blob: c062cdabf7f06d8e7125b5096e73bbb765a2a8f6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "extensions/browser/api/management/management_api_constants.h"
namespace extension_management_api_constants {
const char kDisabledReasonKey[] = "disabledReason";
const char kDisabledReasonPermissionsIncrease[] = "permissions_increase";
const char kExtensionCreateError[] =
"Failed to create extension from manifest.";
const char kGestureNeededForEscalationError[] =
"Re-enabling an extension disabled due to permissions increase "
"requires a user gesture.";
const char kGestureNeededForUninstallError[] =
" requires a user gesture.";
const char kManifestParseError[] = "Failed to parse manifest.";
const char kNoExtensionError[] = "Failed to find extension with id *.";
const char kNotAnAppError[] = "Extension * is not an App.";
const char kUserCantModifyError[] = "Extension * cannot be modified by user.";
const char kUninstallCanceledError[] =
"Extension * uninstall canceled by user.";
const char kUserDidNotReEnableError[] =
"The user did not accept the re-enable dialog.";
const char kMissingRequirementsError[] = "There were missing requirements: *.";
const char kGestureNeededForCreateAppShortcutError[] =
" requires a user gesture.";
const char kNoBrowserToCreateShortcut[] =
"There is no browser window to create shortcut.";
const char kCreateOnlyPackagedAppShortcutMac[] =
"Shortcuts can only be created for new-style packaged apps on Mac.";
const char kCreateShortcutCanceledError[] =
"App shortcuts creation canceled by user.";
const char kGestureNeededForSetLaunchTypeError[] =
" requires a user gesture.";
const char kLaunchTypeNotAvailableError[] =
"The launch type is not available for this app.";
const char kGestureNeededForGenerateAppForLinkError[] =
" requires a user gesture.";
const char kInvalidURLError[] = "The URL \"*\" is invalid.";
const char kEmptyTitleError[] = "The title can not be empty.";
const char kGenerateAppForLinkInstallError[] =
"Failed to install the generated app.";
const char kNotAllowedInKioskError[] = "Not allowed in kiosk.";
const char kCannotChangePrimaryKioskAppError[] =
"Cannot change the primary kiosk app state.";
} // namespace extension_management_api_constants