blob: 36ce7a35941de93c78a85e56e62e02951e8f2d15 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/atomicops.h"
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_base.h"
#include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h"
#include "base/task_scheduler/scheduler_lock.h"
#include "base/task_scheduler/sequence.h"
#include "base/task_scheduler/task.h"
#include "base/task_scheduler/task_traits.h"
namespace base {
class ConditionVariable;
class HistogramBase;
namespace internal {
// All tasks go through the scheduler's TaskTracker when they are posted and
// when they are executed. The TaskTracker sets up the environment to run tasks,
// enforces shutdown semantics, records metrics, and takes care of tracing and
// profiling. This class is thread-safe.
class BASE_EXPORT TaskTracker {
// Synchronously shuts down the scheduler. Once this is called, only tasks
// posted with the BLOCK_SHUTDOWN behavior will be run. Returns when:
// - All SKIP_ON_SHUTDOWN tasks that were already running have completed their
// execution.
// - All posted BLOCK_SHUTDOWN tasks have completed their execution.
// CONTINUE_ON_SHUTDOWN tasks still may be running after Shutdown returns.
// This can only be called once.
void Shutdown();
// Waits until there are no pending undelayed tasks. May be called in tests
// to validate that a condition is met after all undelayed tasks have run.
// Does not wait for delayed tasks. Waits for undelayed tasks posted from
// other threads during the call. Returns immediately when shutdown completes.
void Flush();
// Informs this TaskTracker that |task| is about to be posted. Returns true if
// this operation is allowed (|task| should be posted if-and-only-if it is).
bool WillPostTask(const Task* task);
// Runs the next task in |sequence| unless the current shutdown state
// prevents that. Then, pops the task from |sequence| (even if it didn't run).
// Returns true if the sequence was made empty after popping the task.
// WillPostTask() must have allowed |task| to be posted before this is called.
bool RunNextTask(Sequence* sequence);
// Returns true once shutdown has started (Shutdown() has been called but
// might not have returned). Note: sequential consistency with the thread
// calling Shutdown() (or SetHasShutdownStartedForTesting()) isn't guaranteed
// by this call.
bool HasShutdownStarted() const;
// Returns true if shutdown has completed (Shutdown() has returned).
bool IsShutdownComplete() const;
// Causes HasShutdownStarted() to return true. Unlike when Shutdown() returns,
// IsShutdownComplete() won't return true after this returns. Shutdown()
// cannot be called after this.
void SetHasShutdownStartedForTesting();
// Runs |task|. |sequence| is the sequence from which |task| was extracted.
// An override is expected to call its parent's implementation but
// is free to perform extra work before and after doing so.
virtual void PerformRunTask(std::unique_ptr<Task> task, Sequence* sequence);
// Returns true if this context should be exempt from blocking shutdown
// TODO(robliao): Remove when is fixed.
virtual bool IsPostingBlockShutdownTaskAfterShutdownAllowed();
// Called at the very end of RunNextTask() after the completion of all task
// metrics accounting.
virtual void OnRunNextTaskCompleted() {}
// Returns the number of undelayed tasks that haven't completed their
// execution.
int GetNumPendingUndelayedTasksForTesting() const;
class State;
void PerformShutdown();
// Called before WillPostTask() informs the tracing system that a task has
// been posted. Updates |num_tasks_blocking_shutdown_| if necessary and
// returns true if the current shutdown state allows the task to be posted.
bool BeforePostTask(TaskShutdownBehavior shutdown_behavior);
// Called before a task with |shutdown_behavior| is run by RunTask(). Updates
// |num_tasks_blocking_shutdown_| if necessary and returns true if the current
// shutdown state allows the task to be run.
bool BeforeRunTask(TaskShutdownBehavior shutdown_behavior);
// Called after a task with |shutdown_behavior| has been run by RunTask().
// Updates |num_tasks_blocking_shutdown_| and signals |shutdown_cv_| if
// necessary.
void AfterRunTask(TaskShutdownBehavior shutdown_behavior);
// Called when the number of tasks blocking shutdown becomes zero after
// shutdown has started.
void OnBlockingShutdownTasksComplete();
// Decrements the number of pending undelayed tasks and signals |flush_cv_| if
// it reaches zero.
void DecrementNumPendingUndelayedTasks();
// Records the TaskScheduler.TaskLatency.[task priority].[may block] histogram
// for |task|.
void RecordTaskLatencyHistogram(Task* task);
// Number of tasks blocking shutdown and boolean indicating whether shutdown
// has started.
const std::unique_ptr<State> state_;
// Number of undelayed tasks that haven't completed their execution. Is
// decremented with a memory barrier after a task runs. Is accessed with an
// acquire memory barrier in Flush(). The memory barriers ensure that the
// memory written by flushed tasks is visible when Flush() returns.
subtle::Atomic32 num_pending_undelayed_tasks_ = 0;
// Lock associated with |flush_cv_|. Partially synchronizes access to
// |num_pending_undelayed_tasks_|. Full synchronization isn't needed because
// it's atomic, but synchronization is needed to coordinate waking and
// sleeping at the right time.
mutable SchedulerLock flush_lock_;
// Signaled when |num_pending_undelayed_tasks_| is zero or when shutdown
// completes.
const std::unique_ptr<ConditionVariable> flush_cv_;
// Synchronizes access to shutdown related members below.
mutable SchedulerLock shutdown_lock_;
// Event instantiated when shutdown starts and signaled when shutdown
// completes.
std::unique_ptr<WaitableEvent> shutdown_event_;
// TaskScheduler.TaskLatency.[task priority].[may block] histograms. The first
// index is a TaskPriority. The second index is 0 for non-blocking tasks, 1
// for blocking tasks. Intentionally leaked.
HistogramBase* const
task_latency_histograms_[static_cast<int>(TaskPriority::HIGHEST) + 1][2];
// Number of BLOCK_SHUTDOWN tasks posted during shutdown.
HistogramBase::Sample num_block_shutdown_tasks_posted_during_shutdown_ = 0;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace base