blob: 3e540d9c80754792056bf73c86251a8091632fa1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/trace_event/trace_event.h"
#include "third_party/perfetto/include/perfetto/tracing/internal/track_event_internal.h"
#include "third_party/perfetto/protos/perfetto/trace/track_event/track_event.pbzero.h"
namespace base {
namespace trace_event {
// This header's declarations are implemented in
// Handle to a TrackEvent which notifies a listener upon its destruction (after
// the event lambda has emitted any typed event arguments).
class BASE_EXPORT TrackEventHandle {
using TrackEvent = perfetto::protos::pbzero::TrackEvent;
using IncrementalState = perfetto::internal::TrackEventIncrementalState;
class BASE_EXPORT CompletionListener {
virtual ~CompletionListener();
virtual void OnTrackEventCompleted() = 0;
// Creates a handle to |event| which notifies |listener| on the handle's
// destruction, i.e. after the event lambda has emitted any typed arguments
// into the event. Note that |listener| must outlive the TRACE_EVENT call,
// i.e. cannot be destroyed until OnTrackEventCompleted() is called. Ownership
// of both TrackEvent and the listener remains with the caller.
bool filter_debug_annotations);
// Creates an invalid handle.
explicit operator bool() const { return event_; }
TrackEvent& operator*() const { return *event_; }
TrackEvent* operator->() const { return event_; }
TrackEvent* get() const { return event_; }
IncrementalState* incremental_state() const { return incremental_state_; }
bool ShouldFilterDebugAnnotations() const {
return filter_debug_annotations_;
raw_ptr<TrackEvent> event_;
raw_ptr<IncrementalState> incremental_state_;
raw_ptr<CompletionListener> listener_;
const bool filter_debug_annotations_ = false;
// Handle to a TracePacket which notifies a listener upon its destruction (after
// base has emitted all data into the packet).
class BASE_EXPORT TracePacketHandle {
using TracePacket = perfetto::protos::pbzero::TracePacket;
using PerfettoPacketHandle = protozero::MessageHandle<TracePacket>;
class BASE_EXPORT CompletionListener {
virtual ~CompletionListener();
virtual void OnTracePacketCompleted() = 0;
// Creates a handle to |packet| which notifies |listener| on the handle's
// destruction, i.e. after base has emitted all data into the packet. Note
// that |listener| must outlive the TRACE_EVENT call, i.e. cannot be destroyed
// until OnTracePacketCompleted() is called. Ownership of both TrackEvent and
// the listener remains with the caller.
TracePacketHandle(PerfettoPacketHandle, CompletionListener*);
// Creates an invalid handle.
// Move only.
TracePacketHandle(TracePacketHandle&&) noexcept;
TracePacketHandle& operator=(TracePacketHandle&&);
explicit operator bool() const { return static_cast<bool>(packet_); }
TracePacket& operator*() const { return *packet_; }
TracePacket* operator->() const { return packet_.get(); }
TracePacket* get() const { return packet_.get(); }
PerfettoPacketHandle TakePerfettoHandle() { return std::move(packet_); }
PerfettoPacketHandle packet_;
raw_ptr<CompletionListener> listener_;
using PrepareTrackEventFunction = TrackEventHandle (*)(TraceEvent*);
using PrepareTracePacketFunction = TracePacketHandle (*)();
using EmitEmptyTracePacketFunction = void (*)();
// Embedder should call this (only once) to set the callback invoked when a
// typed event should be emitted. The callback functions may be executed on any
// thread.
BASE_EXPORT void EnableTypedTraceEvents(
PrepareTrackEventFunction typed_event_callback,
PrepareTracePacketFunction trace_packet_callback,
EmitEmptyTracePacketFunction empty_packet_callback);
BASE_EXPORT void ResetTypedTraceEventsForTesting();
} // namespace trace_event
} // namespace base