blob: 7e2ad9699b4e42f18f1d1b75d34e9f27237e8e11 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "base/run_loop.h"
#include "base/threading/sequenced_task_runner_handle.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/test/test_browser_dialog.h"
#include "chrome/common/chrome_result_codes.h"
#include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h"
#include "chrome/test/base/in_process_browser_test.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
using ::testing::_;
using ::testing::Eq;
using ::testing::InSequence;
using ::testing::InvokeWithoutArgs;
using ::testing::Range;
// Unfortunately, this needs to be Windows only for now. Even though this test
// is meant to exercise code that is for Windows only, it is a good general
// canary in the coal mine for problems related to early shutdown (aborted
// startup). Sadly, it times out on platforms other than Windows, so I can't
// enable it for those platforms at the moment. I hope one day our test harness
// will be improved to support this so we can get coverage on other platforms.
// See for details.
#if defined(OS_WIN)
#include "chrome/browser/ui/views/try_chrome_dialog_win/try_chrome_dialog.h"
#include "ui/aura/window.h"
#include "ui/gfx/win/singleton_hwnd.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/desktop_aura/desktop_window_tree_host_win.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/widget.h"
// By passing kTryChromeAgain with a magic value > 10000 we cause Chrome
// to exit fairly early.
// Quickly exiting Chrome (regardless of this particular flag -- it
// doesn't do anything other than cause Chrome to quit on startup on
// non-Windows) was a cause of crashes (see bug 34799 for example) so
// this is a useful test of the startup/quick-shutdown cycle.
class TryChromeDialogBrowserTest : public InProcessBrowserTest {
TryChromeDialogBrowserTest() {
void SetUpCommandLine(base::CommandLine* command_line) override {
command_line->AppendSwitchASCII(switches::kTryChromeAgain, "10001");
// Note to Sheriffs: This test (as you can read about above) simply causes
// Chrome to shutdown early, and, as such, has proven to be pretty good at
// finding problems related to shutdown. Sheriff, before marking this test as
// disabled, please consider that this test is meant to catch when people
// introduce changes that crash Chrome during shutdown and disabling this test
// and moving on removes a safeguard meant to avoid an even bigger thorny mess
// to untangle much later down the line. Disabling the test also means that the
// people who get blamed are not the ones that introduced the crash (in other
// words, don't shoot the messenger). So, please help us avoid additional
// shutdown crashes from creeping in, by doing the following:
// Run chrome.exe --try-chrome-again=10001. This is all that the test does and
// should be enough to trigger the failure. If it is a crash (most likely) then
// look at the callstack and see if any of the components have been touched
// recently. Look at recent changes to startup, such as any change to
// ChromeBrowserMainParts, specifically PreCreateThreadsImpl and see if someone
// has been reordering code blocks for startup. Try reverting any suspicious
// changes to see if it affects the test. History shows that waiting until later
// only makes the problem worse.
IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(TryChromeDialogBrowserTest, ToastCrasher) {}
// A test fixture that provides a convenience method for synchronously showing
// the TryChromeDialog and a mock delegate suitable for use in testing various
// functionality.
class TryChromeDialogBrowserTestBase : public InProcessBrowserTest {
// Breaks ShowDialogSync() out of its modal run loop.
void QuitModalLoop() {
if (quit_closure_)
class MockDelegate : public TryChromeDialog::Delegate {
MOCK_METHOD1(SetExperimentState, void(installer::ExperimentMetrics::State));
MOCK_METHOD0(InteractionComplete, void());
explicit TryChromeDialogBrowserTestBase(int group = 0) : group_(group) {
// Configure the delegate to exit the modal loop when the dialog is shown
// and again when it has finished its work.
ON_CALL(delegate_, SetToastLocation(_))
this, &TryChromeDialogBrowserTestBase::QuitModalLoop));
ON_CALL(delegate_, InteractionComplete())
this, &TryChromeDialogBrowserTestBase::QuitModalLoop));
// content:BrowserTestBase:
void SetUpOnMainThread() override {
dialog_ = base::WrapUnique(new TryChromeDialog(group_, &delegate_));
void TearDownInProcessBrowserTestFixture() override { dialog_.reset(); }
MockDelegate& delegate() { return delegate_; }
// Returns the result of showing the dialog.
TryChromeDialog::Result result() const { return dialog_->result(); }
// Returns the HWND housing the dialog.
HWND dialog_hwnd() {
return dialog_->widget()
// Fires off the task(s) to show the dialog, breaking out of the message loop
// once the dialog has been shown.
void ShowDialogSync() {
// Posts a task to the UI thread to simulate a rendezvous from another browser
// process.
void PostRendezvousTask() {
FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&TryChromeDialog::OnProcessNotification,
// Runs a loop until it is quit via either the dialog being shown (by way of
// the default action on the mock delegate's SetLayoutManager) or the
// interaction with the dialog completing (by way of the default action on the
// mock delegate's InteractionComplete).
void RunUntilQuit() {
base::RunLoop run_loop;
quit_closure_ = run_loop.QuitClosure();
const int group_;
::testing::NiceMock<MockDelegate> delegate_;
std::unique_ptr<TryChromeDialog> dialog_;
base::Closure quit_closure_;
// Showing the dialog then closing it via WM_CLOSE should not launch the
// browser.
IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(TryChromeDialogBrowserTestBase, ShowAndCloseNotNow) {
// Open the toast, expecting that the delegate gets the location.
EXPECT_CALL(delegate(), SetToastLocation(_));
// Now close it, verifying that the delegate is invoked as appropriate.
InSequence delegate_sequence;
EXPECT_CALL(delegate(), InteractionComplete());
// Close the popup from the outside.
::PostMessage(dialog_hwnd(), WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);
// Since the dialog was closed by external factors, the overall result should
// be to exit the browser process.
EXPECT_THAT(result(), Eq(TryChromeDialog::NOT_NOW));
// Showing the dialog then receiving a WM_ENDSESSION should not launch the
// browser.
IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(TryChromeDialogBrowserTestBase, ShowAndEndSession) {
// Open the toast, expecting that the delegate gets the location.
EXPECT_CALL(delegate(), SetToastLocation(_));
// Expect that the state is moved to UserLogOff without completing the
// interaction.
this, &TryChromeDialogBrowserTestBase::QuitModalLoop));
EXPECT_CALL(delegate(), InteractionComplete()).Times(0);
// Send a WM_ENDSESSION to the singleton hwnd to simulate user logoff.
::PostMessage(gfx::SingletonHwnd::GetInstance()->hwnd(), WM_ENDSESSION, TRUE,
// The dialog is still open, so the result remains in its initial state.
EXPECT_THAT(result(), Eq(TryChromeDialog::NOT_NOW));
// Receiving a WM_ENDSESSION before the dialog is even shown should not launch
// the browser.
IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(TryChromeDialogBrowserTestBase, EarlyEndSession) {
// Send a WM_ENDSESSION to the singleton hwnd to simulate user logoff.
::PostMessage(gfx::SingletonHwnd::GetInstance()->hwnd(), WM_ENDSESSION, TRUE,
// Expect that the state is moved to UserLogOff without the toast being shown
// or completing the interaction.
EXPECT_CALL(delegate(), SetToastLocation(_)).Times(0);
this, &TryChromeDialogBrowserTestBase::QuitModalLoop));
EXPECT_CALL(delegate(), InteractionComplete()).Times(0);
// The dialog is still open, so the result remains in its initial state.
EXPECT_THAT(result(), Eq(TryChromeDialog::NOT_NOW));
// Showing the dialog then receiving a rendezvous should suppress the initial
// launch.
IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(TryChromeDialogBrowserTestBase, ShowAndRendezvous) {
// Open the toast, expecting that the delegate gets the location.
EXPECT_CALL(delegate(), SetToastLocation(_));
// Expect that the state is moved to OtherLaunch and the interaction
// completes with OPEN_CHROME_DEFER.
InSequence delegate_sequence;
EXPECT_CALL(delegate(), InteractionComplete());
// Queue up the notification from the other browser process.
EXPECT_THAT(result(), Eq(TryChromeDialog::OPEN_CHROME_DEFER));
// Receiving a rendezvous before the dialog is even shown should not launch
// the browser.
IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(TryChromeDialogBrowserTestBase, EarlyRendezvous) {
// Queue up the notification from the other browser process.
// Expect that the state is moved to OtherLaunch and that the interaction
// completes without the toast being shown.
InSequence delegate_sequence;
EXPECT_CALL(delegate(), SetToastLocation(_)).Times(0);
EXPECT_CALL(delegate(), InteractionComplete());
EXPECT_THAT(result(), Eq(TryChromeDialog::OPEN_CHROME_DEFER));
// Test harness to display the TryChromeDialog for testing. Template parameter 0
// is the group number to be evaluated.
class TryChromeDialogTest
: public SupportsTestDialog<TryChromeDialogBrowserTestBase>,
public ::testing::WithParamInterface<int> {
: SupportsTestDialog<TryChromeDialogBrowserTestBase>(GetParam()) {}
void ShowUi(const std::string& name) override { ShowDialogSync(); }
IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_P(TryChromeDialogTest, InvokeUi_default) {
#endif // defined(OS_WIN)