blob: 386ab8d93d4b03f2735c8fe81ed6e5aa70f61e8b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/device_event_log/device_event_log.h"
#include <string>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_task_runner_handle.h"
#include "components/device_event_log/device_event_log_impl.h"
namespace device_event_log {
namespace {
const size_t kDefaultMaxEntries = 4000;
const int kSlowMethodThresholdMs = 10;
// Loaded builders may perform badly, set this to a fairly high value to catch
// extreme cases.
const int kVerySlowMethodThresholdMs = 250;
DeviceEventLogImpl* g_device_event_log = nullptr;
} // namespace
const LogLevel kDefaultLogLevel = LOG_LEVEL_EVENT;
void Initialize(size_t max_entries) {
if (max_entries == 0)
max_entries = kDefaultMaxEntries;
g_device_event_log =
new DeviceEventLogImpl(base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get(), max_entries);
bool IsInitialized() {
return !!g_device_event_log;
void Shutdown() {
delete g_device_event_log;
g_device_event_log = nullptr;
void AddEntry(const char* file,
int line,
LogType type,
LogLevel level,
const std::string& event) {
if (g_device_event_log) {
g_device_event_log->AddEntry(file, line, type, level, event);
} else {
DeviceEventLogImpl::SendToVLogOrErrorLog(file, line, type, level, event);
void AddEntryWithDescription(const char* file,
int line,
LogType type,
LogLevel level,
const std::string& event,
const std::string& desc) {
std::string event_with_desc = event;
if (!desc.empty())
event_with_desc += ": " + desc;
AddEntry(file, line, type, level, event_with_desc);
std::string GetAsString(StringOrder order,
const std::string& format,
const std::string& types,
LogLevel max_level,
size_t max_events) {
if (!g_device_event_log)
return "DeviceEventLog not initialized.";
return g_device_event_log->GetAsString(order, format, types, max_level,
void ClearAll() {
if (g_device_event_log)
void Clear(const base::Time& begin, const base::Time& end) {
if (g_device_event_log)
g_device_event_log->Clear(begin, end);
int GetCountByLevelForTesting(LogLevel level) {
return g_device_event_log->GetCountByLevelForTesting(level);
namespace internal {
DeviceEventLogInstance::DeviceEventLogInstance(const char* file,
int line,
device_event_log::LogType type,
device_event_log::LogLevel level)
: file_(file), line_(line), type_(type), level_(level) {
DeviceEventLogInstance::~DeviceEventLogInstance() {
device_event_log::AddEntry(file_, line_, type_, level_, stream_.str());
const char* file,
int line,
device_event_log::LogType type,
device_event_log::LogLevel level,
logging::SystemErrorCode err)
: err_(err), log_instance_(file, line, type, level) {
DeviceEventSystemErrorLogInstance::~DeviceEventSystemErrorLogInstance() {
stream() << ": " << ::logging::SystemErrorCodeToString(err_);
ScopedDeviceLogIfSlow::ScopedDeviceLogIfSlow(LogType type,
const char* file,
const std::string& name)
: file_(file), type_(type), name_(name) {
ScopedDeviceLogIfSlow::~ScopedDeviceLogIfSlow() {
if (timer_.Elapsed().InMilliseconds() >= kSlowMethodThresholdMs) {
LogLevel level(LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG);
if (timer_.Elapsed().InMilliseconds() >= kVerySlowMethodThresholdMs)
DEVICE_LOG(type_, level) << "@@@ Slow method: " << file_ << ":" << name_
<< ": " << timer_.Elapsed().InMilliseconds()
<< "ms";
} // namespace internal
} // namespace device_event_log