blob: 6191a4380d8ae6ff44bd8bcb4b6fa089021cc1f4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/containers/queue.h"
#include "base/containers/span.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_export.h"
#include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_gatt_characteristic.h"
#include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_remote_gatt_service.h"
#include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_uuid.h"
namespace device {
class BluetoothGattNotifySession;
class BluetoothRemoteGattDescriptor;
class BluetoothRemoteGattService;
// BluetoothRemoteGattCharacteristic represents a remote GATT characteristic.
// This class is used to represent GATT characteristics that belong to a service
// hosted by a remote device. In this case the characteristic will be
// constructed by the subsystem.
// Note: We use virtual inheritance on the GATT characteristic since it will be
// inherited by platform specific versions of the GATT characteristic classes
// also. The platform specific remote GATT characteristic classes will inherit
// both this class and their GATT characteristic class, hence causing an
// inheritance diamond.
class DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_EXPORT BluetoothRemoteGattCharacteristic
: public virtual BluetoothGattCharacteristic {
// The ValueCallback is used to return the value of a remote characteristic
// upon a read request.
typedef base::Callback<void(const std::vector<uint8_t>&)> ValueCallback;
// The NotifySessionCallback is used to return sessions after they have
// been successfully started.
typedef base::Callback<void(std::unique_ptr<BluetoothGattNotifySession>)>
// Returns the value of the characteristic. For remote characteristics, this
// is the most recently cached value. For local characteristics, this is the
// most recently updated value or the value retrieved from the delegate.
virtual const std::vector<uint8_t>& GetValue() const = 0;
// Returns a pointer to the GATT service this characteristic belongs to.
virtual BluetoothRemoteGattService* GetService() const = 0;
// Returns the list of GATT characteristic descriptors that provide more
// information about this characteristic.
virtual std::vector<BluetoothRemoteGattDescriptor*> GetDescriptors()
const = 0;
// Returns the GATT characteristic descriptor with identifier |identifier| if
// it belongs to this GATT characteristic.
virtual BluetoothRemoteGattDescriptor* GetDescriptor(
const std::string& identifier) const = 0;
// Returns the GATT characteristic descriptors that match |uuid|. There may be
// multiple, as illustrated by Core Bluetooth Specification [V4.2 Vol 3 Part G
// Characteristic Presentation Format].
std::vector<BluetoothRemoteGattDescriptor*> GetDescriptorsByUUID(
const BluetoothUUID& uuid) const;
// Get a weak pointer to the characteristic.
base::WeakPtr<BluetoothRemoteGattCharacteristic> GetWeakPtr();
// Returns whether or not this characteristic is currently sending value
// updates in the form of a notification or indication.
// If your code wants to receive notifications, you MUST call
// StartNotifySession and hold on to the resulting session object for as long
// as you want to keep receiving notifications. Even if this method returns
// true, and you are able to see the notifications coming in, you have no
// guarantee that the notifications will keep flowing for as long as you
// need, unless you open your own session.
virtual bool IsNotifying() const;
// Starts a notify session for the remote characteristic, if it supports
// notifications/indications. On success, the characteristic starts sending
// value notifications and |callback| is called with a session object whose
// ownership belongs to the caller. |error_callback| is called on errors.
// This method handles all logic regarding multiple sessions so that
// specific platform implementations of the remote characteristic class
// do not have to. Rather than overriding this method, it is recommended
// to override the SubscribeToNotifications method below.
// The code in SubscribeToNotifications writes to the Client Characteristic
// Configuration descriptor to enable notifications/indications. Core
// Bluetooth Specification [V4.2 Vol 3 Part G Section Characteristic
// Properties] requires this descriptor to be present when
// notifications/indications are supported. If the descriptor is not present
// |error_callback| will be run.
// Writing a non-zero value to the remote characteristic's Client
// Characteristic Configuration descriptor, causes the remote characteristic
// to start sending us notifications whenever the characteristic's value
// changes. When a new notification is received,
// BluetoothAdapterObserver::GattCharacteristicValueChanged is called with
// the characteristic's new value.
// To stop the flow of notifications, simply call the Stop method on the
// BluetoothGattNotifySession object that you received in |callback|.
virtual void StartNotifySession(const NotifySessionCallback& callback,
const ErrorCallback& error_callback);
// Sends a read request to a remote characteristic to read its value.
// |callback| is called to return the read value on success and
// |error_callback| is called for failures.
virtual void ReadRemoteCharacteristic(
const ValueCallback& callback,
const ErrorCallback& error_callback) = 0;
// Sends a write request to a remote characteristic with the value |value|.
// |callback| is called to signal success and |error_callback| for failures.
// This method only applies to remote characteristics and will fail for those
// that are locally hosted.
virtual void WriteRemoteCharacteristic(
const std::vector<uint8_t>& value,
const base::Closure& callback,
const ErrorCallback& error_callback) = 0;
// Sends a write request to a remote characteristic with the value |value|
// without waiting for a response. This method returns false to signal
// failures. When attempting to write the remote characteristic true is
// returned without a guarantee of success. This method only applies to remote
// characteristics and will fail for those that are locally hosted.
// This method is currently implemented only on macOS.
// TODO( Implement it on other platforms as well.
virtual bool WriteWithoutResponse(base::span<const uint8_t> value);
~BluetoothRemoteGattCharacteristic() override;
// Writes to the Client Characteristic Configuration descriptor to enable
// notifications/indications. This method is meant to be called from
// StartNotifySession and should contain only the code necessary to start
// listening to characteristic notifications on a particular platform.
virtual void SubscribeToNotifications(
BluetoothRemoteGattDescriptor* ccc_descriptor,
const base::Closure& callback,
const ErrorCallback& error_callback) = 0;
// Writes to the Client Characteristic Configuration descriptor to disable
// notifications/indications. This method is meant to be called from
// StopNotifySession and should contain only the code necessary to stop
// listening to characteristic notifications on a particular platform.
virtual void UnsubscribeFromNotifications(
BluetoothRemoteGattDescriptor* ccc_descriptor,
const base::Closure& callback,
const ErrorCallback& error_callback) = 0;
friend class BluetoothGattNotifySession;
// Stops an active notify session for the remote characteristic. On success,
// the characteristic removes this session from the list of active sessions.
// If there are no more active sessions, notifications/indications are
// turned off.
// This method is, and should only be, called from
// BluetoothGattNotifySession::Stop().
// The code in UnsubscribeFromNotifications writes to the Client
// Characteristic Configuration descriptor to disable
// notifications/indications. Core Bluetooth Specification [V4.2 Vol 3 Part G
// Section Characteristic Properties] requires this descriptor to be
// present when notifications/indications are supported.
virtual void StopNotifySession(BluetoothGattNotifySession* session,
const base::Closure& callback);
class NotifySessionCommand {
typedef base::Callback<
void(Type, Result, BluetoothRemoteGattService::GattErrorCode)>
ExecuteCallback execute_callback_;
base::Closure cancel_callback_;
NotifySessionCommand(const ExecuteCallback& execute_callback,
const base::Closure& cancel_callback);
void Execute();
void Execute(
Type previous_command_type,
Result previous_command_result,
BluetoothRemoteGattService::GattErrorCode previous_command_error_code);
void Cancel();
void ExecuteStartNotifySession(
NotifySessionCallback callback,
ErrorCallback error_callback,
NotifySessionCommand::Type previous_command_type,
NotifySessionCommand::Result previous_command_result,
BluetoothRemoteGattService::GattErrorCode previous_command_error_code);
void CancelStartNotifySession(base::Closure callback);
void OnStartNotifySessionSuccess(NotifySessionCallback callback);
void OnStartNotifySessionError(
ErrorCallback error_callback,
BluetoothRemoteGattService::GattErrorCode error);
void ExecuteStopNotifySession(
BluetoothGattNotifySession* session,
base::Closure callback,
NotifySessionCommand::Type previous_command_type,
NotifySessionCommand::Result previous_command_result,
BluetoothRemoteGattService::GattErrorCode previous_command_error_code);
void CancelStopNotifySession(base::Closure callback);
void OnStopNotifySessionSuccess(BluetoothGattNotifySession* session,
base::Closure callback);
void OnStopNotifySessionError(
BluetoothGattNotifySession* session,
base::Closure callback,
BluetoothRemoteGattService::GattErrorCode error);
// Pending StartNotifySession / StopNotifySession calls.
base::queue<std::unique_ptr<NotifySessionCommand>> pending_notify_commands_;
// Set of active notify sessions.
std::set<BluetoothGattNotifySession*> notify_sessions_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<BluetoothRemoteGattCharacteristic> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace device