blob: 950991eb15f3d5863d4a1085be2519f42b3566c0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "components/send_tab_to_self/send_tab_to_self_entry.h"
#include "components/send_tab_to_self/send_tab_to_self_model_observer.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace send_tab_to_self {
struct TargetDeviceInfo;
// The send tab to self model contains a list of entries of shared urls.
// This object should only be accessed from one thread, which is usually the
// main thread.
class SendTabToSelfModel {
SendTabToSelfModel(const SendTabToSelfModel&) = delete;
SendTabToSelfModel& operator=(const SendTabToSelfModel&) = delete;
virtual ~SendTabToSelfModel();
// Returns a vector of entry IDs in the model.
virtual std::vector<std::string> GetAllGuids() const = 0;
// Delete all entries.
virtual void DeleteAllEntries() = 0;
// Returns a specific entry. Returns null if the entry does not exist.
virtual const SendTabToSelfEntry* GetEntryByGUID(
const std::string& guid) const = 0;
// Adds |url| at the top of the entries. The entry title will be a
// trimmed copy of |title|. Allows clients to modify the state of the model
// as driven by user behaviors.
// Returns the entry if it was successfully added.
virtual const SendTabToSelfEntry* AddEntry(
const GURL& url,
const std::string& title,
const std::string& target_device_cache_guid) = 0;
// Remove entry with |guid| from entries. Allows clients to modify the state
// of the model as driven by user behaviors.
virtual void DeleteEntry(const std::string& guid) = 0;
// Dismiss entry with key |guid|. Allows clients to modify the state
// of the model as driven by user behaviors.
virtual void DismissEntry(const std::string& guid) = 0;
// Mark entry with key |guid| as opened. Allows clients to modify the state
// of the model as driven by user behaviors.
virtual void MarkEntryOpened(const std::string& guid) = 0;
// Guarantee that the model is operational and syncing, i.e., the local
// database is started and the initial data has been downloaded.
// This call and SendTabToSelfModelObserver::SendTabToSelfModelLoaded overlap,
// but this call allows non observers to infer if it is safe to interact with
// the model without first becoming an observer and creating a new bridge.
// This provides a more direct path for classes that would like to modify the
// model, but don't need to observe changes in it.
virtual bool IsReady() = 0;
// Observer registration methods. The model will remove all observers upon
// destruction automatically.
void AddObserver(SendTabToSelfModelObserver* observer);
void RemoveObserver(SendTabToSelfModelObserver* observer);
// Returns true if the user has valid target device.
virtual bool HasValidTargetDevice() = 0;
// Returns a vector of information about possible target devices, ordered by
// the last updated time stamp of the device with the most recently used
// device listed first. This is a thin layer on top of DeviceInfoTracker.
virtual std::vector<TargetDeviceInfo> GetTargetDeviceInfoSortedList() = 0;
// The observers.
base::ObserverList<SendTabToSelfModelObserver>::Unchecked observers_;
} // namespace send_tab_to_self