blob: c379f3821985a1eb24e81b32fffbacece17ef815 [file] [log] [blame]
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function assertThrows(func, expected) {
try {
} catch (ex) {
assert_equals(String(ex), expected);
assert_true(false, 'Expected an exception with string: ' + expected);
test(function() {
assert_equals(new URL('').toString(), '');
assert_equals(new URL('/c/d', '').toString(), '');
assert_equals(new URL('b/c', '').toString(), '');
var base = new URL('');
assert_equals(new URL('b/c', base).toString(), '');
// Unmatched surrogate handling
var encodedReplacementCharacter = encodeURIComponent('\ufffd');
assert_equals(new URL('b/c', '\ud801/b').toString(), '' + encodedReplacementCharacter + '/b/c');
}, 'Valid URLs');
test(function() {
assertThrows(function() {
new URL();
}, 'TypeError: Failed to construct \'URL\': 1 argument required, but only 0 present.');
assertThrows(function() {
new URL('');
}, 'TypeError: Failed to construct \'URL\': Invalid URL');
assertThrows(function() {
new URL('','about:blank');
}, 'TypeError: Failed to construct \'URL\': Invalid URL');
assertThrows(function() {
new URL('abc');
}, 'TypeError: Failed to construct \'URL\': Invalid URL');
assertThrows(function() {
new URL('//abc');
}, 'TypeError: Failed to construct \'URL\': Invalid URL');
assertThrows(function() {
new URL('http:///', 'abc');
}, 'TypeError: Failed to construct \'URL\': Invalid base URL');
assertThrows(function() {
new URL('http:///', null);
}, 'TypeError: Failed to construct \'URL\': Invalid base URL');
}, 'Invalid URL parameters');