blob: 608179a221b917288b65ec8e76ffceb8f7707c58 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/atomicops.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "content/renderer/media/stream/media_stream_audio_level_calculator.h"
#include "content/renderer/media/stream/media_stream_audio_processor.h"
#include "content/renderer/media/stream/media_stream_audio_source.h"
#include "media/base/audio_capturer_source.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/web_media_constraints.h"
namespace media {
class AudioBus;
namespace content {
class PeerConnectionDependencyFactory;
// Represents a local source of audio data that is routed through the WebRTC
// audio pipeline for post-processing (e.g., for echo cancellation during a
// video conferencing call). Owns a media::AudioCapturerSource and the
// MediaStreamProcessor that modifies its audio. Modified audio is delivered to
// one or more MediaStreamAudioTracks.
class CONTENT_EXPORT ProcessedLocalAudioSource final
: public MediaStreamAudioSource,
public media::AudioCapturerSource::CaptureCallback {
// |consumer_render_frame_id| references the RenderFrame that will consume the
// audio data. Audio parameters and (optionally) a pre-existing audio session
// ID are derived from |device_info|. |factory| must outlive this instance.
int consumer_render_frame_id,
const MediaStreamDevice& device,
bool hotword_enabled,
bool disable_local_echo,
const AudioProcessingProperties& audio_processing_properties,
const ConstraintsCallback& started_callback,
PeerConnectionDependencyFactory* factory);
~ProcessedLocalAudioSource() final;
// If |source| is an instance of ProcessedLocalAudioSource, return a
// type-casted pointer to it. Otherwise, return null.
static ProcessedLocalAudioSource* From(MediaStreamAudioSource* source);
// Non-browser unit tests cannot provide RenderFrame implementations at
// run-time. This is used to skip the otherwise mandatory check for a valid
// render frame ID when the source is started.
void SetAllowInvalidRenderFrameIdForTesting(bool allowed) {
allow_invalid_render_frame_id_for_testing_ = allowed;
const AudioProcessingProperties& audio_processing_properties() const {
return audio_processing_properties_;
// The following accessors are not valid until after the source is started
// (when the first track is connected).
const scoped_refptr<MediaStreamAudioProcessor>& audio_processor() const {
return audio_processor_;
const scoped_refptr<MediaStreamAudioLevelCalculator::Level>& audio_level()
const {
return level_calculator_.level();
// Thread-safe volume accessors used by WebRtcAudioDeviceImpl.
void SetVolume(int volume);
int Volume() const;
int MaxVolume() const;
// Audio parameters utilized by the source of the audio capturer.
// TODO(phoglund): Think over the implications of this accessor and if we can
// remove it.
media::AudioParameters GetInputFormat() const;
// MediaStreamAudioSource implementation.
void* GetClassIdentifier() const final;
bool EnsureSourceIsStarted() final;
void EnsureSourceIsStopped() final;
// AudioCapturerSource::CaptureCallback implementation.
// Called on the AudioCapturerSource audio thread.
void OnCaptureStarted() override;
void Capture(const media::AudioBus* audio_source,
int audio_delay_milliseconds,
double volume,
bool key_pressed) override;
void OnCaptureError(const std::string& message) override;
void OnCaptureMuted(bool is_muted) override;
// Helper function to get the source buffer size based on whether audio
// processing will take place.
int GetBufferSize(int sample_rate) const;
// The RenderFrame that will consume the audio data. Used when creating
// AudioCapturerSources.
const int consumer_render_frame_id_;
PeerConnectionDependencyFactory* const pc_factory_;
AudioProcessingProperties audio_processing_properties_;
// Callback that's called when the audio source has been initialized.
ConstraintsCallback started_callback_;
// Audio processor doing processing like FIFO, AGC, AEC and NS. Its output
// data is in a unit of 10 ms data chunk.
scoped_refptr<MediaStreamAudioProcessor> audio_processor_;
// The device created by the AudioDeviceFactory in EnsureSourceIsStarted().
scoped_refptr<media::AudioCapturerSource> source_;
// Stores latest microphone volume received in a CaptureData() callback.
// Range is [0, 255].
base::subtle::Atomic32 volume_;
// Used to calculate the signal level that shows in the UI.
MediaStreamAudioLevelCalculator level_calculator_;
bool allow_invalid_render_frame_id_for_testing_;
// Provides weak pointers for tasks posted by this instance.
base::WeakPtrFactory<ProcessedLocalAudioSource> weak_factory_;
} // namespace content