blob: 3f53422bd38c4ea08320d3f420aa05e457230cbc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Include test fixture.
* @extends {cvox.BrailleInterface}
* @constructor
function FakeBraille() {
FakeBraille.prototype = {
/** @override */
write: function(content) {
this.content = content;
/** @constructor */
function FakeNavigationManager() {
FakeNavigationManager.prototype = {
getBraille: function() {
return this.navBraille;
setNavBraille: function(navBraille) {
this.navBraille = navBraille;
* Test fixture.
* @constructor
* @extends {ChromeVoxUnitTestBase}
function CvoxBrailleTextHandlerUnitTest() {}
CvoxBrailleTextHandlerUnitTest.prototype = {
__proto__: ChromeVoxUnitTestBase.prototype,
/** @override */
closureModuleDeps: [
/** @override */
setUp: function() {
this.navigationManager = new FakeNavigationManager();
this.braille = new FakeBraille();
cvox.ChromeVox.navigationManager = this.navigationManager;
this.brailleTextHandler = new cvox.BrailleTextHandler(this.braille);
TEST_F('CvoxBrailleTextHandlerUnitTest', 'UpdateByUser', function() {
var navBraille = new cvox.NavBraille({ text: 'Hello, world!' });
this.brailleTextHandler.changed('', 0, 0, false);
assertEquals(navBraille, this.braille.content);