blob: 63b4ccc33cbf944d93971f81f13c19e005d482a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/values.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/web_crypto.h"
namespace webcrypto {
class CryptoData;
class Status;
// Helper class for parsing a JWK from JSON.
// This primarily exists to ensure strict enforcement of the JWK schema, as the
// type and presence of particular members is security relevant. For example,
// GetString() will ensure a given JSON member is present and is a string type,
// and will fail if these conditions aren't met.
// Users of JwkReader must call Init() successfully before any other method can
// be called.
class JwkReader {
// Initializes a JWK reader by parsing the JSON |bytes|. To succeed, the JWK
// must:
// * Have "kty" matching |expected_kty|
// * Have "ext" compatible with |expected_extractable|
// * Have usages ("use", "key_ops") compatible with |expected_usages|
// * Have an "alg" matching |expected_alg|
// NOTE: If |expected_alg| is empty, then the test on "alg" is skipped.
Status Init(const CryptoData& bytes,
bool expected_extractable,
blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageMask expected_usages,
const std::string& expected_kty,
const std::string& expected_alg);
// Returns true if the member |member_name| is present.
bool HasMember(const std::string& member_name) const;
// Extracts the required string member |member_name| and saves the result to
// |*result|. If the member does not exist or is not a string, returns an
// error.
Status GetString(const std::string& member_name, std::string* result) const;
// Extracts the optional string member |member_name| and saves the result to
// |*result| if it was found. If the member exists and is not a string,
// returns an error. Otherwise returns success, and sets |*member_exists| if
// it was found.
Status GetOptionalString(const std::string& member_name,
std::string* result,
bool* member_exists) const;
// Extracts the optional array member |member_name| and saves the result to
// |*result| if it was found. If the member exists and is not an array,
// returns an error. Otherwise returns success, and sets |*member_exists| if
// it was found.
// NOTE: |*result| is owned by the JwkReader.
Status GetOptionalList(const std::string& member_name,
const base::ListValue** result,
bool* member_exists) const;
// Extracts the required string member |member_name| and saves the
// base64url-decoded bytes to |*result|. If the member does not exist or is
// not a string, or could not be base64url-decoded, returns an error.
Status GetBytes(const std::string& member_name, std::string* result) const;
// Extracts the required base64url member, which is interpreted as being a
// big-endian unsigned integer.
// Sequences that contain leading zeros will be rejected.
Status GetBigInteger(const std::string& member_name,
std::string* result) const;
// Extracts the optional boolean member |member_name| and saves the result to
// |*result| if it was found. If the member exists and is not a boolean,
// returns an error. Otherwise returns success, and sets |*member_exists| if
// it was found.
Status GetOptionalBool(const std::string& member_name,
bool* result,
bool* member_exists) const;
// Gets the optional algorithm ("alg") string.
Status GetAlg(std::string* alg, bool* has_alg) const;
// Checks if the "alg" member matches |expected_alg|.
Status VerifyAlg(const std::string& expected_alg) const;
base::Value dict_;
// Helper class for building the JSON for a JWK.
class JwkWriter {
// Initializes a writer, and sets the standard JWK members as indicated.
// |algorithm| is optional, and is only written if the provided |algorithm| is
// non-empty.
JwkWriter(const std::string& algorithm,
bool extractable,
blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageMask usages,
const std::string& kty);
// Sets a string member |member_name| to |value|.
void SetString(const std::string& member_name, const std::string& value);
// Sets a bytes member |value| to |value| by base64 url-safe encoding it.
void SetBytes(const std::string& member_name, const CryptoData& value);
// Flattens the JWK to JSON (UTF-8 encoded if necessary, however in practice
// it will be ASCII).
void ToJson(std::vector<uint8_t>* utf8_bytes) const;
base::Value dict_;
// Converts a JWK "key_ops" array to the corresponding WebCrypto usages. Used by
// testing.
Status GetWebCryptoUsagesFromJwkKeyOpsForTest(
const base::ListValue* key_ops,
blink::WebCryptoKeyUsageMask* usages);
} // namespace webcrypto