blob: 9ce80b68a18b44b50398354dd142705042a097a7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "content/renderer/media/stream/media_stream_constraints_util_sets.h"
#include <cmath>
#include "content/renderer/media/stream/media_stream_constraints_util.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/web_media_constraints.h"
namespace content {
using Point = ResolutionSet::Point;
namespace {
constexpr double kTolerance = 1e-5;
// Not perfect, but good enough for this application.
bool AreApproximatelyEqual(double d1, double d2) {
if (std::fabs((d1 - d2)) <= kTolerance)
return true;
return d1 == d2 || (std::fabs((d1 - d2) / d1) <= kTolerance &&
std::fabs((d1 - d2) / d2) <= kTolerance);
bool IsLess(double d1, double d2) {
return d1 < d2 && !AreApproximatelyEqual(d1, d2);
bool IsLessOrEqual(double d1, double d2) {
return d1 < d2 || AreApproximatelyEqual(d1, d2);
bool IsGreater(double d1, double d2) {
return d1 > d2 && !AreApproximatelyEqual(d1, d2);
bool IsGreaterOrEqual(double d1, double d2) {
return d1 > d2 || AreApproximatelyEqual(d1, d2);
int ToValidDimension(long dimension) {
if (dimension > ResolutionSet::kMaxDimension)
return ResolutionSet::kMaxDimension;
if (dimension < 0)
return 0;
return static_cast<int>(dimension);
int MinDimensionFromConstraint(const blink::LongConstraint& constraint) {
if (!ConstraintHasMin(constraint))
return 0;
return ToValidDimension(ConstraintMin(constraint));
int MaxDimensionFromConstraint(const blink::LongConstraint& constraint) {
if (!ConstraintHasMax(constraint))
return ResolutionSet::kMaxDimension;
return ToValidDimension(ConstraintMax(constraint));
double ToValidAspectRatio(double aspect_ratio) {
return aspect_ratio < 0.0 ? 0.0 : aspect_ratio;
double MinAspectRatioFromConstraint(const blink::DoubleConstraint& constraint) {
if (!ConstraintHasMin(constraint))
return 0.0;
return ToValidAspectRatio(ConstraintMin(constraint));
double MaxAspectRatioFromConstraint(const blink::DoubleConstraint& constraint) {
if (!ConstraintHasMax(constraint))
return HUGE_VAL;
return ToValidAspectRatio(ConstraintMax(constraint));
bool IsPositiveFiniteAspectRatio(double aspect_ratio) {
return std::isfinite(aspect_ratio) && aspect_ratio > 0.0;
// If |vertices| has a single element, return |vertices[0]|.
// If |vertices| has two elements, returns the point in the segment defined by
// |vertices| that is closest to |point|.
// |vertices| must have 1 or 2 elements. Otherwise, behavior is undefined.
// This function is called when |point| has already been determined to be
// outside a polygon and |vertices| is the vertex or side closest to |point|.
Point GetClosestPointToVertexOrSide(const std::vector<Point> vertices,
const Point& point) {
// If only a single vertex closest to |point|, return that vertex.
if (vertices.size() == 1U)
return vertices[0];
DCHECK_EQ(vertices.size(), 2U);
// If a polygon side is closest to the ideal height, return the
// point with aspect ratio closest to the default.
return Point::ClosestPointInSegment(point, vertices[0], vertices[1]);
Point SelectPointWithLargestArea(const Point& p1, const Point& p2) {
return p1.width() * p1.height() > p2.width() * p2.height() ? p1 : p2;
} // namespace
Point::Point(double height, double width) : height_(height), width_(width) {
Point::Point(const Point& other) = default;
Point& Point::operator=(const Point& other) = default;
Point::~Point() = default;
bool Point::operator==(const Point& other) const {
return height_ == other.height_ && width_ == other.width_;
bool Point::operator!=(const Point& other) const {
return !(*this == other);
bool Point::IsApproximatelyEqualTo(const Point& other) const {
return AreApproximatelyEqual(height_, other.height_) &&
AreApproximatelyEqual(width_, other.width_);
Point Point::operator+(const Point& other) const {
return Point(height_ + other.height_, width_ + other.width_);
Point Point::operator-(const Point& other) const {
return Point(height_ - other.height_, width_ - other.width_);
Point operator*(double d, const Point& p) {
return Point(d * p.height(), d * p.width());
// Returns the dot product between |p1| and |p2|.
// static
double Point::Dot(const Point& p1, const Point& p2) {
return p1.height_ * p2.height_ + p1.width_ * p2.width_;
// static
double Point::SquareEuclideanDistance(const Point& p1, const Point& p2) {
Point diff = p1 - p2;
return Dot(diff, diff);
// static
Point Point::ClosestPointInSegment(const Point& p,
const Point& s1,
const Point& s2) {
// If |s1| and |s2| are the same, it is not really a segment. The closest
// point to |p| is |s1|=|s2|.
if (s1 == s2)
return s1;
// Translate coordinates to a system where the origin is |s1|.
Point p_trans = p - s1;
Point s2_trans = s2 - s1;
// On this system, we are interested in the projection of |p_trans| on
// |s2_trans|. The projection is m * |s2_trans|, where
// m = Dot(|s2_trans|, |p_trans|) / Dot(|s2_trans|, |s2_trans|).
// If 0 <= m <= 1, the projection falls within the segment, and the closest
// point is the projection itself.
// If m < 0, the closest point is S1.
// If m > 1, the closest point is S2.
double m = Dot(s2_trans, p_trans) / Dot(s2_trans, s2_trans);
if (m < 0)
return s1;
else if (m > 1)
return s2;
// Return the projection in the original coordinate system.
return s1 + m * s2_trans;
ResolutionSet::ResolutionSet(int min_height,
int max_height,
int min_width,
int max_width,
double min_aspect_ratio,
double max_aspect_ratio)
: min_height_(min_height),
max_aspect_ratio_(max_aspect_ratio) {
DCHECK_GE(min_height_, 0);
DCHECK_GE(max_height_, 0);
DCHECK_LE(max_height_, kMaxDimension);
DCHECK_GE(min_width_, 0);
DCHECK_GE(max_width_, 0);
DCHECK_LE(max_width_, kMaxDimension);
DCHECK_GE(min_aspect_ratio_, 0.0);
DCHECK_GE(max_aspect_ratio_, 0.0);
: ResolutionSet(0, kMaxDimension, 0, kMaxDimension, 0.0, HUGE_VAL) {}
ResolutionSet::ResolutionSet(const ResolutionSet& other) = default;
ResolutionSet::~ResolutionSet() = default;
ResolutionSet& ResolutionSet::operator=(const ResolutionSet& other) = default;
bool ResolutionSet::IsHeightEmpty() const {
return min_height_ > max_height_ || min_height_ >= kMaxDimension ||
max_height_ <= 0;
bool ResolutionSet::IsWidthEmpty() const {
return min_width_ > max_width_ || min_width_ >= kMaxDimension ||
max_width_ <= 0;
bool ResolutionSet::IsAspectRatioEmpty() const {
double max_resolution_aspect_ratio =
static_cast<double>(max_width_) / static_cast<double>(min_height_);
double min_resolution_aspect_ratio =
static_cast<double>(min_width_) / static_cast<double>(max_height_);
return IsGreater(min_aspect_ratio_, max_aspect_ratio_) ||
IsLess(max_resolution_aspect_ratio, min_aspect_ratio_) ||
IsGreater(min_resolution_aspect_ratio, max_aspect_ratio_) ||
!std::isfinite(min_aspect_ratio_) || max_aspect_ratio_ <= 0.0;
bool ResolutionSet::IsEmpty() const {
return IsHeightEmpty() || IsWidthEmpty() || IsAspectRatioEmpty();
bool ResolutionSet::ContainsPoint(const Point& point) const {
double ratio = point.AspectRatio();
return point.height() >= min_height_ && point.height() <= max_height_ &&
point.width() >= min_width_ && point.width() <= max_width_ &&
((IsGreaterOrEqual(ratio, min_aspect_ratio_) &&
IsLessOrEqual(ratio, max_aspect_ratio_)) ||
// (0.0, 0.0) is always included in the aspect-ratio range.
(point.width() == 0.0 && point.height() == 0.0));
bool ResolutionSet::ContainsPoint(int height, int width) const {
return ContainsPoint(Point(height, width));
ResolutionSet ResolutionSet::Intersection(const ResolutionSet& other) const {
return ResolutionSet(std::max(min_height_, other.min_height_),
std::min(max_height_, other.max_height_),
std::max(min_width_, other.min_width_),
std::min(max_width_, other.max_width_),
std::max(min_aspect_ratio_, other.min_aspect_ratio_),
std::min(max_aspect_ratio_, other.max_aspect_ratio_));
Point ResolutionSet::SelectClosestPointToIdeal(
const blink::WebMediaTrackConstraintSet& constraint_set,
int default_height,
int default_width) const {
DCHECK_GE(default_height, 1);
DCHECK_GE(default_width, 1);
double default_aspect_ratio =
static_cast<double>(default_width) / static_cast<double>(default_height);
int num_ideals = 0;
if (constraint_set.height.HasIdeal())
if (constraint_set.width.HasIdeal())
if (constraint_set.aspect_ratio.HasIdeal())
switch (num_ideals) {
case 0:
return SelectClosestPointToIdealAspectRatio(
default_aspect_ratio, default_height, default_width);
case 1:
// This case requires a point closest to a line.
// In all variants, if the ideal line intersects the polygon, select the
// point in the intersection that is closest to preserving the default
// aspect ratio or a default dimension.
// If the ideal line is outside the polygon, there is either a single
// vertex or a polygon side closest to the ideal line. If a single vertex,
// select that vertex. If a polygon side, select the point on that side
// that is closest to preserving the default aspect ratio or a default
// dimension.
if (constraint_set.height.HasIdeal()) {
int ideal_height = ToValidDimension(constraint_set.height.Ideal());
ResolutionSet ideal_line = ResolutionSet::FromExactHeight(ideal_height);
ResolutionSet intersection = Intersection(ideal_line);
if (!intersection.IsEmpty()) {
return intersection.ClosestPointTo(
Point(ideal_height, ideal_height * default_aspect_ratio));
std::vector<Point> closest_vertices =
GetClosestVertices(&Point::height, ideal_height);
Point ideal_point(closest_vertices[0].height(),
closest_vertices[0].height() * default_aspect_ratio);
return GetClosestPointToVertexOrSide(closest_vertices, ideal_point);
} else if (constraint_set.width.HasIdeal()) {
int ideal_width = ToValidDimension(constraint_set.width.Ideal());
ResolutionSet ideal_line = ResolutionSet::FromExactWidth(ideal_width);
ResolutionSet intersection = Intersection(ideal_line);
if (!intersection.IsEmpty()) {
return intersection.ClosestPointTo(
Point(ideal_width / default_aspect_ratio, ideal_width));
std::vector<Point> closest_vertices =
GetClosestVertices(&Point::width, ideal_width);
Point ideal_point(closest_vertices[0].width() / default_aspect_ratio,
return GetClosestPointToVertexOrSide(closest_vertices, ideal_point);
} else {
double ideal_aspect_ratio =
return SelectClosestPointToIdealAspectRatio(
ideal_aspect_ratio, default_height, default_width);
case 2:
case 3:
double ideal_height;
double ideal_width;
if (constraint_set.height.HasIdeal()) {
ideal_height = ToValidDimension(constraint_set.height.Ideal());
ideal_width =
? ToValidDimension(constraint_set.width.Ideal())
: ideal_height *
} else {
ideal_width = ToValidDimension(constraint_set.width.Ideal());
ideal_height = ideal_width /
return ClosestPointTo(Point(ideal_height, ideal_width));
return Point(-1, -1);
Point ResolutionSet::SelectClosestPointToIdealAspectRatio(
double ideal_aspect_ratio,
int default_height,
int default_width) const {
ResolutionSet intersection =
if (!intersection.IsEmpty()) {
Point default_height_point(default_height,
default_height * ideal_aspect_ratio);
Point default_width_point(default_width / ideal_aspect_ratio,
return SelectPointWithLargestArea(
std::vector<Point> closest_vertices =
GetClosestVertices(&Point::AspectRatio, ideal_aspect_ratio);
double actual_aspect_ratio = closest_vertices[0].AspectRatio();
Point default_height_point(default_height,
default_height * actual_aspect_ratio);
Point default_width_point(default_width / actual_aspect_ratio, default_width);
return SelectPointWithLargestArea(
GetClosestPointToVertexOrSide(closest_vertices, default_height_point),
GetClosestPointToVertexOrSide(closest_vertices, default_width_point));
Point ResolutionSet::ClosestPointTo(const Point& point) const {
if (ContainsPoint(point))
return point;
auto vertices = ComputeVertices();
DCHECK_GE(vertices.size(), 1U);
Point best_candidate(0, 0);
double best_distance = HUGE_VAL;
for (size_t i = 0; i < vertices.size(); ++i) {
Point candidate = Point::ClosestPointInSegment(
point, vertices[i], vertices[(i + 1) % vertices.size()]);
double distance = Point::SquareEuclideanDistance(point, candidate);
if (distance < best_distance) {
best_candidate = candidate;
best_distance = distance;
return best_candidate;
std::vector<Point> ResolutionSet::GetClosestVertices(double (Point::*accessor)()
double value) const {
std::vector<Point> vertices = ComputeVertices();
std::vector<Point> closest_vertices;
double best_diff = HUGE_VAL;
for (const auto& vertex : vertices) {
double diff;
if (std::isfinite(value))
diff = std::fabs((vertex.*accessor)() - value);
diff = (vertex.*accessor)() == value ? 0.0 : HUGE_VAL;
if (diff <= best_diff) {
if (diff < best_diff) {
best_diff = diff;
DCHECK_LE(closest_vertices.size(), 2U);
return closest_vertices;
// static
ResolutionSet ResolutionSet::FromHeight(int min, int max) {
return ResolutionSet(min, max, 0, kMaxDimension, 0.0, HUGE_VAL);
// static
ResolutionSet ResolutionSet::FromExactHeight(int value) {
return ResolutionSet(value, value, 0, kMaxDimension, 0.0, HUGE_VAL);
// static
ResolutionSet ResolutionSet::FromWidth(int min, int max) {
return ResolutionSet(0, kMaxDimension, min, max, 0.0, HUGE_VAL);
// static
ResolutionSet ResolutionSet::FromExactWidth(int value) {
return ResolutionSet(0, kMaxDimension, value, value, 0.0, HUGE_VAL);
// static
ResolutionSet ResolutionSet::FromAspectRatio(double min, double max) {
return ResolutionSet(0, kMaxDimension, 0, kMaxDimension, min, max);
// static
ResolutionSet ResolutionSet::FromExactAspectRatio(double value) {
return ResolutionSet(0, kMaxDimension, 0, kMaxDimension, value, value);
std::vector<Point> ResolutionSet::ComputeVertices() const {
std::vector<Point> vertices;
// Add vertices in counterclockwise order
// Start with (min_height, min_width) and continue along min_width.
TryAddVertex(&vertices, Point(min_height_, min_width_));
if (IsPositiveFiniteAspectRatio(max_aspect_ratio_))
TryAddVertex(&vertices, Point(min_width_ / max_aspect_ratio_, min_width_));
if (IsPositiveFiniteAspectRatio(min_aspect_ratio_))
TryAddVertex(&vertices, Point(min_width_ / min_aspect_ratio_, min_width_));
TryAddVertex(&vertices, Point(max_height_, min_width_));
// Continue along max_height.
if (IsPositiveFiniteAspectRatio(min_aspect_ratio_)) {
Point(max_height_, max_height_ * min_aspect_ratio_));
if (IsPositiveFiniteAspectRatio(max_aspect_ratio_))
Point(max_height_, max_height_ * max_aspect_ratio_));
TryAddVertex(&vertices, Point(max_height_, max_width_));
// Continue along max_width.
if (IsPositiveFiniteAspectRatio(min_aspect_ratio_))
TryAddVertex(&vertices, Point(max_width_ / min_aspect_ratio_, max_width_));
if (IsPositiveFiniteAspectRatio(max_aspect_ratio_))
TryAddVertex(&vertices, Point(max_width_ / max_aspect_ratio_, max_width_));
TryAddVertex(&vertices, Point(min_height_, max_width_));
// Finish along min_height.
if (IsPositiveFiniteAspectRatio(max_aspect_ratio_)) {
Point(min_height_, min_height_ * max_aspect_ratio_));
if (IsPositiveFiniteAspectRatio(min_aspect_ratio_)) {
Point(min_height_, min_height_ * min_aspect_ratio_));
DCHECK_LE(vertices.size(), 6U);
return vertices;
void ResolutionSet::TryAddVertex(std::vector<Point>* vertices,
const Point& point) const {
if (!ContainsPoint(point))
// Add the point to the |vertices| if not already added.
// This is to prevent duplicates in case an aspect ratio intersects a width
// or height right on a vertex.
if (vertices->empty() ||
(*(vertices->end() - 1) != point && *vertices->begin() != point)) {
ResolutionSet ResolutionSet::FromConstraintSet(
const blink::WebMediaTrackConstraintSet& constraint_set) {
return ResolutionSet(
DiscreteSet<std::string> StringSetFromConstraint(
const blink::StringConstraint& constraint) {
if (!constraint.HasExact())
return DiscreteSet<std::string>::UniversalSet();
std::vector<std::string> elements;
for (const auto& entry : constraint.Exact())
return DiscreteSet<std::string>(std::move(elements));
DiscreteSet<bool> BoolSetFromConstraint(
const blink::BooleanConstraint& constraint) {
if (!constraint.HasExact())
return DiscreteSet<bool>::UniversalSet();
return DiscreteSet<bool>({constraint.Exact()});
} // namespace content