blob: 386ca2810e6ceb5d102ba237e11731c873af129f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "ui/base/x/selection_utils.h"
#include "ui/events/platform/x11/x11_event_source.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/point.h"
#include "ui/gfx/x/x11.h"
namespace ui {
class XDragDropClient;
XDragContext(XID local_window,
const XClientMessageEvent& event,
XDragDropClient* source_client,
const SelectionFormatMap& data);
XDragContext(const XDragContext&) = delete;
XDragContext& operator=(const XDragContext&) = delete;
XID source_window() const { return source_window_; }
XDragDropClient* source_client() { return source_client_; }
const SelectionFormatMap& fetched_targets() const { return fetched_targets_; }
// When we receive an XdndPosition message, we need to have all the data
// copied from the other window before we process the XdndPosition
// message. If we have that data already, dispatch immediately. Otherwise,
// delay dispatching until we do.
void OnXdndPositionMessage(XDragDropClient* client,
Atom suggested_action,
XID source_window,
Time time_stamp,
const gfx::Point& screen_point);
// Called when XSelection data has been copied to our process.
void OnSelectionNotify(const XSelectionEvent& xselection);
// Reads the kXdndActionList property from |source_window_| and copies it
// into |actions_|.
void ReadActions();
// Creates a DragDropTypes::DragOperation representation of the current
// action list.
int GetDragOperation() const;
bool DispatchXEvent(XEvent* event);
// Called to request the next target from the source window. This is only
// done on the first XdndPosition; after that, we cache the data offered by
// the source window.
void RequestNextTarget();
// Masks the X11 atom |xdnd_operation|'s views representation onto
// |drag_operation|.
void MaskOperation(Atom xdnd_operation, int* drag_operation) const;
// The XID of our chrome local aura window handling our events.
XID local_window_;
// The XID of the window that initiated the drag.
XID source_window_;
// The DesktopDragDropClientAuraX11 for |source_window_| if |source_window_|
// belongs to a Chrome window.
XDragDropClient* source_client_;
// The client we inform once we're done with requesting data.
XDragDropClient* drag_drop_client_ = nullptr;
// Whether we're blocking the handling of an XdndPosition message by waiting
// for |unfetched_targets_| to be fetched.
bool waiting_to_handle_position_ = false;
// Where the cursor is on screen.
gfx::Point screen_point_;
// The time stamp of the last XdndPosition event we received. The XDND
// specification mandates that we use this time stamp when querying the source
// about the drag and drop data.
Time position_time_stamp_;
// A SelectionFormatMap of data that we have in our process.
SelectionFormatMap fetched_targets_;
// The names of various data types offered by the other window that we
// haven't fetched and put in |fetched_targets_| yet.
std::vector<Atom> unfetched_targets_;
// XdndPosition messages have a suggested action. Qt applications exclusively
// use this, instead of the XdndActionList which is backed by |actions_|.
Atom suggested_action_ = x11::None;
// Possible actions.
std::vector<Atom> actions_;
} // namespace ui