blob: aa32cfae00f42b07a849a5ae13dbf62cfdddbe90 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/types/pass_key.h"
#include "ui/base/models/dialog_model_field.h"
#include "ui/base/models/dialog_model_host.h"
#include "ui/base/models/image_model.h"
#include "ui/base/ui_base_types.h"
namespace ui {
class ComboboxModel;
// Base class for a Delegate associated with (owned by) a model. Provides a link
// from the delegate back to the model it belongs to (through ::dialog_model()),
// from which fields and the DialogModelHost can be accessed.
class COMPONENT_EXPORT(UI_BASE) DialogModelDelegate {
DialogModelDelegate() = default;
DialogModelDelegate(const DialogModelDelegate&) = delete;
DialogModelDelegate& operator=(const DialogModelDelegate&) = delete;
virtual ~DialogModelDelegate() = default;
DialogModel* dialog_model() { return dialog_model_; }
friend class DialogModel;
void set_dialog_model(DialogModel* model) { dialog_model_ = model; }
DialogModel* dialog_model_ = nullptr;
// DialogModel represents a platform-and-toolkit agnostic data + behavior
// portion of a dialog. This contains the semantics of a dialog, whereas
// DialogModelHost implementations (like views::BubbleDialogModelHost) are
// responsible for interfacing with toolkits to display them. This provides a
// separation of concerns where a DialogModel only needs to be concerned with
// what goes into a dialog, not how it shows.
// Example usage (with views as an example DialogModelHost implementation). Note
// that visual presentation (except order of elements) is entirely up to
// DialogModelHost, and separate from client code:
// constexpr int kNameTextfield = 1;
// class Delegate : public ui::DialogModelDelegate {
// public:
// void OnDialogAccepted() {
// LOG(ERROR) << "Hello "
// << dialog_model()->GetTextfield(kNameTextfield)->text();
// }
// };
// auto model_delegate = std::make_unique<Delegate>();
// auto* model_delegate_ptr = model_delegate.get();
// auto dialog_model =
// ui::DialogModel::Builder(std::move(model_delegate))
// .SetTitle(u"Hello, world!")
// .AddOkButton(base::BindOnce(&Delegate::OnDialogAccepted,
// base::Unretained(model_delegate_ptr)))
// .AddTextfield(
// u"Name", std::u16string(),
// ui::DialogModelTextfield::Params().SetUniqueId(kNameTextfield))
// .Build();
// // DialogModelBase::Host specific. In this example, uses views-specific
// // code to set a view as an anchor.
// auto bubble =
// std::make_unique<views::BubbleDialogModelHost>(std::move(dialog_model));
// bubble->SetAnchorView(anchor_view);
// views::Widget* const widget =
// views::BubbleDialogDelegateView::CreateBubble(bubble.release());
// widget->Show();
class COMPONENT_EXPORT(UI_BASE) DialogModel final {
// Builder for DialogModel. Used for properties that are either only or
// commonly const after construction.
class COMPONENT_EXPORT(UI_BASE) Builder final {
// Constructs a Builder for a DialogModel with a DialogModelDelegate whose
// lifetime (and storage) is tied to the lifetime of the DialogModel.
explicit Builder(std::unique_ptr<DialogModelDelegate> delegate);
// Constructs a DialogModel without a DialogModelDelegate (that doesn't
// require storage tied to the DialogModel). For access to the DialogModel
// during construction (for use in callbacks), use model().
Builder(const Builder&) = delete;
Builder& operator=(const Builder&) = delete;
std::unique_ptr<DialogModel> Build() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
// Gets the DialogModel. Used for setting up callbacks that make use of the
// model later once it's fully constructed. This is useful for dialogs or
// callbacks that don't use DialogModelDelegate and don't have direct access
// to the model through DialogModelDelegate::dialog_model().
// Note that the DialogModel* returned here is only for registering
// callbacks with the DialogModel::Builder. These callbacks share lifetimes
// with the DialogModel so uses of it will not result in use-after-frees.
DialogModel* model() { return model_.get(); }
// Overrides the close-x use for the dialog. Should be avoided as the
// close-x is generally derived from dialog modality. Kept to allow
// conversion of dialogs that currently do not allow style.
// TODO(pbos): Propose UX updates to existing dialogs that require this,
// then remove OverrideShowCloseButton().
Builder& OverrideShowCloseButton(bool show_close_button) {
model_->override_show_close_button_ = show_close_button;
return *this;
Builder& SetTitle(std::u16string title) {
model_->title_ = std::move(title);
return *this;
Builder& SetIcon(ImageModel icon) {
model_->icon_ = std::move(icon);
return *this;
// Make screen readers announce the contents of the dialog as it appears.
// See |ax::mojom::Role::kAlertDialog|.
Builder& SetIsAlertDialog() {
model_->is_alert_dialog_ = true;
return *this;
// Disables the default behavior that the dialog closes when deactivated.
Builder& DisableCloseOnDeactivate() {
model_->close_on_deactivate_ = false;
return *this;
// Called when the dialog is explicitly closed (Esc, close-x). Not called
// during accept/cancel.
Builder& SetCloseCallback(base::OnceClosure callback) {
model_->close_callback_ = std::move(callback);
return *this;
// TODO(pbos): Clarify and enforce (through tests) that this is called after
// {accept,cancel,close} callbacks.
// Unconditionally called when the dialog closes. Called on top of
// {accept,cancel,close} callbacks.
Builder& SetWindowClosingCallback(base::OnceClosure callback) {
model_->window_closing_callback_ = std::move(callback);
return *this;
// Adds a dialog button (ok, cancel) to the dialog. The |callback| is called
// when the dialog is accepted or cancelled, before it closes. Use
// base::DoNothing() as callback if you want nothing extra to happen as a
// result, besides the dialog closing.
// If no |label| is provided, default strings are chosen by the
// DialogModelHost implementation.
Builder& AddOkButton(
base::OnceClosure callback,
std::u16string label = std::u16string(),
const DialogModelButton::Params& params = DialogModelButton::Params());
Builder& AddCancelButton(
base::OnceClosure callback,
std::u16string label = std::u16string(),
const DialogModelButton::Params& params = DialogModelButton::Params());
// Use of the extra button in new dialogs are discouraged. If this is deemed
// necessary please double-check with UX before adding any new dialogs with
// them.
Builder& AddDialogExtraButton(
base::RepeatingCallback<void(const Event&)> callback,
std::u16string label,
const DialogModelButton::Params& params = DialogModelButton::Params());
// Adds body text. See DialogModel::AddBodyText().
Builder& AddBodyText(const DialogModelLabel& label) {
return *this;
// Adds a checkbox. See DialogModel::AddCheckbox().
Builder& AddCheckbox(int unique_id,
const DialogModelLabel& label,
const DialogModelCheckbox::Params& params =
DialogModelCheckbox::Params()) {
model_->AddCheckbox(unique_id, label, params);
return *this;
// Adds a combobox. See DialogModel::AddCombobox().
Builder& AddCombobox(std::u16string label,
std::unique_ptr<ui::ComboboxModel> combobox_model,
const DialogModelCombobox::Params& params =
DialogModelCombobox::Params()) {
model_->AddCombobox(std::move(label), std::move(combobox_model), params);
return *this;
// Adds a textfield. See DialogModel::AddTextfield().
Builder& AddTextfield(std::u16string label,
std::u16string text,
const DialogModelTextfield::Params& params =
DialogModelTextfield::Params()) {
model_->AddTextfield(std::move(label), std::move(text), params);
return *this;
// Sets which field should be initially focused in the dialog model. Must be
// called after that field has been added. Can only be called once.
Builder& SetInitiallyFocusedField(int unique_id);
std::unique_ptr<DialogModel> model_;
std::unique_ptr<DialogModelDelegate> delegate);
DialogModel(const DialogModel&) = delete;
DialogModel& operator=(const DialogModel&) = delete;
// The host in which this model is hosted. Set by the Host implementation
// during Host construction where it takes ownership of |this|.
DialogModelHost* host() { return host_; }
// Adds body text at the end of the dialog model.
void AddBodyText(const DialogModelLabel& label);
// Adds a checkbox ([checkbox] label) at the end of the dialog model.
void AddCheckbox(int unique_id,
const DialogModelLabel& label,
const DialogModelCheckbox::Params& params =
// Adds a labeled combobox (label: [model]) at the end of the dialog model.
void AddCombobox(std::u16string label,
std::unique_ptr<ui::ComboboxModel> combobox_model,
const DialogModelCombobox::Params& params =
// Adds a labeled textfield (label: [text]) at the end of the dialog model.
void AddTextfield(std::u16string label,
std::u16string text,
const DialogModelTextfield::Params& params =
// Check for the existence of a field. Should not be used if the code path
// expects the |unique_id| to always be present, as GetFieldByUniqueId() and
// friends will NOTREACHED() if |unique_id| is not present, detecting the bug.
bool HasField(int unique_id) const;
// Gets DialogModelFields from their unique identifier. |unique_id| is
// supplied to the ::Params class during construction. Supplying a |unique_id|
// not present in the model is a bug, and the methods will NOTREACHED(). If
// you have unique fields that are conditionally present, see HasField().
DialogModelField* GetFieldByUniqueId(int unique_id);
DialogModelCheckbox* GetCheckboxByUniqueId(int unique_id);
DialogModelCombobox* GetComboboxByUniqueId(int unique_id);
DialogModelTextfield* GetTextfieldByUniqueId(int unique_id);
// Methods with base::PassKey<DialogModelHost> are only intended to be called
// by the DialogModelHost implementation.
void OnDialogAccepted(base::PassKey<DialogModelHost>);
void OnDialogCancelled(base::PassKey<DialogModelHost>);
void OnDialogClosed(base::PassKey<DialogModelHost>);
void OnWindowClosing(base::PassKey<DialogModelHost>);
// Called when added to a DialogModelHost.
void set_host(base::PassKey<DialogModelHost>, DialogModelHost* host) {
host_ = host;
const absl::optional<bool>& override_show_close_button(
base::PassKey<DialogModelHost>) const {
return override_show_close_button_;
const std::u16string& title(base::PassKey<DialogModelHost>) const {
return title_;
const ImageModel& icon(base::PassKey<DialogModelHost>) const { return icon_; }
absl::optional<int> initially_focused_field(
base::PassKey<DialogModelHost>) const {
return initially_focused_field_;
bool is_alert_dialog(base::PassKey<DialogModelHost>) const {
return is_alert_dialog_;
DialogModelButton* ok_button(base::PassKey<DialogModelHost>) {
return ok_button_.has_value() ? &ok_button_.value() : nullptr;
DialogModelButton* cancel_button(base::PassKey<DialogModelHost>) {
return cancel_button_.has_value() ? &cancel_button_.value() : nullptr;
DialogModelButton* extra_button(base::PassKey<DialogModelHost>) {
return extra_button_.has_value() ? &extra_button_.value() : nullptr;
bool close_on_deactivate(base::PassKey<DialogModelHost>) const {
return close_on_deactivate_;
// Accessor for ordered fields in the model. This includes DialogButtons even
// though they should be handled separately (OK button has fixed position in
// dialog).
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<DialogModelField>>& fields(
base::PassKey<DialogModelHost>) {
return fields_;
base::PassKey<DialogModel> GetPassKey() {
return base::PassKey<DialogModel>();
void AddField(std::unique_ptr<DialogModelField> field);
std::unique_ptr<DialogModelDelegate> delegate_;
DialogModelHost* host_ = nullptr;
absl::optional<bool> override_show_close_button_;
bool close_on_deactivate_ = true;
std::u16string title_;
ImageModel icon_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<DialogModelField>> fields_;
absl::optional<int> initially_focused_field_;
bool is_alert_dialog_ = false;
absl::optional<DialogModelButton> ok_button_;
absl::optional<DialogModelButton> cancel_button_;
absl::optional<DialogModelButton> extra_button_;
base::OnceClosure accept_callback_;
base::OnceClosure cancel_callback_;
base::OnceClosure close_callback_;
base::OnceClosure window_closing_callback_;
} // namespace ui