blob: 322ec45d32b82f4c480ac4234cb97b0864ea7e7b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/location.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "media/base/media_export.h"
#include "media/base/media_serializers_base.h"
#include "media/base/status_codes.h"
// Mojo namespaces for serialization friend declarations.
namespace mojo {
template <typename T, typename U>
struct StructTraits;
} // namespace mojo
namespace media {
namespace mojom {
class StatusDataView;
// Status is meant to be a relatively small (sizeof(void*) bytes) object
// that can be returned as a status value from functions or passed to callbacks
// that want a report of status. Status allows attaching of arbitrary named
// data, other Status' as causes, and stack frames, which can all be logged
// and reported throughout the media stack. The status code and message are
// immutable and can be used to give a stable numeric ID for any error
// generated by media code.
// There is also an OK state which can't hold any data and is only for
// successful returns.
class MEDIA_EXPORT Status {
// Default constructor can be used for Status::Ok();
// Constructor to create a new Status from a numeric code & message.
// These are immutable; if you'd like to change them, then you likely should
// create a new Status. {} or Status::Ok() should be used to create a
// success status.
// NOTE: This should never be given a location parameter when called - It is
// defaulted in order to grab the caller location.
Status(StatusCode code,
base::StringPiece message = "",
const base::Location& location = base::Location::Current());
// Copy Constructor & assignment. (Mojo uses both of these)
Status(const Status&);
Status& operator=(const Status&);
// Allows move.
Status& operator=(Status&&);
// Needs an out of line destructor...
bool is_ok() const { return !data_; }
// Getters for internal fields
const std::string& message() const {
return data_->message;
StatusCode code() const { return data_ ? data_->code : StatusCode::kOk; }
// Adds the current location to Status as it’s passed upwards.
// This does not need to be called at every location that touches it, but
// should be called for those locations where the path is ambiguous or
// critical. This can be especially helpful across IPC boundaries. This will
// fail on an OK status.
// NOTE: This should never be given a parameter when called - It is defaulted
// in order to grab the caller location.
Status&& AddHere(
const base::Location& location = base::Location::Current()) &&;
// Add |cause| as the error that triggered this one. For example,
// DecoderStream might return kDecoderSelectionFailed with one or more causes
// that are the specific errors from the decoders that it tried.
Status&& AddCause(Status&& cause) &&;
void AddCause(Status&& cause) &;
// Allows us to append any datatype which can be converted to
// an int/bool/string/base::Value. Any existing data associated with |key|
// will be overwritten by |value|. This will fail on an OK status.
template <typename T>
Status&& WithData(const char* key, const T& value) && {
data_->data.SetKey(key, MediaSerialize(value));
return std::move(*this);
template <typename T>
void WithData(const char* key, const T& value) & {
data_->data.SetKey(key, MediaSerialize(value));
// Private helper to add the current stack frame to the error trace.
void AddFrame(const base::Location& location);
// Keep the internal data in a unique ptr to minimize size of OK errors.
struct MEDIA_EXPORT StatusInternal {
StatusInternal(StatusCode code, std::string message);
// The current error code
StatusCode code = StatusCode::kOk;
// The current error message (Can be used for
std::string message;
// Stack frames
std::vector<base::Value> frames;
// Causes
std::vector<Status> causes;
// Data attached to the error
base::Value data;
// Allow self-serialization
friend struct internal::MediaSerializer<Status>;
// Allow mojo-serialization
friend struct std::allocator<Status>;
friend struct mojo::StructTraits<media::mojom::StatusDataView, Status>;
// A null internals is an implicit OK.
std::unique_ptr<StatusInternal> data_;
// Convenience function to return |kOk|.
// OK won't have a message, trace, or data associated with them, and DCHECK
// if they are added.
MEDIA_EXPORT Status OkStatus();
// We need this two step macro to allow calling with no extra args - in a single
// step macro we would have no way of removing the trailing comma after the
// code.
#define STATUS(CODE_TRUNC, ...) \
STATUS_INTERNAL(::media::StatusCode::CODE_TRUNC, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define STATUS_INTERNAL(...) ::media::Status(__VA_ARGS__)
// Helper class to allow returning a |T| or a Status. Typical usage:
// ErrorOr<std::unique_ptr<MyObject>> FactoryFn() {
// if (success)
// return std::make_unique<MyObject>();
// return Status(StatusCodes::kSomethingBadHappened);
// }
// auto result = FactoryFn();
// if (result.has_error()) return std::move(result.error());
// my_object_ = std::move(result.value());
// Also useful if one would like to get an enum class return value, unless an
// error occurs:
// enum class ResultType { kNeedMoreInput, kOutputIsReady, kFormatChanged };
// ErrorOr<ResultType> Foo() { ... }
// auto result = Foo();
// if (result.has_error()) return std::move(result.error());
// switch (result.value()) {
// case ResultType::kNeedMoreInput:
// ...
// }
template <typename T>
class ErrorOr {
// All of these may be implicit, so that one may just return Status or
// the value in question.
ErrorOr(Status&& error) : error_(std::move(error)) {}
ErrorOr(const Status& error) : error_(error) {}
ErrorOr(T&& value) : value_(std::move(value)) {}
ErrorOr(const T& value) : value_(value) {}
~ErrorOr() = default;
// Move- and copy- construction and assignment are okay.
ErrorOr(const ErrorOr&) = default;
ErrorOr(ErrorOr&&) = default;
ErrorOr& operator=(ErrorOr&) = default;
ErrorOr& operator=(ErrorOr&&) = default;
// Do we have a value?
bool has_value() const { return value_.has_value(); }
// Since we often test for errors, provide this too.
bool has_error() const { return !has_value(); }
// Return the error, if we have one. Up to the caller to make sure that we
// have one via |!has_value()|.
Status& error() { return *error_; }
// Return a ref to the value. It's up to the caller to verify that we have a
// value before calling this.
T& value() { return *value_; }
base::Optional<Status> error_;
base::Optional<T> value_;
} // namespace media