blob: 8568b131a576eab29a23eb7bb19a48311e4083c9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/app_list/app_list_export.h"
namespace app_list {
class AppListModel;
class SearchModel;
class SearchResult;
// The UMA histogram that logs the input latency from input event to the
// representation time of the shown launcher UI.
constexpr char kAppListShowInputLatencyHistogram[] =
// The UMA histogram that logs the input latency from input event to the
// representation time of the dismissed launcher UI.
constexpr char kAppListHideInputLatencyHistogram[] =
// The UMA histogram that logs usage of suggested and regular apps.
constexpr char kAppListAppLaunched[] = "Apps.AppListAppLaunched";
// The UMA histogram that logs usage of suggested and regular apps while the
// fullscreen launcher is enabled.
constexpr char kAppListAppLaunchedFullscreen[] =
// The UMA histogram that logs different ways to move an app in app list's apps
// grid.
constexpr char kAppListAppMovingType[] = "Apps.AppListAppMovingType";
// The UMA histogram that logs the creation time of the AppListView.
constexpr char kAppListCreationTimeHistogram[] = "Apps.AppListCreationTime";
// The UMA histogram that logs usage of state transitions in the new
// app list UI.
constexpr char kAppListStateTransitionSourceHistogram[] =
// The UMA histogram that logs the source of vertical page switcher usage in the
// app list.
constexpr char kAppListPageSwitcherSourceHistogram[] =
// The UMA histogram that logs usage of the original and redesigned folders.
constexpr char kAppListFolderOpenedHistogram[] = "Apps.AppListFolderOpened";
// The UMA histogram that logs how the app list transitions from peeking to
// fullscreen.
constexpr char kAppListPeekingToFullscreenHistogram[] =
// The UMA histogram that logs how the app list is shown.
constexpr char kAppListToggleMethodHistogram[] = "Apps.AppListShowSource";
// The UMA histogram that logs which page gets opened by the user.
constexpr char kPageOpenedHistogram[] = "Apps.AppListPageOpened";
// The UMA histogram that logs how many apps users have in folders.
constexpr char kNumberOfAppsInFoldersHistogram[] =
// The UMA histogram that logs how many folders users have.
constexpr char kNumberOfFoldersHistogram[] = "Apps.NumberOfFolders";
// The UMA histogram that logs how many pages users have in top level apps grid.
constexpr char kNumberOfPagesHistogram[] = "Apps.NumberOfPages";
// The UMA histogram that logs how many pages with empty slots users have in top
// level apps grid.
constexpr char kNumberOfPagesNotFullHistogram[] = "Apps.NumberOfPagesNotFull";
// The UMA histogram that logs the type of search result opened.
constexpr char kSearchResultOpenDisplayTypeHistogram[] =
// The UMA histogram that logs how long the search query was when a result was
// opened.
constexpr char kSearchQueryLength[] = "Apps.AppListSearchQueryLength";
// The UMA histogram that logs the Manhattan distance from the origin of the
// search results to the selected result.
constexpr char kSearchResultDistanceFromOrigin[] =
// These are used in histograms, do not remove/renumber entries. If you're
// adding to this enum with the intention that it will be logged, update the
// AppListZeroStateSearchResultUserActionType enum listing in
// tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml.
enum class ZeroStateSearchResultUserActionType {
kRemoveResult = 0,
kAppendResult = 1,
kMaxValue = kAppendResult,
// These are used in histograms, do not remove/renumber entries. If you're
// adding to this enum with the intention that it will be logged, update the
// AppListZeroStateResultRemovalConfirmation enum listing in
// tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml.
enum class ZeroStateSearchResutRemovalConfirmation {
kRemovalConfirmed = 0,
kRemovalCanceled = 1,
kMaxValue = kRemovalCanceled,
// The different ways that the app list can transition from PEEKING to
// FULLSCREEN_ALL_APPS. These values are written to logs. New enum
// values can be added, but existing enums must never be renumbered or deleted
// and reused.
enum AppListPeekingToFullscreenSource {
kSwipe = 0,
kExpandArrow = 1,
kMousepadScroll = 2,
kMousewheelScroll = 3,
kMaxPeekingToFullscreen = 4,
// The different ways the app list can be shown. These values are written to
// logs. New enum values can be added, but existing enums must never be
// renumbered or deleted and reused.
enum AppListShowSource {
kSearchKey = 0,
kShelfButton = 1,
kSwipeFromShelf = 2,
kTabletMode = 3,
kSearchKeyFullscreen = 4,
kShelfButtonFullscreen = 5,
kMaxValue = kShelfButtonFullscreen,
// The two versions of folders. These values are written to logs. New enum
// values can be added, but existing enums must never be renumbered or deleted
// and reused.
enum AppListFolderOpened {
kOldFolders = 0,
kFullscreenAppListFolders = 1,
kMaxFolderOpened = 2,
// The valid AppListState transitions. These values are written to logs. New
// enum values can be added, but existing enums must never be renumbered or
// deleted and reused. If adding a state transition, add it to the switch
// statement in AppListView::GetAppListStateTransitionSource.
enum AppListStateTransitionSource {
kFullscreenAllAppsToClosed = 0,
kFullscreenAllAppsToFullscreenSearch = 1,
kFullscreenAllAppsToPeeking = 2,
kFullscreenSearchToClosed = 3,
kFullscreenSearchToFullscreenAllApps = 4,
kHalfToClosed = 5,
KHalfToFullscreenSearch = 6,
kHalfToPeeking = 7,
kPeekingToClosed = 8,
kPeekingToFullscreenAllApps = 9,
kPeekingToHalf = 10,
kMaxAppListStateTransition = 11,
// The different ways to change pages in the app list's app grid. These values
// are written to logs. New enum values can be added, but existing enums must
// never be renumbered or deleted and reused.
enum AppListPageSwitcherSource {
kTouchPageIndicator = 0,
kClickPageIndicator = 1,
kSwipeAppGrid = 2,
kFlingAppGrid = 3,
kMouseWheelScroll = 4,
kMousePadScroll = 5,
kDragAppToBorder = 6,
kMaxAppListPageSwitcherSource = 7,
// The different ways to move an app in app list's apps grid. These values are
// written to logs. New enum values can be added, but existing enums must never
// be renumbered or deleted and reused.
enum AppListAppMovingType {
kMoveIntoFolder = 0,
kMoveOutOfFolder = 1,
kMoveIntoAnotherFolder = 2,
kReorderInFolder = 3,
kReorderInTopLevel = 4,
kMaxAppListAppMovingType = 5,
void RecordFolderShowHideAnimationSmoothness(int actual_frames,
int ideal_duration_ms,
float refresh_rate);
void RecordPaginationAnimationSmoothness(int actual_frames,
int ideal_duration_ms,
float refresh_rate);
void RecordZeroStateSearchResultUserActionHistogram(
ZeroStateSearchResultUserActionType action);
void RecordZeroStateSearchResultRemovalHistogram(
ZeroStateSearchResutRemovalConfirmation removal_decision);
APP_LIST_EXPORT void RecordSearchResultOpenSource(
const SearchResult* result,
const AppListModel* model,
const SearchModel* search_model);
} // namespace app_list