blob: 6141657fb0df59e74c3e80fb8b21c6f2e7d056d2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/containers/queue.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/threading/thread.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
#include "components/prefs/json_pref_store.h"
#include "net/base/network_change_notifier.h"
#include "net/nqe/effective_connection_type.h"
#include "net/nqe/effective_connection_type_observer.h"
#include "net/nqe/network_quality_estimator.h"
#include "net/nqe/network_quality_observation_source.h"
#include "net/nqe/rtt_throughput_estimates_observer.h"
class PrefService;
namespace base {
class SingleThreadTaskRunner;
class TimeTicks;
} // namespace base
namespace net {
enum EffectiveConnectionType;
class ProxyConfigService;
class NetLog;
class URLRequestContext;
class URLRequestContextBuilder;
class URLRequestContextGetter;
class FileNetLogObserver;
} // namespace net
namespace cronet {
class CronetPrefsManager;
class TestUtil;
struct URLRequestContextConfig;
// Wrapper around net::URLRequestContext.
class CronetContext {
// Callback implemented by CronetContext() caller and owned by
// CronetContext::NetworkTasks.
class Callback {
virtual ~Callback() = default;
// Invoked on network thread when initialized.
virtual void OnInitNetworkThread() = 0;
// Invoked on network thread immediately prior to destruction.
virtual void OnDestroyNetworkThread() = 0;
// net::NetworkQualityEstimator::EffectiveConnectionTypeObserver forwarder.
virtual void OnEffectiveConnectionTypeChanged(
net::EffectiveConnectionType effective_connection_type) = 0;
// net::NetworkQualityEstimator::RTTAndThroughputEstimatesObserver
// forwarder.
virtual void OnRTTOrThroughputEstimatesComputed(
int32_t http_rtt_ms,
int32_t transport_rtt_ms,
int32_t downstream_throughput_kbps) = 0;
// net::NetworkQualityEstimator::RTTObserver forwarder.
virtual void OnRTTObservation(
int32_t rtt_ms,
int32_t timestamp_ms,
net::NetworkQualityObservationSource source) = 0;
// net::NetworkQualityEstimator::RTTObserver forwarder.
virtual void OnThroughputObservation(
int32_t throughput_kbps,
int32_t timestamp_ms,
net::NetworkQualityObservationSource source) = 0;
// Callback for StopNetLog() that signals that it is safe to access
// the NetLog files.
virtual void OnStopNetLogCompleted() = 0;
// Constructs CronetContext using |context_config|. The |callback|
// is owned by |this| and is deleted on network thread.
// All |callback| methods are invoked on network thread.
// If the network_task_runner is not assigned, a network thread would be
// created for network tasks. Otherwise the tasks would be running on the
// assigned task runner.
CronetContext(std::unique_ptr<URLRequestContextConfig> context_config,
std::unique_ptr<Callback> callback,
network_task_runner = nullptr);
CronetContext(const CronetContext&) = delete;
CronetContext& operator=(const CronetContext&) = delete;
// Releases all resources for the request context and deletes the object.
// Blocks until network thread is destroyed after running all pending tasks.
virtual ~CronetContext();
// Called on init thread to initialize URLRequestContext.
void InitRequestContextOnInitThread();
// Posts a task that might depend on the context being initialized
// to the network thread.
void PostTaskToNetworkThread(const base::Location& posted_from,
base::OnceClosure callback);
// Returns true if running on network thread.
bool IsOnNetworkThread() const;
// Returns the net::URLRequestContext associated with `network`.
// kInvalidNetworkHandle represent the default context: this one will always
// be present and used whenever a requests doesn't specify a target network
// (currently the only possible behavior).
net::URLRequestContext* GetURLRequestContext(
net::NetworkChangeNotifier::NetworkHandle network =
// Returns a new instance of net::URLRequestContextGetter.
// The net::URLRequestContext and base::SingleThreadTaskRunner that
// net::URLRequestContextGetter returns are owned by `this`.
// The returned getter will always return the default context of `this`.
net::URLRequestContextGetter* CreateURLRequestContextGetter();
// TODO(xunjieli): Keep only one version of StartNetLog().
// Starts NetLog logging to file. This can be called on any thread.
// Return false if |file_name| cannot be opened.
bool StartNetLogToFile(const std::string& file_name, bool log_all);
// Starts NetLog logging to disk with a bounded amount of disk space. This
// can be called on any thread.
void StartNetLogToDisk(const std::string& dir_name,
bool log_all,
int max_size);
// Stops NetLog logging to file. This can be called on any thread. This will
// flush any remaining writes to disk.
void StopNetLog();
// Destroys the URLRequestContext associated to `network` if `network` has
// disconnected and it has no pending URLRequests. This must be called on
// the network thread while destroying a CronetURLRequest as that might
// mark a URLRequestContext as eligible for destruction.
void MaybeDestroyURLRequestContext(
net::NetworkChangeNotifier::NetworkHandle network);
// Default net::LOAD flags used to create requests.
int default_load_flags() const;
// Configures the network quality estimator to observe requests to localhost,
// to use smaller responses when estimating throughput, and to disable the
// device offline checks when computing the effective connection type or when
// writing the prefs. This should only be used for testing. This can be
// called only after the network quality estimator has been enabled.
void ConfigureNetworkQualityEstimatorForTesting(bool use_local_host_requests,
bool use_smaller_responses,
bool disable_offline_check);
bool URLRequestContextExistsForTesting(
net::NetworkChangeNotifier::NetworkHandle network);
// Request that RTT and/or throughput observations should or should not be
// provided by the network quality estimator.
void ProvideRTTObservations(bool should);
void ProvideThroughputObservations(bool should);
bool bidi_stream_detect_broken_connection() const {
return bidi_stream_detect_broken_connection_;
base::TimeDelta heartbeat_interval() const { return heartbeat_interval_; }
// NetworkTasks performs tasks on the network thread and owns objects that
// live on the network thread.
class NetworkTasks : public net::EffectiveConnectionTypeObserver,
public net::RTTAndThroughputEstimatesObserver,
public net::NetworkQualityEstimator::RTTObserver,
public net::NetworkQualityEstimator::ThroughputObserver,
public net::NetworkChangeNotifier::NetworkObserver {
// Invoked off the network thread.
// `listen_to_network_changes` is a temporary parameter to allow
// multi-network testing for the time being.
NetworkTasks(std::unique_ptr<URLRequestContextConfig> config,
std::unique_ptr<CronetContext::Callback> callback);
NetworkTasks(const NetworkTasks&) = delete;
NetworkTasks& operator=(const NetworkTasks&) = delete;
// Invoked on the network thread.
~NetworkTasks() override;
// Initializes |context_| on the network thread.
void Initialize(
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> network_task_runner,
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> file_task_runner,
std::unique_ptr<net::ProxyConfigService> proxy_config_service);
// Runs a task that might depend on the context being initialized.
void RunTaskAfterContextInit(
base::OnceClosure task_to_run_after_context_init);
// Configures the network quality estimator to observe requests to
// localhost, to use smaller responses when estimating throughput, and to
// disable the device offline checks when computing the effective connection
// type or when writing the prefs. This should only be used for testing.
void ConfigureNetworkQualityEstimatorForTesting(
bool use_local_host_requests,
bool use_smaller_responses,
bool disable_offline_check);
void ProvideRTTObservations(bool should);
void ProvideThroughputObservations(bool should);
// net::NetworkQualityEstimator::EffectiveConnectionTypeObserver
// implementation.
void OnEffectiveConnectionTypeChanged(
net::EffectiveConnectionType effective_connection_type) override;
// net::NetworkQualityEstimator::RTTAndThroughputEstimatesObserver
// implementation.
void OnRTTOrThroughputEstimatesComputed(
base::TimeDelta http_rtt,
base::TimeDelta transport_rtt,
int32_t downstream_throughput_kbps) override;
// net::NetworkQualityEstimator::RTTObserver implementation.
void OnRTTObservation(int32_t rtt_ms,
const base::TimeTicks& timestamp,
net::NetworkQualityObservationSource source) override;
// net::NetworkQualityEstimator::ThroughputObserver implementation.
void OnThroughputObservation(
int32_t throughput_kbps,
const base::TimeTicks& timestamp,
net::NetworkQualityObservationSource source) override;
// net::NetworkChangeNotifier::NetworkObserver implementation.
void OnNetworkDisconnected(
net::NetworkChangeNotifier::NetworkHandle network) override;
void OnNetworkConnected(
net::NetworkChangeNotifier::NetworkHandle network) override;
void OnNetworkSoonToDisconnect(
net::NetworkChangeNotifier::NetworkHandle network) override;
void OnNetworkMadeDefault(
net::NetworkChangeNotifier::NetworkHandle network) override;
net::URLRequestContext* GetURLRequestContext(
net::NetworkChangeNotifier::NetworkHandle network);
// Same as StartNetLogToDisk.
void StartNetLogToBoundedFile(const std::string& dir_path,
bool include_socket_bytes,
int size);
// Same as StartNetLogToFile, but called only on the network thread.
void StartNetLog(const base::FilePath& file_path,
bool include_socket_bytes);
// Stops NetLog logging.
void StopNetLog();
void MaybeDestroyURLRequestContext(
net::NetworkChangeNotifier::NetworkHandle network);
// Callback for StopObserving() that unblocks the client thread and
// signals that it is safe to access the NetLog files.
void StopNetLogCompleted();
// Initializes Network Quality Estimator (NQE) prefs manager on network
// thread.
void InitializeNQEPrefs() const;
void SpawnNetworkBoundURLRequestContextForTesting(
net::NetworkChangeNotifier::NetworkHandle network);
bool URLRequestContextExistsForTesting(
net::NetworkChangeNotifier::NetworkHandle network);
friend class TestUtil;
base::Value GetNetLogInfo() const;
// Configures `context_builder` with the settings shared between default
// context and network bound contexts.
void SetSharedURLRequestContextBuilderConfig(
net::URLRequestContextBuilder* context_builder);
// Configures `context` with the settings shared between default context
// and network bound contexts.
void SetSharedURLRequestContextConfig(net::URLRequestContext* context);
// Builds a URLRequestContext specifically bound to `network`.
std::unique_ptr<net::URLRequestContext> BuildNetworkBoundURLRequestContext(
net::NetworkChangeNotifier::NetworkHandle network);
// Builds a URLRequestContext to be used a default context for `this`.
// `proxy_config_service` is injected as it currently cannot be built on the
// network thread.
std::unique_ptr<net::URLRequestContext> BuildDefaultURLRequestContext(
std::unique_ptr<net::ProxyConfigService> proxy_config_service);
std::unique_ptr<net::FileNetLogObserver> net_log_file_observer_;
// A network quality estimator. This member variable has to be destroyed
// after destroying |cronet_prefs_manager_|, which owns
// NetworkQualityPrefsManager that weakly references
// |network_quality_estimator_|.
std::unique_ptr<net::NetworkQualityEstimator> network_quality_estimator_;
// Manages the PrefService and all associated persistence managers
// such as NetworkQualityPrefsManager, HostCachePersistenceManager, etc.
// It should be destroyed before |network_quality_estimator_| and
// after |context_|.
std::unique_ptr<CronetPrefsManager> cronet_prefs_manager_;
// The mapping between networks and their URLRequestContext. The only
// context guaranteed to exist for the entire lifetime of `this` is default
// one, which is associated to kInvalidNetworkHandle.
// For requests not requiring a specific network the default context must be
// used.
// Shorthand for the default context (needed by
// components/cronet/android/test/
net::URLRequestContext* default_context_;
bool is_default_context_initialized_;
// Context config is only valid until context is initialized.
std::unique_ptr<URLRequestContextConfig> context_config_;
// Effective experimental options. Kept for NetLog.
base::Value effective_experimental_options_;
// A queue of tasks that need to be run after context has been initialized.
base::queue<base::OnceClosure> tasks_waiting_for_context_;
// Task runner that runs network tasks.
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> network_task_runner_;
// Task runner that runs file tasks.
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> file_task_runner_;
// Callback implemented by the client.
std::unique_ptr<CronetContext::Callback> callback_;
friend class TestUtil;
class ContextGetter;
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> GetNetworkTaskRunner() const;
// Gets the file thread. Create one if there is none.
base::Thread* GetFileThread();
// Whether the connection status of active bidirectional streams should be
// monitored.
bool bidi_stream_detect_broken_connection_;
// If |bidi_stream_detect_broken_connection_| is true, this suggests the
// period of the heartbeat signal.
base::TimeDelta heartbeat_interval_;
const int default_load_flags_;
// File thread should be destroyed last.
std::unique_ptr<base::Thread> file_thread_;
// |network_tasks_| is owned by |this|. It is created off the network thread,
// but invoked and destroyed on network thread.
raw_ptr<NetworkTasks> network_tasks_;
// Network thread is destroyed from client thread.
std::unique_ptr<base::Thread> network_thread_;
// Task runner that runs network tasks.
scoped_refptr<base::SingleThreadTaskRunner> network_task_runner_;
} // namespace cronet