blob: 734be5fefee0b619ec9b7e13f10969a2e16420c9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_tree.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <set>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "ui/accessibility/ax_node.h"
#include "ui/gfx/transform.h"
namespace ui {
namespace {
std::string TreeToStringHelper(AXNode* node, int indent) {
std::string result = std::string(2 * indent, ' ');
result += node->data().ToString() + "\n";
for (int i = 0; i < node->child_count(); ++i)
result += TreeToStringHelper(node->ChildAtIndex(i), indent + 1);
return result;
template <typename K, typename V>
bool KeyValuePairsKeysMatch(std::vector<std::pair<K, V>> pairs1,
std::vector<std::pair<K, V>> pairs2) {
if (pairs1.size() != pairs2.size())
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < pairs1.size(); ++i) {
if (pairs1[i].first != pairs2[i].first)
return false;
return true;
template <typename K, typename V>
std::map<K, V> MapFromKeyValuePairs(std::vector<std::pair<K, V>> pairs) {
std::map<K, V> result;
for (size_t i = 0; i < pairs.size(); ++i)
result[pairs[i].first] = pairs[i].second;
return result;
// Given two vectors of <K, V> key, value pairs representing an "old" vs "new"
// state, or "before" vs "after", calls a callback function for each key that
// changed value.
template <typename K, typename V, typename F>
void CallIfAttributeValuesChanged(const std::vector<std::pair<K, V>>& pairs1,
const std::vector<std::pair<K, V>>& pairs2,
const V& empty_value,
F callback) {
// Fast path - if they both have the same keys in the same order.
if (KeyValuePairsKeysMatch(pairs1, pairs2)) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < pairs1.size(); ++i) {
if (pairs1[i].second != pairs2[i].second)
callback(pairs1[i].first, pairs1[i].second, pairs2[i].second);
// Slower path - they don't have the same keys in the same order, so
// check all keys against each other, using maps to prevent this from
// becoming O(n^2) as the size grows.
auto map1 = MapFromKeyValuePairs(pairs1);
auto map2 = MapFromKeyValuePairs(pairs2);
for (size_t i = 0; i < pairs1.size(); ++i) {
const auto& new_iter = map2.find(pairs1[i].first);
if (pairs1[i].second != empty_value && new_iter == map2.end())
callback(pairs1[i].first, pairs1[i].second, empty_value);
for (size_t i = 0; i < pairs2.size(); ++i) {
const auto& iter = map1.find(pairs2[i].first);
if (iter == map1.end())
callback(pairs2[i].first, empty_value, pairs2[i].second);
else if (iter->second != pairs2[i].second)
callback(pairs2[i].first, iter->second, pairs2[i].second);
} // namespace
// Intermediate state to keep track of during a tree update.
struct AXTreeUpdateState {
AXTreeUpdateState() : new_root(nullptr) {}
// Returns whether this update changes |node|.
bool HasChangedNode(const AXNode* node) {
return changed_node_ids.find(node->id()) != changed_node_ids.end();
// Returns whether this update removes |node|.
bool HasRemovedNode(const AXNode* node) {
return removed_node_ids.find(node->id()) != removed_node_ids.end();
// During an update, this keeps track of all nodes that have been
// implicitly referenced as part of this update, but haven't been
// updated yet. It's an error if there are any pending nodes at the
// end of Unserialize.
std::set<AXNode*> pending_nodes;
// This is similar to above, but we store node ids here because this list gets
// generated before any nodes get created or re-used. Its purpose is to allow
// us to know what nodes will be updated so we can make more intelligent
// decisions about when to notify delegates of removals or reparenting.
std::set<int> changed_node_ids;
// Keeps track of new nodes created during this update.
std::set<AXNode*> new_nodes;
// The new root in this update, if any.
AXNode* new_root;
// Keeps track of any nodes removed. Used to identify re-parented nodes.
std::set<int> removed_node_ids;
AXTreeDelegate::AXTreeDelegate() {
AXTreeDelegate::~AXTreeDelegate() {
: delegate_(NULL), root_(NULL) {
AXNodeData root; = -1;
AXTreeUpdate initial_state;
initial_state.root_id = -1;
CHECK(Unserialize(initial_state)) << error();
AXTree::AXTree(const AXTreeUpdate& initial_state)
: delegate_(NULL), root_(NULL) {
CHECK(Unserialize(initial_state)) << error();
AXTree::~AXTree() {
if (root_)
DestroyNodeAndSubtree(root_, nullptr);
void AXTree::SetDelegate(AXTreeDelegate* delegate) {
delegate_ = delegate;
AXNode* AXTree::GetFromId(int32_t id) const {
base::hash_map<int32_t, AXNode*>::const_iterator iter = id_map_.find(id);
return iter != id_map_.end() ? iter->second : NULL;
void AXTree::UpdateData(const AXTreeData& new_data) {
if (data_ == new_data)
AXTreeData old_data = data_;
data_ = new_data;
if (delegate_)
delegate_->OnTreeDataChanged(this, old_data, new_data);
gfx::RectF AXTree::RelativeToTreeBounds(const AXNode* node,
gfx::RectF bounds) const {
// If |bounds| is uninitialized, which is not the same as empty,
// start with the node bounds.
if (bounds.width() == 0 && bounds.height() == 0) {
bounds = node->data().location;
// If the node bounds is empty (either width or height is zero),
// try to compute good bounds from the children.
if (bounds.IsEmpty()) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < node->children().size(); i++) {
ui::AXNode* child = node->children()[i];
if (bounds.width() > 0 && bounds.height() > 0)
return bounds;
} else {
bounds.Offset(node->data().location.x(), node->data().location.y());
while (node != nullptr) {
if (node->data().transform)
const AXNode* container;
// Normally we apply any transforms and offsets for each node and
// then walk up to its offset container - however, if the node has
// no width or height, walk up to its nearest ancestor until we find
// one that has bounds.
if (bounds.width() == 0 && bounds.height() == 0)
container = node->parent();
container = GetFromId(node->data().offset_container_id);
if (!container && container != root())
container = root();
if (!container || container == node)
gfx::RectF container_bounds = container->data().location;
bounds.Offset(container_bounds.x(), container_bounds.y());
// If we don't have any size yet, take the size from this ancestor.
// The rationale is that it's not useful to the user for an object to
// have no width or height and it's probably a bug; it's better to
// reflect the bounds of the nearest ancestor rather than a 0x0 box.
if (bounds.width() == 0 && bounds.height() == 0)
int scroll_x = 0;
int scroll_y = 0;
if (container->data().GetIntAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_SCROLL_X, &scroll_x) &&
container->data().GetIntAttribute(ui::AX_ATTR_SCROLL_Y, &scroll_y)) {
bounds.Offset(-scroll_x, -scroll_y);
node = container;
return bounds;
gfx::RectF AXTree::GetTreeBounds(const AXNode* node) const {
return RelativeToTreeBounds(node, gfx::RectF());
bool AXTree::Unserialize(const AXTreeUpdate& update) {
AXTreeUpdateState update_state;
int32_t old_root_id = root_ ? root_->id() : 0;
// First, make a note of any nodes we will touch as part of this update.
for (size_t i = 0; i < update.nodes.size(); ++i)
if (update.has_tree_data)
if (update.node_id_to_clear != 0) {
AXNode* node = GetFromId(update.node_id_to_clear);
if (!node) {
error_ = base::StringPrintf("Bad node_id_to_clear: %d",
return false;
if (node == root_) {
// Clear root_ before calling DestroySubtree so that root_ doesn't
// ever point to an invalid node.
AXNode* old_root = root_;
root_ = nullptr;
DestroySubtree(old_root, &update_state);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < node->child_count(); ++i)
DestroySubtree(node->ChildAtIndex(i), &update_state);
std::vector<AXNode*> children;
bool root_exists = GetFromId(update.root_id) != nullptr;
for (size_t i = 0; i < update.nodes.size(); ++i) {
bool is_new_root = !root_exists && update.nodes[i].id == update.root_id;
if (!UpdateNode(update.nodes[i], is_new_root, &update_state))
return false;
if (!root_) {
error_ = "Tree has no root.";
return false;
if (!update_state.pending_nodes.empty()) {
error_ = "Nodes left pending by the update:";
for (std::set<AXNode*>::iterator iter = update_state.pending_nodes.begin();
iter != update_state.pending_nodes.end(); ++iter) {
error_ += base::StringPrintf(" %d", (*iter)->id());
return false;
if (delegate_) {
std::set<AXNode*>& new_nodes = update_state.new_nodes;
std::vector<AXTreeDelegate::Change> changes;
for (size_t i = 0; i < update.nodes.size(); ++i) {
AXNode* node = GetFromId(update.nodes[i].id);
if (!node)
bool is_new_node = new_nodes.find(node) != new_nodes.end();
bool is_reparented_node =
is_new_node && update_state.HasRemovedNode(node);
AXTreeDelegate::ChangeType change = AXTreeDelegate::NODE_CHANGED;
if (is_new_node) {
if (is_reparented_node) {
// A reparented subtree is any new node whose parent either doesn't
// exist, or is not new.
bool is_subtree = !node->parent() ||
new_nodes.find(node->parent()) == new_nodes.end();
change = is_subtree ? AXTreeDelegate::SUBTREE_REPARENTED
} else {
// A new subtree is any new node whose parent is either not new, or
// whose parent happens to be new only because it has been reparented.
bool is_subtree = !node->parent() ||
new_nodes.find(node->parent()) == new_nodes.end() ||
change = is_subtree ? AXTreeDelegate::SUBTREE_CREATED
: AXTreeDelegate::NODE_CREATED;
changes.push_back(AXTreeDelegate::Change(node, change));
this, root_->id() != old_root_id, changes);
return true;
std::string AXTree::ToString() const {
return "AXTree" + data_.ToString() + "\n" + TreeToStringHelper(root_, 0);
AXNode* AXTree::CreateNode(AXNode* parent,
int32_t id,
int32_t index_in_parent,
AXTreeUpdateState* update_state) {
AXNode* new_node = new AXNode(parent, id, index_in_parent);
id_map_[new_node->id()] = new_node;
if (delegate_) {
if (update_state->HasChangedNode(new_node) &&
delegate_->OnNodeCreated(this, new_node);
delegate_->OnNodeReparented(this, new_node);
return new_node;
bool AXTree::UpdateNode(const AXNodeData& src,
bool is_new_root,
AXTreeUpdateState* update_state) {
// This method updates one node in the tree based on serialized data
// received in an AXTreeUpdate. See AXTreeUpdate for pre and post
// conditions.
// Look up the node by id. If it's not found, then either the root
// of the tree is being swapped, or we're out of sync with the source
// and this is a serious error.
AXNode* node = GetFromId(;
if (node) {
if (update_state->new_nodes.find(node) == update_state->new_nodes.end())
CallNodeChangeCallbacks(node, src);
} else {
if (!is_new_root) {
error_ = base::StringPrintf(
"%d is not in the tree and not the new root",;
return false;
update_state->new_root = CreateNode(NULL,, 0, update_state);
node = update_state->new_root;
if (delegate_)
delegate_->OnNodeChanged(this, node);
// First, delete nodes that used to be children of this node but aren't
// anymore.
if (!DeleteOldChildren(node, src.child_ids, update_state)) {
// If DeleteOldChildren failed, we need to carefully clean up before
// returning false as well. In particular, if this node was a new root,
// we need to safely destroy the whole tree.
if (update_state->new_root) {
AXNode* old_root = root_;
root_ = nullptr;
DestroySubtree(old_root, update_state);
// Delete |node|'s subtree too as long as it wasn't already removed
// or added elsewhere in the tree.
if (update_state->removed_node_ids.find( ==
update_state->removed_node_ids.end() &&
update_state->new_nodes.find(node) != update_state->new_nodes.end()) {
DestroySubtree(node, update_state);
return false;
// Now build a new children vector, reusing nodes when possible,
// and swap it in.
std::vector<AXNode*> new_children;
bool success = CreateNewChildVector(
node, src.child_ids, &new_children, update_state);
// Update the root of the tree if needed.
if (is_new_root) {
// Make sure root_ always points to something valid or null_, even inside
// DestroySubtree.
AXNode* old_root = root_;
root_ = node;
if (old_root && old_root != node)
DestroySubtree(old_root, update_state);
return success;
void AXTree::CallNodeChangeCallbacks(AXNode* node, const AXNodeData& new_data) {
if (!delegate_)
const AXNodeData& old_data = node->data();
delegate_->OnNodeDataWillChange(this, old_data, new_data);
if (old_data.role != new_data.role)
delegate_->OnRoleChanged(this, node, old_data.role, new_data.role);
if (old_data.state != new_data.state) {
for (int i = AX_STATE_NONE + 1; i <= AX_STATE_LAST; ++i) {
AXState state = static_cast<AXState>(i);
if (old_data.HasState(state) != new_data.HasState(state))
delegate_->OnStateChanged(this, node, state, new_data.HasState(state));
auto string_callback = [this, node](AXStringAttribute attr,
const std::string& old_string,
const std::string& new_string) {
delegate_->OnStringAttributeChanged(this, node, attr, old_string,
new_data.string_attributes, std::string(),
auto bool_callback = [this, node](AXBoolAttribute attr, const bool& old_bool,
const bool& new_bool) {
delegate_->OnBoolAttributeChanged(this, node, attr, new_bool);
new_data.bool_attributes, false, bool_callback);
auto float_callback = [this, node](AXFloatAttribute attr,
const float& old_float,
const float& new_float) {
delegate_->OnFloatAttributeChanged(this, node, attr, old_float, new_float);
new_data.float_attributes, 0.0f, float_callback);
auto int_callback = [this, node](AXIntAttribute attr, const int& old_int,
const int& new_int) {
delegate_->OnIntAttributeChanged(this, node, attr, old_int, new_int);
CallIfAttributeValuesChanged(old_data.int_attributes, new_data.int_attributes,
0, int_callback);
auto intlist_callback = [this, node](
AXIntListAttribute attr,
const std::vector<int32_t>& old_intlist,
const std::vector<int32_t>& new_intlist) {
delegate_->OnIntListAttributeChanged(this, node, attr, old_intlist,
std::vector<int32_t>(), intlist_callback);
auto stringlist_callback =
[this, node](AXStringListAttribute attr,
const std::vector<std::string>& old_stringlist,
const std::vector<std::string>& new_stringlist) {
delegate_->OnStringListAttributeChanged(this, node, attr,
old_stringlist, new_stringlist);
std::vector<std::string>(), stringlist_callback);
void AXTree::DestroySubtree(AXNode* node,
AXTreeUpdateState* update_state) {
if (delegate_) {
if (!update_state->HasChangedNode(node))
delegate_->OnSubtreeWillBeDeleted(this, node);
delegate_->OnSubtreeWillBeReparented(this, node);
DestroyNodeAndSubtree(node, update_state);
void AXTree::DestroyNodeAndSubtree(AXNode* node,
AXTreeUpdateState* update_state) {
if (delegate_) {
if (!update_state || !update_state->HasChangedNode(node))
delegate_->OnNodeWillBeDeleted(this, node);
delegate_->OnNodeWillBeReparented(this, node);
for (int i = 0; i < node->child_count(); ++i)
DestroyNodeAndSubtree(node->ChildAtIndex(i), update_state);
if (update_state) {
bool AXTree::DeleteOldChildren(AXNode* node,
const std::vector<int32_t>& new_child_ids,
AXTreeUpdateState* update_state) {
// Create a set of child ids in |src| for fast lookup, and return false
// if a duplicate is found;
std::set<int32_t> new_child_id_set;
for (size_t i = 0; i < new_child_ids.size(); ++i) {
if (new_child_id_set.find(new_child_ids[i]) != new_child_id_set.end()) {
error_ = base::StringPrintf("Node %d has duplicate child id %d",
node->id(), new_child_ids[i]);
return false;
// Delete the old children.
const std::vector<AXNode*>& old_children = node->children();
for (size_t i = 0; i < old_children.size(); ++i) {
int old_id = old_children[i]->id();
if (new_child_id_set.find(old_id) == new_child_id_set.end())
DestroySubtree(old_children[i], update_state);
return true;
bool AXTree::CreateNewChildVector(AXNode* node,
const std::vector<int32_t>& new_child_ids,
std::vector<AXNode*>* new_children,
AXTreeUpdateState* update_state) {
bool success = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < new_child_ids.size(); ++i) {
int32_t child_id = new_child_ids[i];
int32_t index_in_parent = static_cast<int32_t>(i);
AXNode* child = GetFromId(child_id);
if (child) {
if (child->parent() != node) {
// This is a serious error - nodes should never be reparented.
// If this case occurs, continue so this node isn't left in an
// inconsistent state, but return failure at the end.
error_ = base::StringPrintf(
"Node %d reparented from %d to %d",
child->parent() ? child->parent()->id() : 0,
success = false;
} else {
child = CreateNode(node, child_id, index_in_parent, update_state);
return success;
} // namespace ui