blob: 3e68ba4e2d0e148401c73bdf07af103f904bbad3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <deque>
#include <utility>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "media/base/android/media_codec_bridge.h"
#include "media/base/android/media_drm_bridge_cdm_context.h"
#include "media/base/audio_decoder.h"
#include "media/base/audio_decoder_config.h"
#include "media/base/media_export.h"
// MediaCodecAudioDecoder is based on Android's MediaCodec API.
// The MediaCodec API is required to play encrypted (as in EME) content on
// Android. It is also a way to employ hardware-accelerated decoding.
// TODO(timav): This class has the logic to manipulate the MediaCodec that is
// the common for audio and video stream and can and should be refactored out
// (
// Implementation notes.
// The MediaCodec
// ( works
// by exchanging buffers between the client and the codec itself. On the input
// side an "empty" buffer has to be dequeued from the codec, filled with data
// and queued back. On the output side a "full" buffer with data should be
// dequeued, the data is to be used somehow (copied out, or rendered to a pre-
// defined texture for video) and the buffer has to be returned back (released).
// Neither input nor output dequeue operations are guaranteed to succeed: the
// codec might not have available input buffers yet, or not every encoded buffer
// has arrived to complete an output frame. In such case the client should try
// to dequeue a buffer again at a later time.
// There is also a special situation related to an encrypted stream, where the
// enqueuing of a filled input buffer might fail due to lack of the relevant key
// in the CDM module.
// Because both dequeuing and enqueuing of an input buffer can fail, the
// implementation puts the input |DecoderBuffer|s and the corresponding decode
// callbacks into an input queue. The decoder has a timer that periodically
// fires the decoding cycle that has two steps. The first step tries to send the
// front buffer from the input queue to the MediaCodec. In the case of success
// the element is removed from the queue, the decode callback is fired and the
// decoding process advances. The second step tries to dequeue an output buffer,
// and uses it in the case of success.
// The failures in both steps are normal and they happen periodically since
// both input and output buffers become available at unpredictable moments. The
// timer is here to repeat the dequeueing attempts.
// Although one can specify a delay in the MediaCodec's dequeue operations,
// this implementation follows the simple logic which is similar to
// AndroidVideoDecodeAccelerator: no delay for either input or output buffers,
// the processing is initated by the timer with short period (10 ms). Using no
// delay for enqueue operations has an extra benefit of not blocking the current
// thread.
// This implementation detects the MediaCodec idle run (no input or output
// buffer processing) and after being idle for a predefined time the timer
// stops. Every Decode() wakes the timer up.
// The current implementation is single threaded. Every method is supposed to
// run on the same thread.
// State diagram.
// [Uninitialized] <-> (init failed) [Ready]
// | |
// (init succeeded) (MEDIA_CODEC_NO_KEY)
// | |
// [Ready] [WaitingForKey]
// | |
// (EOS enqueued) (OnKeyAdded)
// | |
// [Draining] [Ready]
// |
// (EOS dequeued on output)
// |
// [Drained]
// [Ready, WaitingForKey, Draining] -[Any state]-
// | | |
// (MediaCodec error) (Reset ok) (Reset fails)
// | | |
// [Error] [Ready] [Error]
namespace base {
class SingleThreadTaskRunner;
namespace media {
class AudioTimestampHelper;
class MEDIA_EXPORT MediaCodecAudioDecoder : public AudioDecoder {
explicit MediaCodecAudioDecoder(
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner);
~MediaCodecAudioDecoder() override;
// AudioDecoder implementation.
std::string GetDisplayName() const override;
void Initialize(const AudioDecoderConfig& config,
CdmContext* cdm_context,
const InitCB& init_cb,
const OutputCB& output_cb) override;
void Decode(const scoped_refptr<DecoderBuffer>& buffer,
const DecodeCB& decode_cb) override;
void Reset(const base::Closure& closure) override;
bool NeedsBitstreamConversion() const override;
// Possible states.
enum State {
// Information about dequeued input buffer.
struct InputBufferInfo {
int buf_index; // The codec input buffers are referred to by this index.
bool is_pending; // True if we tried to enqueue this buffer before.
InputBufferInfo(int i, bool p) : buf_index(i), is_pending(p) {}
// Information about the MediaCodec's output buffer.
struct OutputBufferInfo {
int buf_index; // The codec output buffers are referred to by this index.
size_t offset; // Position in the buffer where data starts.
size_t size; // The size of the buffer (includes offset).
base::TimeDelta pts; // Presentation timestamp.
bool is_eos; // true if this buffer is the end of stream.
bool is_key_frame;
// A helper method to start CDM initialization.
void SetCdm(CdmContext* cdm_context, const InitCB& init_cb);
// This callback is called after CDM obtained a MediaCrypto object.
void OnMediaCryptoReady(
const InitCB& init_cb,
media::MediaDrmBridgeCdmContext::JavaObjectPtr media_crypto,
bool needs_protected_surface);
// Callback called when a new key is available after the codec received
// the status MEDIA_CODEC_NO_KEY.
void OnKeyAdded();
// Does the MediaCodec processing cycle: enqueues an input buffer, then
// dequeues output buffers.
void DoIOTask();
// Enqueues pending input buffers into MediaCodec as long as it can happen
// without delay in dequeuing and enqueueing input buffers.
// Returns true if any input was processed.
bool QueueInput();
// Enqueues one pending input buffer into MediaCodec if MediaCodec has room.
// Returns true if any input was processed.
bool QueueOneInputBuffer();
// A helper method for QueueInput(). Dequeues an empty input buffer from the
// codec and returns the information about it. OutputBufferInfo.buf_index is
// the index of the dequeued buffer or -1 if the codec is busy or an error
// occured. OutputBufferInfo.is_pending is set to true if we tried to enqueue
// this buffer before. In this case the buffer is already filled with data.
// In the case of an error sets STATE_ERROR.
InputBufferInfo DequeueInputBuffer();
// A helper method for QueueInput(). Fills an input buffer referred to by
// |input_info| with data and enqueues it to the codec. Returns true if
// succeeded or false if an error occurs or there is no good CDM key.
bool EnqueueInputBuffer(const InputBufferInfo& input_info);
// Calls DecodeCB with |decode_status| for every frame in |input_queue| and
// then clears it.
void ClearInputQueue(DecodeStatus decode_status);
// Dequeues all output buffers from MediaCodec that are immediately available.
// Returns true if any output buffer was received from MediaCodec.
bool DequeueOutput();
// Start the timer immediately if |start| is true or stop it based on elapsed
// idle time if |start| is false.
void ManageTimer(bool start);
// Helper method to change the state.
void SetState(State new_state);
// Helper method for DequeueOutput(), processes end of stream.
void OnDecodedEos(const OutputBufferInfo& out);
// The following helper methods OnDecodedFrame() and OnOutputFormatChanged()
// are specific to the stream (audio/video), but others seem to apply to any
// MediaCodec decoder.
// TODO(timav): refactor the common part out and use it here and in AVDA
// (
// Processes the output buffer after it comes from MediaCodec.
void OnDecodedFrame(const OutputBufferInfo& out);
// Processes the output format change.
void OnOutputFormatChanged();
// A helper function for logging.
static const char* AsString(State state);
// Used to post tasks. This class is single threaded and every method should
// run on this task runner.
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner_;
State state_;
// The queue of encoded (and maybe encrypted) buffers. The MediaCodec might
// not be able to accept the input at the time of Decode(), thus all
// DecoderBuffers first go to |input_queue_|.
using BufferCBPair = std::pair<scoped_refptr<DecoderBuffer>, DecodeCB>;
using InputQueue = std::deque<BufferCBPair>;
InputQueue input_queue_;
// Cached decoder config.
AudioDecoderConfig config_;
// Callback that delivers output frames.
OutputCB output_cb_;
scoped_ptr<MediaCodecBridge> media_codec_;
scoped_ptr<AudioTimestampHelper> timestamp_helper_;
// Repeating timer that kicks MediaCodec operation.
base::RepeatingTimer io_timer_;
// Time at which we last did useful work on |io_timer_|.
base::TimeTicks idle_time_begin_;
// Index of the dequeued and filled buffer that we keep trying to enqueue.
// Such buffer appears in MEDIA_CODEC_NO_KEY processing. The -1 value means
// there is no such buffer.
int pending_input_buf_index_;
// CDM related stuff.
// CDM context that knowns about MediaCrypto. Owned by CDM which is external
// to this decoder.
MediaDrmBridgeCdmContext* media_drm_bridge_cdm_context_;
// MediaDrmBridge requires registration/unregistration of the player, this
// registration id is used for this.
int cdm_registration_id_;
// The MediaCrypto object is used in the MediaCodec.configure() in case of
// an encrypted stream.
media::MediaDrmBridgeCdmContext::JavaObjectPtr media_crypto_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<MediaCodecAudioDecoder> weak_factory_;
} // namespace media