalMessageLinkClicked(const GURL& url) override;
void OnManageCardsClicked() override;
void OnBubbleClosed() override;
void OnAnimationEnded() override;
const LegalMessageLines& GetLegalMessageLines() const override;
bool IsUploadSave() const override;
BubbleType GetBubbleType() const override;
AutofillSyncSigninState GetSyncState() const override;
explicit SaveCardBubbleControllerImpl(content::WebContents* web_contents);
// Opens the Payments settings page.
virtual void ShowPaymentsSettingsPage();
// content::WebContentsObserver:
void DidFinishNavigation(
content::NavigationHandle* navigation_handle) override;
void OnVisibilityChanged(content::Visibility visibility) override;
void WebContentsDestroyed() override;
// Gets the security level of the page.
virtual security_state::SecurityLevel GetSecurityLevel() const;
friend class content::WebContentsUserData<SaveCardBubbleControllerImpl>;
friend class SaveCardBubbleViewsBrowserTestBase;
void FetchAccountInfo();
// Displays both the offer-to-save bubble and is associated omnibox icon.
void ShowBubble();
// Displays the omnibox icon without popping up the offer-to-save bubble.
void ShowIconOnly();
// Update the visibility and toggled state of the Omnibox save card icon.
void UpdateIcon();
void OpenUrl(const GURL& url);
// For testing.
void SetEventObserverForTesting(ObserverForTest* observer) {
observer_for_testing_ = observer;
// The web_contents associated with this controller.
content::WebContents* web_contents_;
// Should outlive this object.
PersonalDataManager* personal_data_manager_;
// Is true only if the card saved animation can be shown.
bool can_animate_ = false;
// Weak reference. Will be nullptr if no bubble is currently shown.
SaveCardBubbleView* save_card_bubble_view_ = nullptr;
// The type of bubble that is either currently being shown or would
// be shown when the save card icon is clicked.
BubbleType current_bubble_type_ = BubbleType::INACTIVE;
// Weak reference to read & write |kAutofillAcceptSaveCreditCardPromptState|.
PrefService* pref_service_;
// Callback to run once the user makes a decision with respect to the credit
// card upload offer-to-save prompt. Will return the cardholder name
// provided/confirmed by the user if it was requested. Will also return the
// expiration month and year provided by the user if the expiration date was
// requested. If both callbacks are null then no bubble is available to show
// and the icon is not visible.
// Callback to run once the user makes a decision with respect to the local
// credit card offer-to-save prompt. If both callbacks return true for
// .is_null() then no bubble is available to show and the icon is not visible.
AutofillClient::LocalSaveCardPromptCallback local_save_card_prompt_callback_;
// Governs whether the upload or local save version of the UI should be shown.
bool is_upload_save_ = false;
// Whether ReshowBubble() has been called since ShowBubbleFor*() was called.
bool is_reshow_ = false;
// Whether the upload save version of the UI should surface a textfield
// requesting the cardholder name.
bool should_request_name_from_user_ = false;
// Whether the upload save version of the UI should surface a pair of
// dropdowns requesting the expiration date.
bool should_request_expiration_date_from_user_ = false;
// Whether the offer-to-save bubble should be shown or not. If true, behaves
// normally. If false, the omnibox icon will be displayed when offering credit
// card save, but the bubble itself will not pop up.
bool show_bubble_ = true;
// The account info of the signed-in user.
AccountInfo account_info_;
// Contains the details of the card that will be saved if the user accepts.
CreditCard card_;
// If no legal message should be shown then this variable is an empty vector.
LegalMessageLines legal_message_lines_;
// The time at which the bubble was shown. If it has been visible for less
// time than some reasonable limit, don't close the bubble upon navigation.
base::Time bubble_shown_timestamp_;
// The security level for the current context.
security_state::SecurityLevel security_level_;
// Observer for when a bubble is created. Initialized only during tests.
ObserverForTest* observer_for_testing_ = nullptr;
} // namespace autofill