blob: d6a3ee539e0d35f14f96e469c4fa41e18485d3c6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/base/x/x11_window.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include "base/location.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_task_runner_handle.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkRegion.h"
#include "ui/base/hit_test_x11.h"
#include "ui/base/wm_role_names_linux.h"
#include "ui/base/x/x11_pointer_grab.h"
#include "ui/base/x/x11_util.h"
#include "ui/base/x/x11_util_internal.h"
#include "ui/events/devices/x11/device_data_manager_x11.h"
#include "ui/events/devices/x11/touch_factory_x11.h"
#include "ui/events/event.h"
#include "ui/events/event_utils.h"
#include "ui/events/platform/x11/x11_event_source.h"
#include "ui/events/x/events_x_utils.h"
#include "ui/events/x/x11_window_event_manager.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/insets.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image_skia.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image_skia_rep.h"
#include "ui/gfx/skia_util.h"
#include "ui/gfx/x/x11_atom_cache.h"
#include "ui/gfx/x/x11_error_tracker.h"
#include "ui/gfx/x/x11_path.h"
#include "ui/platform_window/common/platform_window_defaults.h"
namespace ui {
namespace {
// Special value of the _NET_WM_DESKTOP property which indicates that the window
// should appear on all workspaces/desktops.
const int kAllWorkspaces = 0xFFFFFFFF;
constexpr char kX11WindowRolePopup[] = "popup";
constexpr char kX11WindowRoleBubble[] = "bubble";
constexpr unsigned char kDarkGtkThemeVariant[] = "dark";
constexpr long kSystemTrayRequestDock = 0;
constexpr int kXembedInfoProtocolVersion = 0;
constexpr int kXembedFlagMap = 1 << 0;
constexpr int kXembedInfoFlags = kXembedFlagMap;
// In some situations, views tries to make a zero sized window, and that
// makes us crash. Make sure we have valid sizes.
gfx::Rect SanitizeBounds(const gfx::Rect& bounds) {
gfx::Size sanitized_size(std::max(bounds.width(), 1),
std::max(bounds.height(), 1));
gfx::Rect sanitized_bounds(bounds.origin(), sanitized_size);
return sanitized_bounds;
void SerializeImageRepresentation(const gfx::ImageSkiaRep& rep,
std::vector<unsigned long>* data) {
int width = rep.GetWidth();
int height = rep.GetHeight();
const SkBitmap& bitmap = rep.GetBitmap();
for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x)
data->push_back(bitmap.getColor(x, y));
int XI2ModeToXMode(int xi2_mode) {
switch (xi2_mode) {
case XINotifyNormal:
return NotifyNormal;
case XINotifyGrab:
case XINotifyPassiveGrab:
return NotifyGrab;
case XINotifyUngrab:
case XINotifyPassiveUngrab:
return NotifyUngrab;
case XINotifyWhileGrabbed:
return NotifyWhileGrabbed;
return NotifyNormal;
bool SyncSetCounter(XDisplay* display, XID counter, int64_t value) {
XSyncValue sync_value;
XSyncIntsToValue(&sync_value, value & 0xFFFFFFFF, value >> 32);
return XSyncSetCounter(display, counter, sync_value) == x11::True;
// Returns the whole path from |window| to the root.
std::vector<::Window> GetParentsList(XDisplay* xdisplay, ::Window window) {
::Window parent_win, root_win;
Window* child_windows;
unsigned int num_child_windows;
std::vector<::Window> result;
while (window) {
if (!XQueryTree(xdisplay, window, &root_win, &parent_win, &child_windows,
if (child_windows)
window = parent_win;
return result;
} // namespace
: type(WindowType::kWindow),
prefer_dark_theme(false) {}
XWindow::Configuration::Configuration(const Configuration&) = default;
XWindow::Configuration::~Configuration() = default;
: xdisplay_(gfx::GetXDisplay()),
x_root_window_(DefaultRootWindow(xdisplay_)) {
DCHECK_NE(x_root_window_, x11::None);
XWindow::~XWindow() = default;
void XWindow::Init(const Configuration& config) {
activatable_ = config.activatable;
unsigned long attribute_mask = CWBackPixel | CWBitGravity;
XSetWindowAttributes swa;
memset(&swa, 0, sizeof(swa));
swa.background_pixmap = x11::None;
swa.bit_gravity = NorthWestGravity;
swa.background_pixel = config.background_color.has_value()
? config.background_color.value()
: WhitePixel(xdisplay_, DefaultScreen(xdisplay_));
XAtom window_type;
switch (config.type) {
case WindowType::kMenu:
swa.override_redirect = x11::True;
window_type = gfx::GetAtom("_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_MENU");
case WindowType::kTooltip:
swa.override_redirect = x11::True;
window_type = gfx::GetAtom("_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_TOOLTIP");
case WindowType::kPopup:
swa.override_redirect = x11::True;
window_type = gfx::GetAtom("_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NOTIFICATION");
case WindowType::kDrag:
swa.override_redirect = x11::True;
window_type = gfx::GetAtom("_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DND");
window_type = gfx::GetAtom("_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL");
// An in-activatable window should not interact with the system wm.
if (!activatable_)
swa.override_redirect = x11::True;
#if !defined(USE_X11)
// It seems like there is a difference how tests are instantiated in case of
// non-Ozone X11 and Ozone. See more details in
// EnableTestConfigForPlatformWindows. The reason why this must be here is
// that we removed X11WindowBase in favor of the XWindow. The X11WindowBase
// was only used with PlatformWindow, which meant non-Ozone X11 did not use it
// and set override_redirect based only on |activatable_| variable or
// WindowType. But now as XWindow is subclassed by X11Window, which is also a
// PlatformWindow, and non-Ozone X11 uses it, we have to add this workaround
// here. Otherwise, tests for non-Ozone X11 fail.
// TODO(msisov): figure out usage of this for non-Ozone X11.
if (UseTestConfigForPlatformWindows())
swa.override_redirect = true;
override_redirect_ = swa.override_redirect == x11::True;
if (override_redirect_)
attribute_mask |= CWOverrideRedirect;
bool enable_transparent_visuals;
switch (config.opacity) {
case WindowOpacity::kOpaqueWindow:
enable_transparent_visuals = false;
case WindowOpacity::kTranslucentWindow:
enable_transparent_visuals = true;
case WindowOpacity::kInferOpacity:
enable_transparent_visuals = config.type == WindowType::kDrag;
int visual_id;
if (config.wm_role_name == kStatusIconWmRoleName) {
std::string atom_name =
"_NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_S" + base::NumberToString(DefaultScreen(xdisplay_));
XID manager =
XGetSelectionOwner(xdisplay_, gfx::GetAtom(atom_name.c_str()));
if (ui::GetIntProperty(manager, "_NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_VISUAL", &visual_id))
visual_id_ = visual_id;
Visual* visual = CopyFromParent;
int depth = CopyFromParent;
Colormap colormap = CopyFromParent;
ui::XVisualManager* visual_manager = ui::XVisualManager::GetInstance();
if (!visual_id_ ||
!visual_manager->GetVisualInfo(visual_id_, &visual, &depth, &colormap,
&visual_has_alpha_)) {
visual_manager->ChooseVisualForWindow(enable_transparent_visuals, &visual,
&depth, &colormap,
if (colormap != CopyFromParent) {
attribute_mask |= CWColormap;
swa.colormap = colormap;
// will BadMatch if we don't set a border when the depth isn't the
// same as the parent depth.
attribute_mask |= CWBorderPixel;
swa.border_pixel = 0;
bounds_in_pixels_ = SanitizeBounds(config.bounds);
xwindow_ = XCreateWindow(xdisplay_, x_root_window_, bounds_in_pixels_.x(),
bounds_in_pixels_.y(), bounds_in_pixels_.width(),
0, // border width
depth, InputOutput, visual, attribute_mask, &swa);
// It can be a status icon window. If it fails to initialize, don't provide
// him with a native window handle, close self and let the client destroy
// ourselves.
if (config.wm_role_name == kStatusIconWmRoleName &&
!InitializeAsStatusIcon()) {
// TODO(erg): Maybe need to set a ViewProp here like in RWHL::RWHL().
long event_mask = ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | FocusChangeMask |
KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask | EnterWindowMask |
LeaveWindowMask | ExposureMask | VisibilityChangeMask |
StructureNotifyMask | PropertyChangeMask |
xwindow_events_ =
std::make_unique<ui::XScopedEventSelector>(xwindow_, event_mask);
if (ui::IsXInput2Available())
// TODO(erg): We currently only request window deletion events. We also
// should listen for activation events and anything else that GTK+ listens
// for, and do something useful.
// Request the _NET_WM_SYNC_REQUEST protocol which is used for synchronizing
// between chrome and desktop compositor (or WM) during resizing.
// The resizing behavior with _NET_WM_SYNC_REQUEST is:
// 1. Desktop compositor (or WM) sends client message _NET_WM_SYNC_REQUEST
// with a 64 bits counter to notify about an incoming resize.
// 2. Desktop compositor resizes chrome browser window.
// 3. Desktop compositor waits on an alert on value change of XSyncCounter on
// chrome window.
// 4. Chrome handles the ConfigureNotify event, and renders a new frame with
// the new size.
// 5. Chrome increases the XSyncCounter on chrome window
// 6. Desktop compositor gets the alert of counter change, and draws a new
// frame with new content from chrome.
// 7. Desktop compositor responses user mouse move events, and starts a new
// resize process, go to step 1.
XAtom protocols[] = {
XSetWMProtocols(xdisplay_, xwindow_, protocols, base::size(protocols));
// We need a WM_CLIENT_MACHINE and WM_LOCALE_NAME value so we integrate with
// the desktop environment.
XSetWMProperties(xdisplay_, xwindow_, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, 0, nullptr,
nullptr, nullptr);
// Likewise, the X server needs to know this window's pid so it knows which
// program to kill if the window hangs.
// XChangeProperty() expects "pid" to be long.
static_assert(sizeof(long) >= sizeof(pid_t),
"pid_t should not be larger than long");
long pid = getpid();
XChangeProperty(xdisplay_, xwindow_, gfx::GetAtom("_NET_WM_PID"), XA_CARDINAL,
32, PropModeReplace, reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&pid),
XChangeProperty(xdisplay_, xwindow_, gfx::GetAtom("_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE"),
XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeReplace,
reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&window_type), 1);
// The changes to |window_properties_| here will be sent to the X server just
// before the window is mapped.
// Remove popup windows from taskbar unless overridden.
if ((config.type == WindowType::kPopup ||
config.type == WindowType::kBubble) &&
!config.force_show_in_taskbar) {
// If the window should stay on top of other windows, add the
// _NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE property.
is_always_on_top_ = config.keep_on_top;
if (is_always_on_top_)
workspace_ = base::nullopt;
if (config.visible_on_all_workspaces) {
ui::SetIntProperty(xwindow_, "_NET_WM_DESKTOP", "CARDINAL", kAllWorkspaces);
} else if (!config.workspace.empty()) {
int workspace;
if (base::StringToInt(config.workspace, &workspace))
ui::SetIntProperty(xwindow_, "_NET_WM_DESKTOP", "CARDINAL", workspace);
if (!config.wm_class_name.empty() || !config.wm_class_class.empty()) {
ui::SetWindowClassHint(xdisplay_, xwindow_, config.wm_class_name,
const char* wm_role_name = nullptr;
// If the widget isn't overriding the role, provide a default value for popup
// and bubble types.
if (!config.wm_role_name.empty()) {
wm_role_name = config.wm_role_name.c_str();
} else {
switch (config.type) {
case WindowType::kPopup:
wm_role_name = kX11WindowRolePopup;
case WindowType::kBubble:
wm_role_name = kX11WindowRoleBubble;
if (wm_role_name)
ui::SetWindowRole(xdisplay_, xwindow_, std::string(wm_role_name));
if (config.remove_standard_frame) {
// Setting _GTK_HIDE_TITLEBAR_WHEN_MAXIMIZED tells gnome-shell to not force
// fullscreen on the window when it matches the desktop size.
if (config.prefer_dark_theme) {
XChangeProperty(xdisplay_, xwindow_, gfx::GetAtom("_GTK_THEME_VARIANT"),
gfx::GetAtom("UTF8_STRING"), 8, PropModeReplace,
kDarkGtkThemeVariant, base::size(kDarkGtkThemeVariant) - 1);
if (ui::IsSyncExtensionAvailable()) {
XSyncValue value;
XSyncIntToValue(&value, 0);
update_counter_ = XSyncCreateCounter(xdisplay_, value);
extended_update_counter_ = XSyncCreateCounter(xdisplay_, value);
XID counters[]{update_counter_, extended_update_counter_};
// Set XSyncCounter as window property _NET_WM_SYNC_REQUEST_COUNTER. the
// compositor will listen on them during resizing.
xdisplay_, xwindow_, gfx::GetAtom("_NET_WM_SYNC_REQUEST_COUNTER"),
XA_CARDINAL, 32, PropModeReplace,
reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(counters), base::size(counters));
// Always composite Chromium windows if a compositing WM is used. Sometimes,
// WMs will not composite fullscreen windows as an optimization, but this can
// lead to tearing of fullscreen videos.
ui::SetIntProperty(xwindow_, "_NET_WM_BYPASS_COMPOSITOR", "CARDINAL", 2);
if (config.icon)
SetXWindowIcons(gfx::ImageSkia(), *config.icon);
void XWindow::Map(bool inactive) {
// Before we map the window, set size hints. Otherwise, some window managers
// will ignore toplevel XMoveWindow commands.
XSizeHints size_hints;
size_hints.flags = 0;
long supplied_return;
XGetWMNormalHints(xdisplay_, xwindow_, &size_hints, &supplied_return);
size_hints.flags |= PPosition;
size_hints.x = bounds_in_pixels_.x();
size_hints.y = bounds_in_pixels_.y();
XSetWMNormalHints(xdisplay_, xwindow_, &size_hints);
ignore_keyboard_input_ = inactive;
unsigned long wm_user_time_ms =
ignore_keyboard_input_ ? 0
: X11EventSource::GetInstance()->GetTimestamp();
if (inactive || wm_user_time_ms != 0) {
XChangeProperty(xdisplay_, xwindow_, gfx::GetAtom("_NET_WM_USER_TIME"),
XA_CARDINAL, 32, PropModeReplace,
reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(&wm_user_time_ms),
if (window_properties_.empty()) {
XDeleteProperty(xdisplay_, xwindow_, gfx::GetAtom("_NET_WM_STATE"));
} else {
ui::SetAtomArrayProperty(xwindow_, "_NET_WM_STATE", "ATOM",
XMapWindow(xdisplay_, xwindow_);
window_mapped_in_client_ = true;
// TODO(thomasanderson): Find out why this flush is necessary.
void XWindow::Close() {
if (xwindow_ == x11::None)
XDestroyWindow(xdisplay_, xwindow_);
xwindow_ = x11::None;
if (update_counter_ != x11::None) {
XSyncDestroyCounter(xdisplay_, update_counter_);
XSyncDestroyCounter(xdisplay_, extended_update_counter_);
update_counter_ = x11::None;
extended_update_counter_ = x11::None;
void XWindow::Maximize() {
// Some WMs do not respect maximization hints on unmapped windows, so we
// save this one for later too.
should_maximize_after_map_ = !window_mapped_in_client_;
SetWMSpecState(true, gfx::GetAtom("_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT"),
void XWindow::Minimize() {
if (window_mapped_in_client_)
XIconifyWindow(xdisplay_, xwindow_, 0);
SetWMSpecState(true, gfx::GetAtom("_NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN"), x11::None);
void XWindow::Unmaximize() {
should_maximize_after_map_ = false;
SetWMSpecState(false, gfx::GetAtom("_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT"),
bool XWindow::Hide() {
if (!window_mapped_in_client_)
return false;
// Make sure no resize task will run after the window is unmapped.
XWithdrawWindow(xdisplay_, xwindow_, 0);
window_mapped_in_client_ = false;
return true;
void XWindow::Unhide() {
SetWMSpecState(false, gfx::GetAtom("_NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN"), x11::None);
void XWindow::SetFullscreen(bool fullscreen) {
SetWMSpecState(fullscreen, gfx::GetAtom("_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN"),
void XWindow::Activate() {
if (!IsXWindowVisible() || !activatable_)
ignore_keyboard_input_ = false;
// wmii says that it supports _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW but does not.
static bool wm_supports_active_window =
ui::GuessWindowManager() != ui::WM_WMII &&
::Time timestamp = X11EventSource::GetInstance()->GetTimestamp();
// override_redirect windows ignore _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW.
if (wm_supports_active_window && !override_redirect_) {
XEvent xclient;
memset(&xclient, 0, sizeof(xclient));
xclient.type = ClientMessage;
xclient.xclient.window = xwindow_;
xclient.xclient.message_type = gfx::GetAtom("_NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW");
xclient.xclient.format = 32;[0] = 1; // Specified we are an app.[1] = timestamp;
// TODO(thomasanderson): if another chrome window is active, specify that in
// data.l[2]. The EWMH spec claims this may make the WM more likely to
// service our _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW request.[2] = x11::None;[3] = 0;[4] = 0;
XSendEvent(xdisplay_, x_root_window_, x11::False,
SubstructureRedirectMask | SubstructureNotifyMask, &xclient);
} else {
XRaiseWindow(xdisplay_, xwindow_);
// Directly ask the X server to give focus to the window. Note that the call
// would have raised an X error if the window is not mapped.
auto ignore_errors = [](XDisplay*, XErrorEvent*) -> int { return 0; };
auto old_error_handler = XSetErrorHandler(ignore_errors);
XSetInputFocus(xdisplay_, xwindow_, RevertToParent, timestamp);
// At this point, we know we will receive focus, and some
// webdriver tests depend on a window being IsActive() immediately
// after an Activate(), so just set this state now.
has_pointer_focus_ = false;
has_window_focus_ = true;
window_mapped_in_server_ = true;
void XWindow::Deactivate() {
// Ignore future input events.
ignore_keyboard_input_ = true;
XLowerWindow(xdisplay_, xwindow_);
bool XWindow::IsActive() const {
// Focus and stacking order are independent in X11. Since we cannot guarantee
// a window is topmost iff it has focus, just use the focus state to determine
// if a window is active. Note that Activate() and Deactivate() change the
// stacking order in addition to changing the focus state.
return (has_window_focus_ || has_pointer_focus_) && !ignore_keyboard_input_;
void XWindow::SetSize(const gfx::Size& size_in_pixels) {
XResizeWindow(xdisplay_, xwindow_, size_in_pixels.width(),
void XWindow::SetBounds(const gfx::Rect& requested_bounds_in_pixels) {
gfx::Rect bounds_in_pixels(requested_bounds_in_pixels);
bool origin_changed = bounds_in_pixels_.origin() != bounds_in_pixels.origin();
bool size_changed = bounds_in_pixels_.size() != bounds_in_pixels.size();
XWindowChanges changes = {0};
unsigned value_mask = 0;
if (size_changed) {
// Update the minimum and maximum sizes in case they have changed.
if (bounds_in_pixels.width() < min_size_in_pixels_.width() ||
bounds_in_pixels.height() < min_size_in_pixels_.height() ||
(!max_size_in_pixels_.IsEmpty() &&
(bounds_in_pixels.width() > max_size_in_pixels_.width() ||
bounds_in_pixels.height() > max_size_in_pixels_.height()))) {
gfx::Size size_in_pixels = bounds_in_pixels.size();
if (!max_size_in_pixels_.IsEmpty())
changes.width = bounds_in_pixels.width();
changes.height = bounds_in_pixels.height();
value_mask |= CWHeight | CWWidth;
if (origin_changed) {
changes.x = bounds_in_pixels.x();
changes.y = bounds_in_pixels.y();
value_mask |= CWX | CWY;
if (value_mask)
XConfigureWindow(xdisplay_, xwindow_, value_mask, &changes);
// Assume that the resize will go through as requested, which should be the
// case if we're running without a window manager. If there's a window
// manager, it can modify or ignore the request, but (per ICCCM) we'll get a
// (possibly synthetic) ConfigureNotify about the actual size and correct
// |bounds_in_pixels_| later.
bounds_in_pixels_ = bounds_in_pixels;
bool XWindow::IsXWindowVisible() const {
// On Windows, IsVisible() returns true for minimized windows. On X11, a
// minimized window is not mapped, so an explicit IsMinimized() check is
// necessary.
return window_mapped_in_client_ || IsMinimized();
bool XWindow::IsMinimized() const {
return ui::HasWMSpecProperty(window_properties_,
bool XWindow::IsMaximized() const {
return (ui::HasWMSpecProperty(window_properties_,
bool XWindow::IsFullscreen() const {
return ui::HasWMSpecProperty(window_properties_,
gfx::Rect XWindow::GetOutterBounds() const {
gfx::Rect outer_bounds(bounds_in_pixels_);
return outer_bounds;
void XWindow::GrabPointer() {
// If the pointer is already in |xwindow_|, we will not get a crossing event
// with a mode of NotifyGrab, so we must record the grab state manually.
has_pointer_grab_ |= !ui::GrabPointer(xwindow_, true, x11::None);
void XWindow::ReleasePointerGrab() {
has_pointer_grab_ = false;
void XWindow::StackXWindowAbove(::Window window) {
DCHECK(window != x11::None);
// Find all parent windows up to the root.
std::vector<::Window> window_below_parents =
GetParentsList(xdisplay_, window);
std::vector<::Window> window_above_parents =
GetParentsList(xdisplay_, xwindow_);
// Find their common ancestor.
auto it_below_window = window_below_parents.rbegin();
auto it_above_window = window_above_parents.rbegin();
for (; it_below_window != window_below_parents.rend() &&
it_above_window != window_above_parents.rend() &&
*it_below_window == *it_above_window;
++it_below_window, ++it_above_window) {
if (it_below_window != window_below_parents.rend() &&
it_above_window != window_above_parents.rend()) {
// First stack |xwindow| below so Z-order of |window| stays the same.
::Window windows[] = {*it_below_window, *it_above_window};
if (XRestackWindows(xdisplay_, windows, 2) == 0) {
// Now stack them properly.
std::swap(windows[0], windows[1]);
XRestackWindows(xdisplay_, windows, 2);
void XWindow::StackXWindowAtTop() {
XRaiseWindow(xdisplay_, xwindow_);
void XWindow::SetCursor(::Cursor cursor) {
XDefineCursor(xdisplay_, xwindow_, cursor);
bool XWindow::SetTitle(base::string16 title) {
if (window_title_ == title)
return false;
window_title_ = title;
std::string utf8str = base::UTF16ToUTF8(title);
XChangeProperty(xdisplay_, xwindow_, gfx::GetAtom("_NET_WM_NAME"),
gfx::GetAtom("UTF8_STRING"), 8, PropModeReplace,
reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(utf8str.c_str()),
XTextProperty xtp;
char* c_utf8_str = const_cast<char*>(utf8str.c_str());
if (Xutf8TextListToTextProperty(xdisplay_, &c_utf8_str, 1, XUTF8StringStyle,
&xtp) == x11::Success) {
XSetWMName(xdisplay_, xwindow_, &xtp);
return true;
void XWindow::SetXWindowOpacity(float opacity) {
// X server opacity is in terms of 32 bit unsigned int space, and counts from
// the opposite direction.
// XChangeProperty() expects "cardinality" to be long.
// Scale opacity to [0 .. 255] range.
unsigned long opacity_8bit =
static_cast<unsigned long>(opacity * 255.0f) & 0xFF;
// Use opacity value for all channels.
const unsigned long channel_multiplier = 0x1010101;
unsigned long cardinality = opacity_8bit * channel_multiplier;
if (cardinality == 0xffffffff) {
XDeleteProperty(xdisplay_, xwindow_,
} else {
XChangeProperty(xdisplay_, xwindow_, gfx::GetAtom("_NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY"),
XA_CARDINAL, 32, PropModeReplace,
reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&cardinality), 1);
void XWindow::SetXWindowAspectRatio(const gfx::SizeF& aspect_ratio) {
XSizeHints size_hints;
size_hints.flags = 0;
long supplied_return;
XGetWMNormalHints(xdisplay_, xwindow_, &size_hints, &supplied_return);
// Unforce aspect ratio is parameter length is 0, otherwise set normally.
if (!aspect_ratio.IsEmpty()) {
size_hints.flags |= PAspect;
size_hints.min_aspect.x = size_hints.max_aspect.x = aspect_ratio.width();
size_hints.min_aspect.y = size_hints.max_aspect.y = aspect_ratio.height();
XSetWMNormalHints(xdisplay_, xwindow_, &size_hints);
void XWindow::SetXWindowIcons(const gfx::ImageSkia& window_icon,
const gfx::ImageSkia& app_icon) {
// TODO(erg): The way we handle icons across different versions of chrome
// could be substantially improved. The Windows version does its own thing
// and only sometimes comes down this code path. The icon stuff in
// ChromeViewsDelegate is hard coded to use HICONs. Likewise, we're hard
// coded to be given two images instead of an arbitrary collection of images
// so that we can pass to the WM.
// All of this could be made much, much better.
std::vector<unsigned long> data;
if (!window_icon.isNull())
SerializeImageRepresentation(window_icon.GetRepresentation(1.0f), &data);
if (!app_icon.isNull())
SerializeImageRepresentation(app_icon.GetRepresentation(1.0f), &data);
if (!data.empty())
ui::SetAtomArrayProperty(xwindow_, "_NET_WM_ICON", "CARDINAL", data);
void XWindow::SetXWindowVisibleOnAllWorkspaces(bool visible) {
SetWMSpecState(visible, gfx::GetAtom("_NET_WM_STATE_STICKY"), x11::None);
int new_desktop = 0;
if (visible) {
new_desktop = kAllWorkspaces;
} else {
if (!ui::GetCurrentDesktop(&new_desktop))
workspace_ = kAllWorkspaces;
XEvent xevent;
memset(&xevent, 0, sizeof(xevent));
xevent.type = ClientMessage;
xevent.xclient.window = xwindow_;
xevent.xclient.message_type = gfx::GetAtom("_NET_WM_DESKTOP");
xevent.xclient.format = 32;[0] = new_desktop;[1] = 0;[2] = 0;[3] = 0;[4] = 0;
XSendEvent(xdisplay_, x_root_window_, x11::False,
SubstructureRedirectMask | SubstructureNotifyMask, &xevent);
bool XWindow::IsXWindowVisibleOnAllWorkspaces() const {
// We don't need a check for _NET_WM_STATE_STICKY because that would specify
// that the window remain in a fixed position even if the viewport scrolls.
// This is different from the type of workspace that's associated with
return workspace_ == kAllWorkspaces;
void XWindow::MoveCursorTo(const gfx::Point& location_in_pixels) {
XWarpPointer(xdisplay_, x11::None, x_root_window_, 0, 0, 0, 0,
bounds_in_pixels_.x() + location_in_pixels.x(),
bounds_in_pixels_.y() + location_in_pixels.y());
void XWindow::ResetWindowRegion() {
XRegion* xregion = nullptr;
if (!use_custom_shape() && !IsMaximized() && !IsFullscreen()) {
SkPath window_mask;
GetWindowMaskForXWindow(bounds().size(), &window_mask);
// Some frame views define a custom (non-rectangular) window mask. If
// so, use it to define the window shape. If not, fall through.
if (window_mask.countPoints() > 0)
xregion = gfx::CreateRegionFromSkPath(window_mask);
void XWindow::OnWorkspaceUpdated() {
auto old_workspace = workspace_;
int workspace;
if (ui::GetWindowDesktop(xwindow_, &workspace))
workspace_ = workspace;
workspace_ = base::nullopt;
if (workspace_ != old_workspace)
void XWindow::SetAlwaysOnTop(bool always_on_top) {
is_always_on_top_ = always_on_top;
SetWMSpecState(always_on_top, gfx::GetAtom("_NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE"), x11::None);
void XWindow::SetFlashFrameHint(bool flash_frame) {
if (urgency_hint_set_ == flash_frame)
gfx::XScopedPtr<XWMHints> hints(XGetWMHints(xdisplay_, xwindow_));
if (!hints) {
// The window hasn't had its hints set yet.
if (flash_frame)
hints->flags |= XUrgencyHint;
hints->flags &= ~XUrgencyHint;
XSetWMHints(xdisplay_, xwindow_, hints.get());
urgency_hint_set_ = flash_frame;
void XWindow::UpdateMinAndMaxSize() {
base::Optional<gfx::Size> minimum_in_pixels = GetMinimumSizeForXWindow();
base::Optional<gfx::Size> maximum_in_pixels = GetMaximumSizeForXWindow();
if ((!minimum_in_pixels ||
min_size_in_pixels_ == minimum_in_pixels.value()) &&
(!maximum_in_pixels || max_size_in_pixels_ == maximum_in_pixels.value()))
min_size_in_pixels_ = minimum_in_pixels.value();
max_size_in_pixels_ = maximum_in_pixels.value();
XSizeHints hints;
hints.flags = 0;
long supplied_return;
XGetWMNormalHints(xdisplay_, xwindow_, &hints, &supplied_return);
if (min_size_in_pixels_.IsEmpty()) {
hints.flags &= ~PMinSize;
} else {
hints.flags |= PMinSize;
hints.min_width = min_size_in_pixels_.width();
hints.min_height = min_size_in_pixels_.height();
if (max_size_in_pixels_.IsEmpty()) {
hints.flags &= ~PMaxSize;
} else {
hints.flags |= PMaxSize;
hints.max_width = max_size_in_pixels_.width();
hints.max_height = max_size_in_pixels_.height();
XSetWMNormalHints(xdisplay_, xwindow_, &hints);
void XWindow::BeforeActivationStateChanged() {
was_active_ = IsActive();
had_pointer_ = has_pointer_;
had_pointer_grab_ = has_pointer_grab_;
had_window_focus_ = has_window_focus_;
void XWindow::AfterActivationStateChanged() {
if (had_pointer_grab_ && !has_pointer_grab_)
bool had_pointer_capture = had_pointer_ || had_pointer_grab_;
bool has_pointer_capture = has_pointer_ || has_pointer_grab_;
if (had_pointer_capture && !has_pointer_capture)
bool is_active = IsActive();
if (!was_active_ && is_active)
if (was_active_ != is_active)
void XWindow::SetUseNativeFrame(bool use_native_frame) {
use_native_frame_ = use_native_frame;
ui::SetUseOSWindowFrame(xwindow_, use_native_frame);
void XWindow::OnCrossingEvent(bool enter,
bool focus_in_window_or_ancestor,
int mode,
int detail) {
// NotifyInferior on a crossing event means the pointer moved into or out of a
// child window, but the pointer is still within |xwindow_|.
if (detail == NotifyInferior)
if (mode == NotifyGrab)
has_pointer_grab_ = enter;
else if (mode == NotifyUngrab)
has_pointer_grab_ = false;
has_pointer_ = enter;
if (focus_in_window_or_ancestor && !has_window_focus_) {
// If we reach this point, we know the focus is in an ancestor or the
// pointer root. The definition of |has_pointer_focus_| is (An ancestor
// window or the PointerRoot is focused) && |has_pointer_|. Therefore, we
// can just use |has_pointer_| in the assignment. The transitions for when
// the focus changes are handled in OnFocusEvent().
has_pointer_focus_ = has_pointer_;
void XWindow::OnFocusEvent(bool focus_in, int mode, int detail) {
// NotifyInferior on a focus event means the focus moved into or out of a
// child window, but the focus is still within |xwindow_|.
if (detail == NotifyInferior)
bool notify_grab = mode == NotifyGrab || mode == NotifyUngrab;
// For every focus change, the X server sends normal focus events which are
// useful for tracking |has_window_focus_|, but supplements these events with
// NotifyPointer events which are only useful for tracking pointer focus.
// For |has_pointer_focus_| and |has_window_focus_|, we continue tracking
// state during a grab, but ignore grab/ungrab events themselves.
if (!notify_grab && detail != NotifyPointer)
has_window_focus_ = focus_in;
if (!notify_grab && has_pointer_) {
switch (detail) {
case NotifyAncestor:
case NotifyVirtual:
// If we reach this point, we know |has_pointer_| was true before and
// after this event. Since the definition of |has_pointer_focus_| is
// (An ancestor window or the PointerRoot is focused) && |has_pointer_|,
// we only need to worry about transitions on the first conjunct.
// Therefore, |has_pointer_focus_| will become true when:
// 1. Focus moves from |xwindow_| to an ancestor
// (FocusOut with NotifyAncestor)
// 2. Focus moves from a descendant of |xwindow_| to an ancestor
// (FocusOut with NotifyVirtual)
// |has_pointer_focus_| will become false when:
// 1. Focus moves from an ancestor to |xwindow_|
// (FocusIn with NotifyAncestor)
// 2. Focus moves from an ancestor to a child of |xwindow_|
// (FocusIn with NotifyVirtual)
has_pointer_focus_ = !focus_in;
case NotifyPointer:
// The remaining cases for |has_pointer_focus_| becoming true are:
// 3. Focus moves from |xwindow_| to the PointerRoot
// 4. Focus moves from a descendant of |xwindow_| to the PointerRoot
// 5. Focus moves from None to the PointerRoot
// 6. Focus moves from Other to the PointerRoot
// 7. Focus moves from None to an ancestor of |xwindow_|
// 8. Focus moves from Other to an ancestor of |xwindow_|
// In each case, we will get a FocusIn with a detail of NotifyPointer.
// The remaining cases for |has_pointer_focus_| becoming false are:
// 3. Focus moves from the PointerRoot to |xwindow_|
// 4. Focus moves from the PointerRoot to a descendant of |xwindow|
// 5. Focus moves from the PointerRoot to None
// 6. Focus moves from an ancestor of |xwindow_| to None
// 7. Focus moves from the PointerRoot to Other
// 8. Focus moves from an ancestor of |xwindow_| to Other
// In each case, we will get a FocusOut with a detail of NotifyPointer.
has_pointer_focus_ = focus_in;
case NotifyNonlinear:
case NotifyNonlinearVirtual:
// We get Nonlinear(Virtual) events when
// 1. Focus moves from Other to |xwindow_|
// (FocusIn with NotifyNonlinear)
// 2. Focus moves from Other to a descendant of |xwindow_|
// (FocusIn with NotifyNonlinearVirtual)
// 3. Focus moves from |xwindow_| to Other
// (FocusOut with NotifyNonlinear)
// 4. Focus moves from a descendant of |xwindow_| to Other
// (FocusOut with NotifyNonlinearVirtual)
// |has_pointer_focus_| should be false before and after this event.
has_pointer_focus_ = false;
ignore_keyboard_input_ = false;
bool XWindow::IsTargetedBy(const XEvent& xev) const {
::Window target_window =
(xev.type == GenericEvent)
? static_cast<XIDeviceEvent*>(>event
: xev.xany.window;
return target_window == xwindow_;
void XWindow::WmMoveResize(int hittest, const gfx::Point& location) const {
int direction = HitTestToWmMoveResizeDirection(hittest);
if (direction == -1)
DoWMMoveResize(xdisplay_, x_root_window_, xwindow_, location, direction);
// In Ozone, there are no ui::*Event constructors receiving XEvent* as input,
// in this case ui::PlatformEvent is expected. Furthermore,
// X11EventSourceLibevent is used in that case, which already translates
// Mouse/Key/Touch/Scroll events into ui::Events so they should not be handled
// by PlatformWindow, which is supposed to use XWindow in Ozone builds. So
// handling these events is disabled for Ozone.
void XWindow::ProcessEvent(XEvent* xev) {
// We can lose track of the window's position when the window is reparented.
// When the parent window is moved, we won't get an event, so the window's
// position relative to the root window will get out-of-sync. We can re-sync
// when getting pointer events (EnterNotify, LeaveNotify, ButtonPress,
// ButtonRelease, MotionNotify) which include the pointer location both
// relative to this window and relative to the root window, so we can
// calculate this window's position from that information.
gfx::Point window_point = ui::EventLocationFromXEvent(*xev);
gfx::Point root_point = ui::EventSystemLocationFromXEvent(*xev);
if (!window_point.IsOrigin() && !root_point.IsOrigin()) {
gfx::Point window_origin = gfx::Point() + (root_point - window_point);
if (bounds_in_pixels_.origin() != window_origin) {
// May want to factor CheckXEventForConsistency(xev); into a common location
// since it is called here.
switch (xev->type) {
case EnterNotify:
case LeaveNotify: {
OnCrossingEvent(xev->type == EnterNotify, xev->xcrossing.focus,
xev->xcrossing.mode, xev->xcrossing.detail);
case Expose: {
gfx::Rect damage_rect_in_pixels(xev->xexpose.x, xev->xexpose.y,
xev->xexpose.width, xev->xexpose.height);
case x11::FocusIn:
case x11::FocusOut:
OnFocusEvent(xev->type == x11::FocusIn, xev->xfocus.mode,
case ConfigureNotify:
case GenericEvent: {
ui::TouchFactory* factory = ui::TouchFactory::GetInstance();
if (!factory->ShouldProcessXI2Event(xev))
XIEnterEvent* enter_event = static_cast<XIEnterEvent*>(xev->;
switch (static_cast<XIEvent*>(xev->>evtype) {
case XI_Enter:
case XI_Leave: {
OnCrossingEvent(enter_event->evtype == XI_Enter, enter_event->focus,
case XI_FocusIn:
case XI_FocusOut: {
OnFocusEvent(enter_event->evtype == XI_FocusIn,
XI2ModeToXMode(enter_event->mode), enter_event->detail);
case MapNotify: {
case UnmapNotify: {
window_mapped_in_server_ = false;
has_pointer_ = false;
has_pointer_grab_ = false;
has_pointer_focus_ = false;
has_window_focus_ = false;
case ClientMessage: {
Atom message_type = xev->xclient.message_type;
if (message_type == gfx::GetAtom("WM_PROTOCOLS")) {
Atom protocol = static_cast<Atom>(xev->[0]);
if (protocol == gfx::GetAtom("WM_DELETE_WINDOW")) {
// We have received a close message from the window manager.
} else if (protocol == gfx::GetAtom("_NET_WM_PING")) {
XEvent reply_event = *xev;
reply_event.xclient.window = x_root_window_;
XSendEvent(xdisplay_, reply_event.xclient.window, x11::False,
SubstructureRedirectMask | SubstructureNotifyMask,
} else if (protocol == gfx::GetAtom("_NET_WM_SYNC_REQUEST")) {
pending_counter_value_ =
xev->[2] +
(static_cast<int64_t>(xev->[3]) << 32);
pending_counter_value_is_extended_ = xev->[4] != 0;
} else {
case MappingNotify: {
switch (xev->xmapping.request) {
case MappingModifier:
case MappingKeyboard:
case MappingPointer:
NOTIMPLEMENTED() << " Unknown request: " << xev->xmapping.request;
case PropertyNotify: {
XAtom changed_atom = xev->xproperty.atom;
if (changed_atom == gfx::GetAtom("_NET_WM_STATE")) {
} else if (changed_atom == gfx::GetAtom("_NET_FRAME_EXTENTS")) {
} else if (changed_atom == gfx::GetAtom("_NET_WM_DESKTOP")) {
case SelectionNotify: {
void XWindow::UpdateWMUserTime(ui::Event* event) {
if (!IsActive())
ui::EventType type = event->type();
if (type == ui::ET_MOUSE_PRESSED || type == ui::ET_KEY_PRESSED ||
type == ui::ET_TOUCH_PRESSED) {
unsigned long wm_user_time_ms =
(event->time_stamp() - base::TimeTicks()).InMilliseconds();
XChangeProperty(xdisplay_, xwindow_, gfx::GetAtom("_NET_WM_USER_TIME"),
XA_CARDINAL, 32, PropModeReplace,
reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(&wm_user_time_ms),
void XWindow::OnWindowMapped() {
window_mapped_in_server_ = true;
// Some WMs only respect maximize hints after the window has been mapped.
// Check whether we need to re-do a maximization.
if (should_maximize_after_map_) {
should_maximize_after_map_ = false;
void XWindow::OnConfigureEvent(XEvent* xev) {
DCHECK_EQ(xwindow_, xev->xconfigure.window);
DCHECK_EQ(xwindow_, xev->xconfigure.event);
if (pending_counter_value_) {
configure_counter_value_ = pending_counter_value_;
configure_counter_value_is_extended_ = pending_counter_value_is_extended_;
pending_counter_value_is_extended_ = 0;
pending_counter_value_ = 0;
// It's possible that the X window may be resized by some other means than
// from within aura (e.g. the X window manager can change the size). Make
// sure the root window size is maintained properly.
int translated_x_in_pixels = xev->xconfigure.x;
int translated_y_in_pixels = xev->xconfigure.y;
if (!xev->xconfigure.send_event && !xev->xconfigure.override_redirect) {
Window unused;
XTranslateCoordinates(xdisplay_, xwindow_, x_root_window_, 0, 0,
&translated_x_in_pixels, &translated_y_in_pixels,
gfx::Rect bounds_in_pixels(translated_x_in_pixels, translated_y_in_pixels,
xev->xconfigure.width, xev->xconfigure.height);
bool size_changed = bounds_in_pixels_.size() != bounds_in_pixels.size();
bool origin_changed = bounds_in_pixels_.origin() != bounds_in_pixels.origin();
previous_bounds_in_pixels_ = bounds_in_pixels_;
bounds_in_pixels_ = bounds_in_pixels;
if (size_changed)
else if (origin_changed)
void XWindow::SetWMSpecState(bool enabled, XAtom state1, XAtom state2) {
if (window_mapped_in_client_) {
ui::SetWMSpecState(xwindow_, enabled, state1, state2);
} else {
// The updated state will be set when the window is (re)mapped.
base::flat_set<XAtom> new_window_properties = window_properties_;
for (XAtom atom : {state1, state2}) {
if (enabled)
void XWindow::OnWMStateUpdated() {
// The EWMH spec requires window managers to remove the _NET_WM_STATE property
// when a window is unmapped. However, Chromium code wants the state to
// persist across a Hide() and Show(). So if the window is currently
// unmapped, leave the state unchanged so it will be restored when the window
// is remapped.
std::vector<XAtom> atom_list;
if (ui::GetAtomArrayProperty(xwindow_, "_NET_WM_STATE", &atom_list) ||
window_mapped_in_client_) {
base::flat_set<XAtom>(std::begin(atom_list), std::end(atom_list)));
void XWindow::UpdateWindowProperties(
const base::flat_set<XAtom>& new_window_properties) {
was_minimized_ = IsMinimized();
window_properties_ = new_window_properties;
// Ignore requests by the window manager to enter or exit fullscreen (e.g. as
// a result of pressing a window manager accelerator key). Chrome does not
// handle window manager initiated fullscreen. In particular, Chrome needs to
// do preprocessing before the x window's fullscreen state is toggled.
is_always_on_top_ = ui::HasWMSpecProperty(
window_properties_, gfx::GetAtom("_NET_WM_STATE_ABOVE"));
void XWindow::OnFrameExtentsUpdated() {
std::vector<int> insets;
if (ui::GetIntArrayProperty(xwindow_, "_NET_FRAME_EXTENTS", &insets) &&
insets.size() == 4) {
// |insets| are returned in the order: [left, right, top, bottom].
native_window_frame_borders_in_pixels_ =
gfx::Insets(insets[2], insets[0], insets[3], insets[1]);
} else {
native_window_frame_borders_in_pixels_ = gfx::Insets();
void XWindow::NotifySwapAfterResize() {
if (configure_counter_value_is_extended_) {
if ((current_counter_value_ % 2) == 1) {
// An increase 3 means that the frame was not drawn as fast as possible.
// This can trigger different handling from the compositor.
// Setting an even number to |extended_update_counter_| will trigger a
// new resize.
current_counter_value_ += 3;
SyncSetCounter(xdisplay_, extended_update_counter_,
if (configure_counter_value_ != 0) {
SyncSetCounter(xdisplay_, update_counter_, configure_counter_value_);
configure_counter_value_ = 0;
// Removes |delayed_resize_task_| from the task queue (if it's in
// the queue) and adds it back at the end of the queue.
void XWindow::DispatchResize() {
if (update_counter_ == x11::None || configure_counter_value_ == 0) {
// WM doesn't support _NET_WM_SYNC_REQUEST.
// Or we are too slow, so _NET_WM_SYNC_REQUEST is disabled by the
// compositor.
FROM_HERE, delayed_resize_task_.callback());
if (configure_counter_value_is_extended_) {
current_counter_value_ = configure_counter_value_;
configure_counter_value_ = 0;
// Make sure the counter is even number.
if ((current_counter_value_ % 2) == 1)
// If _NET_WM_SYNC_REQUEST is used to synchronize with compositor during
// resizing, the compositor will not resize the window, until last resize is
// handled, so we don't need accumulate resize events.
void XWindow::DelayedResize(const gfx::Rect& bounds_in_pixels) {
if (configure_counter_value_is_extended_ &&
(current_counter_value_ % 2) == 0) {
// Increase the |extended_update_counter_|, so the compositor will know we
// are not frozen and re-enable _NET_WM_SYNC_REQUEST, if it was disabled.
// Increase the |extended_update_counter_| to an odd number will not trigger
// a new resize.
SyncSetCounter(xdisplay_, extended_update_counter_,
void XWindow::CancelResize() {
void XWindow::ConfineCursorTo(const gfx::Rect& bounds) {
if (bounds.IsEmpty())
gfx::Rect barrier = bounds + bounds_in_pixels_.OffsetFromOrigin();
// Top horizontal barrier.
pointer_barriers_[0] = XFixesCreatePointerBarrier(
xdisplay_, x_root_window_, barrier.x(), barrier.y(), barrier.right(),
barrier.y(), BarrierPositiveY, 0, XIAllDevices);
// Bottom horizontal barrier.
pointer_barriers_[1] = XFixesCreatePointerBarrier(
xdisplay_, x_root_window_, barrier.x(), barrier.bottom(), barrier.right(),
barrier.bottom(), BarrierNegativeY, 0, XIAllDevices);
// Left vertical barrier.
pointer_barriers_[2] = XFixesCreatePointerBarrier(
xdisplay_, x_root_window_, barrier.x(), barrier.y(), barrier.x(),
barrier.bottom(), BarrierPositiveX, 0, XIAllDevices);
// Right vertical barrier.
pointer_barriers_[3] = XFixesCreatePointerBarrier(
xdisplay_, x_root_window_, barrier.right(), barrier.y(), barrier.right(),
barrier.bottom(), BarrierNegativeX, 0, XIAllDevices);
has_pointer_barriers_ = true;
void XWindow::LowerWindow() {
XLowerWindow(xdisplay_, xwindow_);
bool XWindow::ContainsPointInRegion(const gfx::Point& point) const {
if (!shape())
return true;
return XPointInRegion(shape(), point.x(), point.y()) == x11::True;
void XWindow::SetXWindowShape(std::unique_ptr<NativeShapeRects> native_shape,
const gfx::Transform& transform) {
XRegion* xregion = nullptr;
if (native_shape) {
SkRegion native_region;
for (const gfx::Rect& rect : *native_shape)
native_region.op(gfx::RectToSkIRect(rect), SkRegion::kUnion_Op);
if (!transform.IsIdentity() && !native_region.isEmpty()) {
SkPath path_in_dip;
if (native_region.getBoundaryPath(&path_in_dip)) {
SkPath path_in_pixels;
path_in_dip.transform(SkMatrix(transform.matrix()), &path_in_pixels);
xregion = gfx::CreateRegionFromSkPath(path_in_pixels);
} else {
xregion = XCreateRegion();
} else {
xregion = gfx::CreateRegionFromSkRegion(native_region);
custom_window_shape_ = !!xregion;
void XWindow::UnconfineCursor() {
if (!has_pointer_barriers_)
for (XID pointer_barrier : pointer_barriers_)
XFixesDestroyPointerBarrier(xdisplay_, pointer_barrier);
has_pointer_barriers_ = false;
void XWindow::UpdateWindowRegion(XRegion* xregion) {
// If a custom window shape was supplied then apply it.
if (use_custom_shape()) {
XShapeCombineRegion(xdisplay_, xwindow_, ShapeBounding, 0, 0,
window_shape_.get(), false);
if (window_shape_) {
XShapeCombineRegion(xdisplay_, xwindow_, ShapeBounding, 0, 0,
window_shape_.get(), false);
// If we didn't set the shape for any reason, reset the shaping information.
// How this is done depends on the border style, due to quirks and bugs in
// various window managers.
if (use_native_frame()) {
// If the window has system borders, the mask must be set to null (not a
// rectangle), because several window managers (eg, KDE, XFCE, XMonad) will
// not put borders on a window with a custom shape.
XShapeCombineMask(xdisplay_, xwindow_, ShapeBounding, 0, 0, x11::None,
} else {
// Conversely, if the window does not have system borders, the mask must be
// manually set to a rectangle that covers the whole window (not null). This
// is due to a bug in KWin <= 4.11.5 (KDE bug #330573) where setting a null
// shape causes the hint to disable system borders to be ignored (resulting
// in a double border).
XRectangle r = {0, 0,
static_cast<unsigned short>(bounds_in_pixels_.width()),
static_cast<unsigned short>(bounds_in_pixels_.height())};
XShapeCombineRectangles(xdisplay_, xwindow_, ShapeBounding, 0, 0, &r, 1,
ShapeSet, YXBanded);
void XWindow::NotifyBoundsChanged(const gfx::Rect& new_bounds_in_px) {
bool XWindow::InitializeAsStatusIcon() {
std::string atom_name =
"_NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_S" + base::NumberToString(DefaultScreen(xdisplay_));
XID manager = XGetSelectionOwner(xdisplay_, gfx::GetAtom(atom_name.c_str()));
if (manager == x11::None)
return false;
ui::SetIntArrayProperty(xwindow_, "_XEMBED_INFO", "CARDINAL",
{kXembedInfoProtocolVersion, kXembedInfoFlags});
XSetWindowAttributes attrs;
unsigned long flags = 0;
if (has_alpha()) {
flags |= CWBackPixel;
attrs.background_pixel = 0;
} else {
ui::SetIntProperty(xwindow_, "CHROMIUM_COMPOSITE_WINDOW", "CARDINAL", 1);
flags |= CWBackPixmap;
attrs.background_pixmap = ParentRelative;
XChangeWindowAttributes(xdisplay_, xwindow_, flags, &attrs);
XEvent ev;
memset(&ev, 0, sizeof(ev));
ev.xclient.type = ClientMessage;
ev.xclient.window = manager;
ev.xclient.message_type = gfx::GetAtom("_NET_SYSTEM_TRAY_OPCODE");
ev.xclient.format = 32;[0] = ui::X11EventSource::GetInstance()->GetTimestamp();[1] = kSystemTrayRequestDock;[2] = xwindow_;
bool error;
gfx::X11ErrorTracker error_tracker;
XSendEvent(xdisplay_, manager, false, NoEventMask, &ev);
error = error_tracker.FoundNewError();
return !error;
} // namespace ui