blob: 99bf3ebefeb03b2d79a4071e99db3c10189f38fd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "remoting/host/keyboard_layout_monitor.h"
#include "ui/gfx/x/x11.h"
#include <gdk/gdk.h>
#include <gdk/gdkx.h>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversion_utils.h"
#include "base/threading/sequenced_task_runner_handle.h"
#include "remoting/proto/control.pb.h"
#include "ui/base/glib/glib_signal.h"
#include "ui/events/keycodes/dom/dom_code.h"
#include "ui/events/keycodes/dom/keycode_converter.h"
namespace remoting {
namespace {
class KeyboardLayoutMonitorLinux;
// Deletes a pointer on the main GTK+ thread.
class GtkThreadDeleter {
template <typename T>
void operator()(T* p) const;
template <typename T>
static gboolean DeleteOnGtkThread(gpointer p);
// Can be constructed on any thread, but must be started and destroyed on the
// main GTK+ thread (i.e., the GLib global default main context).
class GdkLayoutMonitorOnGtkThread {
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner,
base::WeakPtr<KeyboardLayoutMonitorLinux> weak_ptr);
// Must be called on GTK Thread
void Start();
void QueryLayout();
static GdkFilterReturn OnXEventThunk(GdkXEvent* xevent,
GdkEvent* event,
gpointer data);
GdkFilterReturn OnXEvent(XEvent* xevent, GdkEvent* event);
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner_;
base::WeakPtr<KeyboardLayoutMonitorLinux> weak_ptr_;
// xkb_event_type_ is initialized in Start(). It is only used by OnXEvent,
// which is only registered as a callback after xkb_event_type_ has been
// initialized.
int xkb_event_type_;
GdkDisplay* display_ = nullptr;
GdkKeymap* keymap_ = nullptr;
int current_group_ = 0;
gulong handler_id_ = 0;
class KeyboardLayoutMonitorLinux : public KeyboardLayoutMonitor {
explicit KeyboardLayoutMonitorLinux(
base::RepeatingCallback<void(const protocol::KeyboardLayout&)> callback);
~KeyboardLayoutMonitorLinux() override;
void Start() override;
// Used by GdkLayoutMonitorOnGtkThread.
using KeyboardLayoutMonitor::kSupportedKeys;
void OnLayoutChanged(const protocol::KeyboardLayout& new_layout);
static gboolean StartLayoutMonitorOnGtkThread(gpointer gdk_layout_monitor);
base::RepeatingCallback<void(const protocol::KeyboardLayout&)>
// Must be deleted on the GTK thread.
std::unique_ptr<GdkLayoutMonitorOnGtkThread, GtkThreadDeleter>
base::WeakPtrFactory<KeyboardLayoutMonitorLinux> weak_ptr_factory_;
protocol::LayoutKeyFunction KeyvalToFunction(guint keyval);
const char* DeadKeyToUtf8String(guint keyval);
template <typename T>
void GtkThreadDeleter::operator()(T* p) const {
g_idle_add(DeleteOnGtkThread<T>, p);
// static
template <typename T>
gboolean GtkThreadDeleter::DeleteOnGtkThread(gpointer p) {
delete static_cast<T*>(p);
// Only run once.
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner,
base::WeakPtr<KeyboardLayoutMonitorLinux> weak_ptr)
: task_runner_(std::move(task_runner)), weak_ptr_(std::move(weak_ptr)) {}
GdkLayoutMonitorOnGtkThread::~GdkLayoutMonitorOnGtkThread() {
if (handler_id_) {
g_signal_handler_disconnect(keymap_, handler_id_);
gdk_window_remove_filter(nullptr, OnXEventThunk, this);
void GdkLayoutMonitorOnGtkThread::Start() {
display_ = gdk_display_get_default();
if (!display_) {
LOG(WARNING) << "No default display for layout monitoring.";
// The keymap, as GDK sees it, is the collection of all (up to 4) enabled
// keyboard layouts, which it and XKB refer to as "groups". The "keys-changed"
// signal is only fired when this keymap, containing all enabled layouts, is
// changed, such as by adding, removing, or rearranging layouts. Annoyingly,
// it does *not* fire when the active group (layout) is changed. Indeed, for
// whatever reason, GDK doesn't provide *any* method of obtaining or listening
// for changes to the active group as far as I can tell, even though it tracks
// the active group internally so it can emit a "direction-changed" signal
// when switching between groups with different writing directions. As a
// result, we have to use Xkb directly to get and monitor that information,
// which is a pain.
Display* xdisplay = gdk_x11_display_get_xdisplay(display_);
int xkb_opcode;
int xkb_event;
int xkb_error;
int xkb_major = XkbMajorVersion;
int xkb_minor = XkbMinorVersion;
if (XkbQueryExtension(xdisplay, &xkb_opcode, &xkb_event, &xkb_error,
&xkb_major, &xkb_minor)) {
xkb_event_type_ = xkb_event;
XkbStateRec xkb_state{};
XkbGetState(xdisplay, XkbUseCoreKbd, &xkb_state);
current_group_ =;
gdk_window_add_filter(nullptr, OnXEventThunk, this);
keymap_ = gdk_keymap_get_for_display(display_);
handler_id_ = g_signal_connect(keymap_, "keys-changed",
G_CALLBACK(OnKeysChangedThunk), this);
void GdkLayoutMonitorOnGtkThread::QueryLayout() {
protocol::KeyboardLayout layout_message;
Display* xdisplay = gdk_x11_display_get_xdisplay(display_);
unsigned int shift_modifier = XkbKeysymToModifiers(xdisplay, GDK_KEY_Shift_L);
unsigned int numlock_modifier =
XkbKeysymToModifiers(xdisplay, GDK_KEY_Num_Lock);
unsigned int altgr_modifier =
XkbKeysymToModifiers(xdisplay, GDK_KEY_ISO_Level3_Shift);
unsigned int mod5_modifier =
XkbKeysymToModifiers(xdisplay, GDK_KEY_ISO_Level5_Shift);
bool have_altgr = false;
bool have_mod5 = false;
for (ui::DomCode key : KeyboardLayoutMonitorLinux::kSupportedKeys) {
// Skip single-layout IME keys for now, as they are always present in the
// keyboard map but not present on most keyboards. Client-side IME is likely
// more convenient, anyway.
// TODO(rkjnsn): Figure out how to show these keys only when relevant.
if (key == ui::DomCode::LANG1 || key == ui::DomCode::LANG2 ||
key == ui::DomCode::CONVERT || key == ui::DomCode::NON_CONVERT ||
key == ui::DomCode::KANA_MODE) {
std::uint32_t usb_code = ui::KeycodeConverter::DomCodeToUsbKeycode(key);
int keycode = ui::KeycodeConverter::DomCodeToNativeKeycode(key);
// Insert entry for USB code. It's fine to overwrite if we somehow process
// the same USB code twice, since the actions will be the same.
auto& key_actions =
for (int shift_level = 0; shift_level < 8; ++shift_level) {
// Don't bother capturing higher shift levels if there's no configured way
// to access them.
if ((shift_level & 2 && !have_altgr) || (shift_level & 4 && !have_mod5)) {
// Always consider NumLock set and CapsLock unset for now.
unsigned int modifiers = numlock_modifier |
(shift_level & 1 ? shift_modifier : 0) |
(shift_level & 2 ? altgr_modifier : 0) |
(shift_level & 4 ? mod5_modifier : 0);
guint keyval = 0;
keymap_, keycode, static_cast<GdkModifierType>(modifiers),
current_group_, &keyval, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
if (keyval == 0) {
guint32 unicode = gdk_keyval_to_unicode(keyval);
if (unicode != 0) {
switch (unicode) {
case 0x08:
case 0x09:
case 0x0D:
case 0x1B:
case 0x7F:
std::string utf8;
base::WriteUnicodeCharacter(unicode, &utf8);
const char* dead_key_utf8 = DeadKeyToUtf8String(keyval);
if (dead_key_utf8) {
if (keyval == GDK_KEY_Num_Lock || keyval == GDK_KEY_Caps_Lock) {
// Don't include Num Lock or Caps Lock until we decide if / how we want
// to handle them.
// TODO(rkjnsn): Determine if supporting Num Lock / Caps Lock provides
// enough utility to warrant support by the soft keyboard.
protocol::LayoutKeyFunction function = KeyvalToFunction(keyval);
if (function == protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::ALT_GR) {
have_altgr = true;
} else if (function == protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::MOD5) {
have_altgr = true;
if (key_actions.empty()) {
FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce(&KeyboardLayoutMonitorLinux::OnLayoutChanged,
weak_ptr_, std::move(layout_message)));
// static
GdkFilterReturn GdkLayoutMonitorOnGtkThread::OnXEventThunk(GdkXEvent* xevent,
GdkEvent* event,
gpointer data) {
// GdkXEvent is documented to be castable to the window-system event type
// XEvent in this case.
return static_cast<GdkLayoutMonitorOnGtkThread*>(data)->OnXEvent(
static_cast<XEvent*>(xevent), event);
GdkFilterReturn GdkLayoutMonitorOnGtkThread::OnXEvent(XEvent* xevent,
GdkEvent* event) {
if (xevent->type == xkb_event_type_) {
XkbEvent* xkb_event = reinterpret_cast<XkbEvent*>(xevent);
if (xkb_event->any.xkb_type == XkbStateNotify) {
int new_group = XkbStateGroup(&xkb_event->state);
if (new_group != current_group_) {
current_group_ = new_group;
// GDK also needs to process this event.
void GdkLayoutMonitorOnGtkThread::OnKeysChanged(GdkKeymap* keymap) {
base::RepeatingCallback<void(const protocol::KeyboardLayout&)> callback)
: layout_changed_callback_(std::move(callback)), weak_ptr_factory_(this) {}
KeyboardLayoutMonitorLinux::~KeyboardLayoutMonitorLinux() = default;
void KeyboardLayoutMonitorLinux::Start() {
gdk_layout_monitor_.reset(new GdkLayoutMonitorOnGtkThread(
base::SequencedTaskRunnerHandle::Get(), weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr()));
g_idle_add(StartLayoutMonitorOnGtkThread, gdk_layout_monitor_.get());
void KeyboardLayoutMonitorLinux::OnLayoutChanged(
const protocol::KeyboardLayout& new_layout) {
// static
gboolean KeyboardLayoutMonitorLinux::StartLayoutMonitorOnGtkThread(
gpointer gdk_layout_monitor) {
// Only run once.
// GDK doesn't return unicode value for dead keys, so we map them here.
const char* DeadKeyToUtf8String(guint keyval) {
// Some of these have spacing forms and some don't. For consistency, these are
// all of the form space+combining character. This file is a good resource to
// figure out what the various dead keys are supposed to do:
// See also ui/events/keycodes/, which does a similar
// mapping.
switch (keyval) {
case GDK_KEY_dead_grave:
return " \xcc\x80"; // U+0300
case GDK_KEY_dead_acute:
return " \xcc\x81"; // U+0301
case GDK_KEY_dead_circumflex:
return " \xcc\x82"; // U+0302
case GDK_KEY_dead_tilde:
return " \xcc\x83"; // U+0303
case GDK_KEY_dead_macron:
return " \xcc\x84"; // U+0304
case GDK_KEY_dead_breve:
return " \xcc\x86"; // U+0306
case GDK_KEY_dead_abovedot:
return " \xcc\x87"; // U+0307
case GDK_KEY_dead_diaeresis:
return " \xcc\x88"; // U+0308
case GDK_KEY_dead_abovering:
return " \xcc\x8a"; // U+030A
case GDK_KEY_dead_doubleacute:
return " \xcc\x8b"; // U+030B
case GDK_KEY_dead_caron:
return " \xcc\x8c"; // U+030C
case GDK_KEY_dead_cedilla:
return " \xcc\xa7"; // U+0327
case GDK_KEY_dead_ogonek:
return " \xcc\xa8"; // U+0328
case GDK_KEY_dead_iota:
return " \xcd\x85"; // U+0345
case GDK_KEY_dead_voiced_sound:
return " \xe3\x82\x99"; // U+3099
case GDK_KEY_dead_semivoiced_sound:
return " \xe3\x82\x9a"; // U+309A
case GDK_KEY_dead_belowdot:
return " \xcc\xa3"; // U+0323
case GDK_KEY_dead_hook:
return " \xcc\x89"; // U+0309
case GDK_KEY_dead_horn:
return " \xcc\x9b"; // U+031B
case GDK_KEY_dead_stroke:
return " \xcc\xb7"; // U+0337
case GDK_KEY_dead_abovecomma:
return " \xcc\x93"; // U+0313
case GDK_KEY_dead_abovereversedcomma:
return " \xcc\x94"; // U+0314
case GDK_KEY_dead_doublegrave:
return " \xcc\x8f"; // U+030F
case GDK_KEY_dead_belowring:
return " \xcc\xa5"; // U+0325
case GDK_KEY_dead_belowmacron:
return " \xcc\xb1"; // U+0331
case GDK_KEY_dead_belowcircumflex:
return " \xcc\xad"; // U+032D
case GDK_KEY_dead_belowtilde:
return " \xcc\xb0"; // U+0330
case GDK_KEY_dead_belowbreve:
return " \xcc\xae"; // U+032E
case GDK_KEY_dead_belowdiaeresis:
return " \xcc\xa4"; // U+0324
case GDK_KEY_dead_invertedbreve:
return " \xcc\x91"; // U+0311
case GDK_KEY_dead_belowcomma:
return " \xcc\xa6"; // U+0326
case GDK_KEY_dead_currency:
// This one is a bit different: instead of adding a diacritic to a
// character, it allows entering of various currency symbols. E.g.,
// dead_currency+e generates the euro sign (€). Combining this dead key
// with space generates the general currency symbol.
return "\xc2\xa4"; // Currency symbol (¤), U+00A4
// I can't find any information about what these do. There is, e.g.,
// "combining latin small letter a" (U+0363) that places a tiny "a" above
// the preceding character (and similar for the other lower-case letters),
// but no equivalent capital versions. These don't show up in Compose.pre,
// so they're probably not used much, if at all.
// case GDK_KEY_dead_a:
// case GDK_KEY_dead_A:
// case GDK_KEY_dead_e:
// case GDK_KEY_dead_E:
// case GDK_KEY_dead_i:
// case GDK_KEY_dead_I:
// case GDK_KEY_dead_o:
// case GDK_KEY_dead_O:
// case GDK_KEY_dead_u:
// case GDK_KEY_dead_U:
// case GDK_KEY_dead_small_schwa:
// case GDK_KEY_dead_capital_schwa:
case GDK_KEY_dead_greek:
// Like dead_currency above, this key is used to generate different
// symbols entirely (greek letters, in this case). E.g., dead_greek+a
// generates Greek alpha (α). Combining this dead key with space generates
// the micro sign (µ), a distinct code point from Greek mu (μ), which is
// generated by dead_greek+m.
return "\xce\xbc"; // Micro symbol (μ), U+00B5
return nullptr;
protocol::LayoutKeyFunction KeyvalToFunction(guint keyval) {
switch (keyval) {
case GDK_KEY_Control_L:
case GDK_KEY_Control_R:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::CONTROL;
case GDK_KEY_Alt_L:
case GDK_KEY_Alt_R:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::ALT;
case GDK_KEY_Shift_L:
case GDK_KEY_Shift_R:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::SHIFT;
case GDK_KEY_Super_L:
case GDK_KEY_Super_R:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::META;
case GDK_KEY_ISO_Level3_Shift:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::ALT_GR;
case GDK_KEY_ISO_Level5_Shift:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::MOD5;
case GDK_KEY_Multi_key:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::COMPOSE;
case GDK_KEY_Num_Lock:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::NUM_LOCK;
case GDK_KEY_Caps_Lock:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::CAPS_LOCK;
case GDK_KEY_Scroll_Lock:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::SCROLL_LOCK;
case GDK_KEY_BackSpace:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::BACKSPACE;
case GDK_KEY_Return:
case GDK_KEY_KP_Enter:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::ENTER;
case GDK_KEY_Tab: // Unshifted
case GDK_KEY_ISO_Left_Tab: // Shifted
case GDK_KEY_KP_Tab:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::TAB;
case GDK_KEY_Insert:
case GDK_KEY_KP_Insert:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::INSERT;
case GDK_KEY_Delete:
case GDK_KEY_KP_Delete:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::DELETE_;
case GDK_KEY_Home:
case GDK_KEY_KP_Home:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::HOME;
case GDK_KEY_End:
case GDK_KEY_KP_End:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::END;
case GDK_KEY_Page_Up:
case GDK_KEY_KP_Page_Up:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::PAGE_UP;
case GDK_KEY_Page_Down:
case GDK_KEY_KP_Page_Down:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::PAGE_DOWN;
case GDK_KEY_Clear:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::CLEAR;
case GDK_KEY_Up:
case GDK_KEY_KP_Up:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::ARROW_UP;
case GDK_KEY_Down:
case GDK_KEY_KP_Down:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::ARROW_DOWN;
case GDK_KEY_Left:
case GDK_KEY_KP_Left:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::ARROW_LEFT;
case GDK_KEY_Right:
case GDK_KEY_KP_Right:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::ARROW_RIGHT;
case GDK_KEY_F1:
case GDK_KEY_KP_F1:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::F1;
case GDK_KEY_F2:
case GDK_KEY_KP_F2:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::F2;
case GDK_KEY_F3:
case GDK_KEY_KP_F3:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::F3;
case GDK_KEY_F4:
case GDK_KEY_KP_F4:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::F4;
case GDK_KEY_F5:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::F5;
case GDK_KEY_F6:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::F6;
case GDK_KEY_F7:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::F7;
case GDK_KEY_F8:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::F8;
case GDK_KEY_F9:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::F9;
case GDK_KEY_F10:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::F10;
case GDK_KEY_F11:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::F11;
case GDK_KEY_F12:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::F12;
case GDK_KEY_F13:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::F13;
case GDK_KEY_F14:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::F14;
case GDK_KEY_F15:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::F15;
case GDK_KEY_F16:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::F16;
case GDK_KEY_F17:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::F17;
case GDK_KEY_F18:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::F18;
case GDK_KEY_F19:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::F19;
case GDK_KEY_F20:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::F20;
case GDK_KEY_F21:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::F21;
case GDK_KEY_F22:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::F22;
case GDK_KEY_F23:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::F23;
case GDK_KEY_F24:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::F24;
case GDK_KEY_Escape:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::ESCAPE;
case GDK_KEY_Menu:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::CONTEXT_MENU;
case GDK_KEY_Pause:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::PAUSE;
case GDK_KEY_Print: // Unshifted
case GDK_KEY_Sys_Req: // Shifted
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::PRINT_SCREEN;
case GDK_KEY_Zenkaku_Hankaku: // Unshifted
case GDK_KEY_Kanji: // Shifted
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::HANKAKU_ZENKAKU_KANJI;
case GDK_KEY_Henkan:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::HENKAN;
case GDK_KEY_Muhenkan:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::MUHENKAN;
case GDK_KEY_Hiragana_Katakana: // Unshifted
case GDK_KEY_Romaji: // Shifted
case GDK_KEY_Eisu_toggle:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::EISU;
case GDK_KEY_Hangul:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::HAN_YEONG;
case GDK_KEY_Hangul_Hanja:
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::HANJA;
return protocol::LayoutKeyFunction::UNKNOWN;
} // namespace
std::unique_ptr<KeyboardLayoutMonitor> KeyboardLayoutMonitor::Create(
base::RepeatingCallback<void(const protocol::KeyboardLayout&)> callback,
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> input_task_runner) {
return std::make_unique<KeyboardLayoutMonitorLinux>(std::move(callback));
} // namespace remoting