blob: 4928441a25ef47c079c97f0989b217f2f01e1342 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef ObjectPaintProperties_h
#define ObjectPaintProperties_h
#include "platform/geometry/LayoutPoint.h"
#include "platform/graphics/paint/ClipPaintPropertyNode.h"
#include "platform/graphics/paint/EffectPaintPropertyNode.h"
#include "platform/graphics/paint/PaintChunkProperties.h"
#include "platform/graphics/paint/TransformPaintPropertyNode.h"
#include "wtf/PassOwnPtr.h"
#include "wtf/PassRefPtr.h"
#include "wtf/RefPtr.h"
namespace blink {
// This class stores property tree related information associated with a LayoutObject.
// Currently there are two groups of information:
// 1. The set of property nodes created locally by this LayoutObject.
// 2. [Optional] A suite of property nodes (PaintChunkProperties) and paint offset
// that can be used to paint the border box of this LayoutObject.
class ObjectPaintProperties {
struct LocalBorderBoxProperties;
static PassOwnPtr<ObjectPaintProperties> create(
PassRefPtr<TransformPaintPropertyNode> paintOffsetTranslation,
PassRefPtr<TransformPaintPropertyNode> transform,
PassRefPtr<EffectPaintPropertyNode> effect,
PassRefPtr<ClipPaintPropertyNode> overflowClip,
PassRefPtr<TransformPaintPropertyNode> perspective,
PassRefPtr<TransformPaintPropertyNode> scrollTranslation,
PassOwnPtr<LocalBorderBoxProperties> localBorderBoxProperties)
return adoptPtr(new ObjectPaintProperties(paintOffsetTranslation, transform, effect, overflowClip, perspective, scrollTranslation, localBorderBoxProperties));
// The hierarchy of transform subtree created by a LayoutObject.
// [ paintOffsetTranslation ] Normally paint offset is accumulated without creating a node
// | until we see, for example, transform or position:fixed.
// +---[ transform ] The space created by CSS transform.
// | This is the local border box space, see: LocalBorderBoxProperties below.
// +---[ perspective ] The space created by CSS perspective.
// +---[ scrollTranslation ] The space created by overflow clip.
TransformPaintPropertyNode* paintOffsetTranslation() const { return m_paintOffsetTranslation.get(); }
TransformPaintPropertyNode* transform() const { return m_transform.get(); }
TransformPaintPropertyNode* perspective() const { return m_perspective.get(); }
TransformPaintPropertyNode* scrollTranslation() const { return m_scrollTranslation.get(); }
EffectPaintPropertyNode* effect() const { return m_effect.get(); }
ClipPaintPropertyNode* overflowClip() const { return m_overflowClip.get(); }
// This is a complete set of property nodes that should be used as a starting point to paint
// this layout object. It is needed becauase some property inherits from the containing block,
// not painting parent, thus can't be derived in O(1) during paint walk.
// Note: If this layout object has transform or stacking-context effects, those are already
// baked into in the context here. However for properties that affects only children,
// for example, perspective and overflow clip, those should be applied by the painter
// at the right painting step.
struct LocalBorderBoxProperties {
LayoutPoint paintOffset;
RefPtr<TransformPaintPropertyNode> transform;
RefPtr<ClipPaintPropertyNode> clip;
RefPtr<EffectPaintPropertyNode> effect;
LocalBorderBoxProperties* localBorderBoxProperties() const { return m_localBorderBoxProperties.get(); }
PassRefPtr<TransformPaintPropertyNode> paintOffsetTranslation,
PassRefPtr<TransformPaintPropertyNode> transform,
PassRefPtr<EffectPaintPropertyNode> effect,
PassRefPtr<ClipPaintPropertyNode> overflowClip,
PassRefPtr<TransformPaintPropertyNode> perspective,
PassRefPtr<TransformPaintPropertyNode> scrollTranslation,
PassOwnPtr<LocalBorderBoxProperties> localBorderBoxProperties)
: m_paintOffsetTranslation(paintOffsetTranslation)
, m_transform(transform)
, m_effect(effect)
, m_overflowClip(overflowClip)
, m_perspective(perspective)
, m_scrollTranslation(scrollTranslation)
, m_localBorderBoxProperties(localBorderBoxProperties) { }
RefPtr<TransformPaintPropertyNode> m_paintOffsetTranslation;
RefPtr<TransformPaintPropertyNode> m_transform;
RefPtr<EffectPaintPropertyNode> m_effect;
RefPtr<ClipPaintPropertyNode> m_overflowClip;
RefPtr<TransformPaintPropertyNode> m_perspective;
RefPtr<TransformPaintPropertyNode> m_scrollTranslation;
OwnPtr<LocalBorderBoxProperties> m_localBorderBoxProperties;
} // namespace blink
#endif // ObjectPaintProperties_h