blob: bbd551f1cda64b6e80adb1e5a36caa720646ce59 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <string>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "net/base/completion_callback.h"
#include "net/base/net_log.h"
#include "net/base/upload_data_stream.h"
#include "net/http/http_chunked_decoder.h"
namespace net {
class ClientSocketHandle;
class DrainableIOBuffer;
class GrowableIOBuffer;
struct HttpRequestInfo;
class HttpRequestHeaders;
class HttpResponseInfo;
class IOBuffer;
class SSLCertRequestInfo;
class SSLInfo;
class HttpStreamParser {
// Any data in |read_buffer| will be used before reading from the socket
// and any data left over after parsing the stream will be put into
// |read_buffer|. The left over data will start at offset 0 and the
// buffer's offset will be set to the first free byte. |read_buffer| may
// have its capacity changed.
HttpStreamParser(ClientSocketHandle* connection,
const HttpRequestInfo* request,
GrowableIOBuffer* read_buffer,
const BoundNetLog& net_log);
// These functions implement the interface described in HttpStream with
// some additional functionality
int SendRequest(const std::string& request_line,
const HttpRequestHeaders& headers,
UploadDataStream* request_body,
HttpResponseInfo* response, CompletionCallback* callback);
int ReadResponseHeaders(CompletionCallback* callback);
int ReadResponseBody(IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len,
CompletionCallback* callback);
void Close(bool not_reusable);
uint64 GetUploadProgress() const;
HttpResponseInfo* GetResponseInfo();
bool IsResponseBodyComplete() const;
bool CanFindEndOfResponse() const;
bool IsMoreDataBuffered() const;
bool IsConnectionReused() const;
void SetConnectionReused();
void GetSSLInfo(SSLInfo* ssl_info);
void GetSSLCertRequestInfo(SSLCertRequestInfo* cert_request_info);
// FOO_COMPLETE states implement the second half of potentially asynchronous
// operations and don't necessarily mean that FOO is complete.
enum State {
// The number of bytes by which the header buffer is grown when it reaches
// capacity.
enum { kHeaderBufInitialSize = 4096 };
// |kMaxHeaderBufSize| is the number of bytes that the response headers can
// grow to. If the body start is not found within this range of the
// response, the transaction will fail with ERR_RESPONSE_HEADERS_TOO_BIG.
// Note: |kMaxHeaderBufSize| should be a multiple of |kHeaderBufInitialSize|.
enum { kMaxHeaderBufSize = 256 * 1024 }; // 256 kilobytes.
// The maximum sane buffer size.
enum { kMaxBufSize = 2 * 1024 * 1024 }; // 2 megabytes.
// Handle callbacks.
void OnIOComplete(int result);
// Try to make progress sending/receiving the request/response.
int DoLoop(int result);
// The implementations of each state of the state machine.
int DoSendHeaders(int result);
int DoSendBody(int result);
int DoReadHeaders();
int DoReadHeadersComplete(int result);
int DoReadBody();
int DoReadBodyComplete(int result);
// Examines |read_buf_| to find the start and end of the headers. If they are
// found, parse them with DoParseResponseHeaders(). Return the offset for
// the end of the headers, or -1 if the complete headers were not found, or
// with a net::Error if we encountered an error during parsing.
int ParseResponseHeaders();
// Parse the headers into response_. Returns OK on success or a net::Error on
// failure.
int DoParseResponseHeaders(int end_of_header_offset);
// Examine the parsed headers to try to determine the response body size.
void CalculateResponseBodySize();
// Current state of the request.
State io_state_;
// The request to send.
const HttpRequestInfo* request_;
// The request header data.
scoped_refptr<DrainableIOBuffer> request_headers_;
// The request body data.
scoped_ptr<UploadDataStream> request_body_;
// Temporary buffer for reading.
scoped_refptr<GrowableIOBuffer> read_buf_;
// Offset of the first unused byte in |read_buf_|. May be nonzero due to
// a 1xx header, or body data in the same packet as header data.
int read_buf_unused_offset_;
// The amount beyond |read_buf_unused_offset_| where the status line starts;
// -1 if not found yet.
int response_header_start_offset_;
// The parsed response headers. Owned by the caller.
HttpResponseInfo* response_;
// Indicates the content length. If this value is less than zero
// (and chunked_decoder_ is null), then we must read until the server
// closes the connection.
int64 response_body_length_;
// Keep track of the number of response body bytes read so far.
int64 response_body_read_;
// Helper if the data is chunked.
scoped_ptr<HttpChunkedDecoder> chunked_decoder_;
// Where the caller wants the body data.
scoped_refptr<IOBuffer> user_read_buf_;
int user_read_buf_len_;
// The callback to notify a user that their request or response is
// complete or there was an error
CompletionCallback* user_callback_;
// In the client callback, the client can do anything, including
// destroying this class, so any pending callback must be issued
// after everything else is done. When it is time to issue the client
// callback, move it from |user_callback_| to |scheduled_callback_|.
CompletionCallback* scheduled_callback_;
// The underlying socket.
ClientSocketHandle* const connection_;
BoundNetLog net_log_;
// Callback to be used when doing IO.
CompletionCallbackImpl<HttpStreamParser> io_callback_;
} // namespace net