blob: a411fc46e1f147ceaaa397f763eff82b330a7a5a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Message definitions for the input subprotocol.
// The InputMessage protobuf generally carries web input events. Currently we
// just serialize the blink::WebInputEvent POD struct.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package blimp;
message GestureCommon {
optional int64 x = 1;
optional int64 y = 2;
optional int64 global_x = 3;
optional int64 global_y = 4;
message GestureScrollBegin {
optional float delta_x_hint = 1;
optional float delta_y_hint = 2;
optional bool target_viewport = 3;
message GestureScrollUpdate {
optional float delta_x = 1;
optional float delta_y = 2;
optional float velocity_x = 3;
optional float velocity_y = 4;
optional bool previous_update_in_sequence_prevented = 5;
optional bool prevent_propagation = 6;
optional bool inertial = 7;
message GestureFlingStart {
optional float velocity_x = 1;
optional float velocity_y = 2;
optional bool target_viewport = 3;
message GestureFlingCancel {
optional bool prevent_boosting = 1;
message GestureTap {
optional int32 tap_count = 1;
optional float width = 2;
optional float height = 3;
message GesturePinchUpdate {
optional bool zoom_disabled = 1;
optional float scale = 2;
message InputMessage {
enum Type {
// This is a subset of WebGestureType events. We only support a small set
// of these with the existing protocol.
Type_GestureScrollBegin = 1;
Type_GestureScrollEnd = 2;
Type_GestureScrollUpdate = 3;
Type_GestureFlingStart = 4;
Type_GestureFlingCancel = 5;
Type_GestureTap = 6;
Type_GesturePinchBegin = 7;
Type_GesturePinchEnd = 8;
Type_GesturePinchUpdate = 9;
optional Type type = 1;
// An ID that corresponds to RenderWidgetMessage.render_widget_id.
optional uint32 render_widget_id = 10;
// Seconds since client platform start (boot) with millisecond resolution.
// On Android, this is based off of the client's SystemClock#uptimeMillis().
optional double timestamp_seconds = 2;
optional GestureCommon gesture_common = 3;
// Input event specific messages follow.
// Only one of these fields may be set per InputMessage.
// TODO(dtrainor): use a 'oneof' union when it's supported in Chromium. See
optional GestureScrollBegin gesture_scroll_begin = 4;
optional GestureScrollUpdate gesture_scroll_update = 5;
optional GestureFlingStart gesture_fling_start = 6;
optional GestureFlingCancel gesture_fling_cancel = 7;
optional GestureTap gesture_tap = 8;
optional GesturePinchUpdate gesture_pinch_update = 9;