blob: 4be2759326f7473e62b0be8ef0c36674e9577691 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "extensions/common/permissions/api_permission.h"
namespace base {
class Value;
} // namespace base
namespace extensions {
// A pattern that can be used to match a USB device permission.
// Should be of the format: vendorId:productId, where both vendorId and
// productId are decimal strings representing uint16_t values.
class UsbDevicePermissionData {
enum SpecialValues {
// A special interface id for stating permissions for an entire USB device,
// no specific interface. This value must match value of Rule::ANY_INTERFACE
// from ChromeOS permission_broker project.
// A special interface id for |Check| to indicate that interface field is
// not to be checked. Not used in manifest file.
UsbDevicePermissionData(int vendor_id,
int product_id,
int interface_id,
int interface_class);
// Check if |param| (which must be a UsbDevicePermissionData::CheckParam)
// matches the vendor and product IDs associated with |this|.
bool Check(const APIPermission::CheckParam* param) const;
// Convert |this| into a base::Value.
std::unique_ptr<base::Value> ToValue() const;
// Populate |this| from a base::Value.
bool FromValue(const base::Value* value);
bool operator<(const UsbDevicePermissionData& rhs) const;
bool operator==(const UsbDevicePermissionData& rhs) const;
const int& vendor_id() const { return vendor_id_; }
const int& product_id() const { return product_id_; }
const int& interface_class() const { return interface_class_; }
// These accessors are provided for IPC_STRUCT_TRAITS_MEMBER. Please
// think twice before using them for anything else.
int& vendor_id() { return vendor_id_; }
int& product_id() { return product_id_; }
int& interface_class() { return interface_class_; }
int vendor_id_{SPECIAL_VALUE_ANY};
int product_id_{SPECIAL_VALUE_ANY};
// Not useful anymore. Kept around not to trigger permission change warnings
// for existing apps.
int interface_id_{SPECIAL_VALUE_ANY};
int interface_class_{SPECIAL_VALUE_ANY};
} // namespace extensions