blob: 79d35656225f6c25217afaccec1292c4a573575b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include "cc/input/touch_action.h"
#include "components/viz/common/quads/compositor_frame.h"
#include "components/viz/common/surfaces/local_surface_id.h"
#include "components/viz/common/surfaces/surface_id.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/frame_connector_delegate.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/common/frame_visual_properties.h"
namespace IPC {
class Message;
namespace content {
class RenderFrameProxyHost;
// CrossProcessFrameConnector provides the platform view abstraction for
// RenderWidgetHostViewChildFrame allowing RWHVChildFrame to remain ignorant
// of RenderFrameHost.
// The RenderWidgetHostView of an out-of-process child frame needs to
// communicate with the RenderFrameProxyHost representing this frame in the
// process of the parent frame. For example, assume you have this page:
// -----------------
// | frame 1 |
// | ----------- |
// | | frame 2 | |
// | ----------- |
// -----------------
// If frames 1 and 2 are in process A and B, there are 4 hosts:
// A1 - RFH for frame 1 in process A
// B1 - RFPH for frame 1 in process B
// A2 - RFPH for frame 2 in process A
// B2 - RFH for frame 2 in process B
// B2, having a parent frame in a different process, will have a
// RenderWidgetHostViewChildFrame. This RenderWidgetHostViewChildFrame needs
// to communicate with A2 because the embedding frame represents the platform
// that the child frame is rendering into -- it needs information necessary for
// compositing child frame textures, and also can pass platform messages such as
// view resizing. CrossProcessFrameConnector bridges between B2's
// RenderWidgetHostViewChildFrame and A2 to allow for this communication.
// (Note: B1 is only mentioned for completeness. It is not needed in this
// example.)
// CrossProcessFrameConnector objects are owned by the RenderFrameProxyHost
// in the child frame's RenderFrameHostManager corresponding to the parent's
// SiteInstance, A2 in the picture above. When a child frame navigates in a new
// process, SetView() is called to update to the new view.
class CONTENT_EXPORT CrossProcessFrameConnector
: public FrameConnectorDelegate {
// |frame_proxy_in_parent_renderer| corresponds to A2 in the example above.
explicit CrossProcessFrameConnector(
RenderFrameProxyHost* frame_proxy_in_parent_renderer);
~CrossProcessFrameConnector() override;
bool OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message &msg);
// |view| corresponds to B2's RenderWidgetHostViewChildFrame in the example
// above.
RenderWidgetHostViewChildFrame* get_view_for_testing() { return view_; }
// FrameConnectorDelegate implementation.
void SetView(RenderWidgetHostViewChildFrame* view) override;
RenderWidgetHostViewBase* GetParentRenderWidgetHostView() override;
RenderWidgetHostViewBase* GetRootRenderWidgetHostView() override;
void RenderProcessGone() override;
void FirstSurfaceActivation(const viz::SurfaceInfo& surface_info) override;
void SendIntrinsicSizingInfoToParent(
const blink::WebIntrinsicSizingInfo&) override;
void UpdateCursor(const WebCursor& cursor) override;
gfx::PointF TransformPointToRootCoordSpace(
const gfx::PointF& point,
const viz::SurfaceId& surface_id) override;
bool TransformPointToLocalCoordSpaceLegacy(
const gfx::PointF& point,
const viz::SurfaceId& original_surface,
const viz::SurfaceId& local_surface_id,
gfx::PointF* transformed_point) override;
bool TransformPointToCoordSpaceForView(
const gfx::PointF& point,
RenderWidgetHostViewBase* target_view,
const viz::SurfaceId& local_surface_id,
gfx::PointF* transformed_point,
viz::EventSource source = viz::EventSource::ANY) override;
void ForwardAckedTouchpadZoomEvent(const blink::WebGestureEvent& event,
InputEventAckState ack_result) override;
void BubbleScrollEvent(const blink::WebGestureEvent& event) override;
bool HasFocus() override;
void FocusRootView() override;
bool LockMouse() override;
void UnlockMouse() override;
void EnableAutoResize(const gfx::Size& min_size,
const gfx::Size& max_size) override;
void DisableAutoResize() override;
bool IsInert() const override;
cc::TouchAction InheritedEffectiveTouchAction() const override;
bool IsHidden() const override;
bool IsThrottled() const override;
bool IsSubtreeThrottled() const override;
#if defined(USE_AURA)
void EmbedRendererWindowTreeClientInParent(
ws::mojom::WindowTreeClientPtr window_tree_client) override;
void DidUpdateVisualProperties(
const cc::RenderFrameMetadata& metadata) override;
// Set the visibility of immediate child views, i.e. views whose parent view
// is |view_|.
void SetVisibilityForChildViews(bool visible) const override;
void SetScreenSpaceRect(const gfx::Rect& screen_space_rect) override;
// Exposed for tests.
RenderWidgetHostViewBase* GetRootRenderWidgetHostViewForTesting() {
return GetRootRenderWidgetHostView();
// These enums back crashed frame histograms - see MaybeLogCrash() and
// MaybeLogShownCrash() below. Please do not modify or remove existing enum
// values. When adding new values, please also update enums.xml. See
// enums.xml for descriptions of enum values.
enum class CrashVisibility {
kCrashedWhileVisible = 0,
kShownAfterCrashing = 1,
kNeverVisibleAfterCrash = 2,
kMaxValue = kNeverVisibleAfterCrash
enum class ShownAfterCrashingReason {
kTabWasShown = 0,
kViewportIntersection = 1,
kVisibility = 2,
kViewportIntersectionAfterTabWasShown = 3,
kVisibilityAfterTabWasShown = 4,
kMaxValue = kVisibilityAfterTabWasShown
// Returns whether the child widget is actually visible to the user. This is
// different from the IsHidden override, and takes into account viewport
// intersection as well as the visibility of the RenderFrameHostDelegate.
bool IsVisible();
// This function is called by the RenderFrameHostDelegate to signal that it
// became visible.
void DelegateWasShown();
friend class MockCrossProcessFrameConnector;
// Resets the rect and the viz::LocalSurfaceId of the connector to ensure the
// unguessable surface ID is not reused after a cross-process navigation.
void ResetScreenSpaceRect();
// Logs the Stability.ChildFrameCrash.Visibility metric after checking that a
// crash has indeed happened and checking that the crash has not already been
// logged in UMA. Returns true if this metric was actually logged.
bool MaybeLogCrash(CrashVisibility visibility);
// Check if a crashed child frame has become visible, and if so, log the
// Stability.ChildFrameCrash.Visibility.ShownAfterCrashing* metrics.
void MaybeLogShownCrash(ShownAfterCrashingReason reason);
// Handlers for messages received from the parent frame.
void OnSynchronizeVisualProperties(
const viz::SurfaceId& surface_id,
const FrameVisualProperties& visual_properties);
void OnUpdateViewportIntersection(const gfx::Rect& viewport_intersection,
const gfx::Rect& compositor_visible_rect,
bool occluded_or_obscured);
void OnVisibilityChanged(bool visible);
void OnSetIsInert(bool);
void OnSetInheritedEffectiveTouchAction(cc::TouchAction);
void OnUpdateRenderThrottlingStatus(bool is_throttled,
bool subtree_throttled);
// The RenderFrameProxyHost that routes messages to the parent frame's
// renderer process.
RenderFrameProxyHost* frame_proxy_in_parent_renderer_;
bool is_inert_ = false;
cc::TouchAction inherited_effective_touch_action_ =
bool is_throttled_ = false;
bool subtree_throttled_ = false;
// Visibility state of the corresponding frame owner element in parent process
// which is set through CSS.
bool is_hidden_ = false;
bool is_scroll_bubbling_;
// Used to make sure we only log UMA once per renderer crash.
bool is_crash_already_logged_ = false;
// Used to make sure that MaybeLogCrash only logs the UMA in case of an actual
// crash (in case it is called from the destructor of
// CrossProcessFrameConnector or when WebContentsImpl::WasShown is called).
bool has_crashed_ = false;
// Remembers whether or not the RenderFrameHostDelegate (i.e., tab) was
// shown after a crash. This is only used when recording renderer crashes.
bool delegate_was_shown_after_crash_ = false;
// The last pre-transform frame size received from the parent renderer.
// |last_received_local_frame_size_| may be in DIP if use zoom for DSF is
// off.
gfx::Size last_received_local_frame_size_;
// The last zoom level received from parent renderer, which is used to check
// if a new surface is created in case of zoom level change.
double last_received_zoom_level_ = 0.0;
} // namespace content