blob: cc55c329096aeedecf4d03b9987602b77c55e62b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/renderer/media/stream/media_stream_audio_deliverer.h"
#include "content/renderer/media/stream/media_stream_source.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/web_media_stream_source.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/web_media_stream_track.h"
namespace base {
class SingleThreadTaskRunner;
namespace content {
class MediaStreamAudioTrack;
// Represents a source of audio, and manages the delivery of audio data between
// the source implementation and one or more MediaStreamAudioTracks. This is a
// base class providing all the necessary functionality to connect tracks and
// have audio data delivered to them. Subclasses provide the actual audio source
// implementation (e.g., media::AudioCapturerSource), and should implement the
// EnsureSourceIsStarted() and EnsureSourceIsStopped() methods, and call
// SetFormat() and DeliverDataToTracks().
// This base class can be instantiated, to be used as a place-holder or a "null"
// source of audio. This can be useful for unit testing, wherever a mock is
// needed, and/or calls to DeliverDataToTracks() must be made at very specific
// times.
// An instance of this class is owned by blink::WebMediaStreamSource.
// Usage example:
// class MyAudioSource : public MediaStreamSource { ... };
// blink::WebMediaStreamSource blink_source = ...;
// blink::WebMediaStreamTrack blink_track = ...;
// blink_source.setExtraData(new MyAudioSource()); // Takes ownership.
// if (MediaStreamAudioSource::From(blink_source)
// ->ConnectToTrack(blink_track)) {
// LOG(INFO) << "Success!";
// } else {
// LOG(ERROR) << "Failed!";
// }
// // Regardless of whether ConnectToTrack() succeeds, there will always be a
// // MediaStreamAudioTrack instance created.
// CHECK(MediaStreamAudioTrack::From(blink_track));
class CONTENT_EXPORT MediaStreamAudioSource : public MediaStreamSource {
explicit MediaStreamAudioSource(bool is_local_source);
MediaStreamAudioSource(bool is_local_source,
bool hotword_enabled,
bool disable_local_echo);
~MediaStreamAudioSource() override;
// Returns the MediaStreamAudioSource instance owned by the given blink
// |source| or null.
static MediaStreamAudioSource* From(
const blink::WebMediaStreamSource& source);
// Provides a weak reference to this MediaStreamAudioSource. The weak pointer
// may only be dereferenced on the main thread.
base::WeakPtr<MediaStreamAudioSource> GetWeakPtr() {
return weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr();
// Returns true if the source of audio is local to the application (e.g.,
// microphone input or loopback audio capture) as opposed to audio being
// streamed-in from outside the application.
bool is_local_source() const { return is_local_source_; }
// Connects this source to the given |track|, creating the appropriate
// implementation of the content::MediaStreamAudioTrack interface, which
// becomes associated with and owned by |track|. Returns true if the source
// was successfully started.
bool ConnectToTrack(const blink::WebMediaStreamTrack& track);
// Returns the current format of the audio passing through this source to the
// sinks. This can return invalid parameters if the source has not yet been
// started. This method is thread-safe.
media::AudioParameters GetAudioParameters() const;
// These accessors return properties that are controlled via constraints.
bool hotword_enabled() const { return hotword_enabled_; }
bool disable_local_echo() const { return disable_local_echo_; }
bool RenderToAssociatedSinkEnabled() const;
// Returns a unique class identifier. Some subclasses override and use this
// method to provide safe down-casting to their type.
virtual void* GetClassIdentifier() const;
// Returns a new MediaStreamAudioTrack. |id| is the blink track's ID in UTF-8.
// Subclasses may override this to provide an extended implementation.
virtual std::unique_ptr<MediaStreamAudioTrack> CreateMediaStreamAudioTrack(
const std::string& id);
// Returns true if the source has already been started and has not yet been
// stopped. Otherwise, attempts to start the source and returns true if
// successful. While the source is running, it may provide audio on any thread
// by calling DeliverDataToTracks().
// A default no-op implementation is provided in this base class. Subclasses
// should override this method.
virtual bool EnsureSourceIsStarted();
// Stops the source and guarantees the the flow of audio data has stopped
// (i.e., by the time this method returns, there will be no further calls to
// DeliverDataToTracks() on any thread).
// A default no-op implementation is provided in this base class. Subclasses
// should override this method.
virtual void EnsureSourceIsStopped();
// Called by subclasses to update the format of the audio passing through this
// source to the sinks. This may be called at any time, before or after
// tracks have been connected; but must be called at least once before
// DeliverDataToTracks(). This method is thread-safe.
void SetFormat(const media::AudioParameters& params);
// Called by subclasses to deliver audio data to the currently-connected
// tracks. This method is thread-safe.
void DeliverDataToTracks(const media::AudioBus& audio_bus,
base::TimeTicks reference_time);
// Called by subclasses when capture error occurs.
// Note: This can be called on any thread, and will post a task to the main
// thread to stop the source soon.
void StopSourceOnError(const std::string& why);
// Sets muted state and notifies it to all registered tracks.
void SetMutedState(bool state);
// Gets the TaskRunner for the main thread, for subclasses that need it.
base::SingleThreadTaskRunner* GetTaskRunner() const;
// MediaStreamSource override.
void DoStopSource() final;
// Removes |track| from the list of instances that get a copy of the source
// audio data. The "stop callback" that was provided to the track calls
// this.
void StopAudioDeliveryTo(MediaStreamAudioTrack* track);
// True if the source of audio is a local device. False if the source is
// remote (e.g., streamed-in from a server).
const bool is_local_source_;
// Properties controlled by audio constraints.
const bool hotword_enabled_;
const bool disable_local_echo_;
// Set to true once this source has been permanently stopped.
bool is_stopped_;
// Manages tracks connected to this source and the audio format and data flow.
MediaStreamAudioDeliverer<MediaStreamAudioTrack> deliverer_;
// The task runner for main thread. Also used to check that all methods that
// could cause object graph or data flow changes are being called on the main
// thread.
const scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> task_runner_;
// Provides weak pointers so that MediaStreamAudioTracks won't call
// StopAudioDeliveryTo() if this instance dies first.
base::WeakPtrFactory<MediaStreamAudioSource> weak_factory_;
} // namespace content